Atheist culture vs Christian culture

Really causes you contemplate your eternal salvation.

>christian culture
>gay man statue flaunting his dick in my face

>atheist culture
>kick ass bench to sit on if tired

christians are gay and like making statues of benis

> You zeroing in on micro-penis.

Based Leaf

fuck the commies

>And atheists call themselves smart

>Literal faggots who cannot appreciate art

I'm Christian but my wife is atheist so we attend an agnostic church together.

How is that bench remotely kickass?

too obsessed with dicks

you cuck

>tfw grampy died this summer
>tfw i wanted a kicken bench to sit on

Atheists would need benches strategically placed every 15 ft for them to sit their fat greasy asses on, wouldn't they?

This makes me ashamed to be an atheist.

That's 75 percent of a bench taken up by a portion of pseudo intellectual hot garbage. Sounds about right.

Wtf i love christianity now

You do realise that the overwhelming majority of classical artists/architects where atheists just making shit for the church for money right?


Islamic art

Atheism is practical and realistic, when someone asked them what everyone should do in life they say "whatever doesint make you kill yourself"

Christians are grand and buitiful and compelling and completely useless, they will tell you everything that you should and shouldn't do, but never asked your opinion on any of it beacause GOD WILLS IT

Basically helping pepole beacause of logic and being miserable but free VS living in ignorance but being happy and not hollow inside beacause at least God loves you


Pol is keks board

Get out normie

It should probably be noted that almost every single major figure in the atheist movement is Jewish. You could make a compelling argument that atheism is specifically being pushed by Jews in today's society, and they seem to largely be targeting western Christians and only them.

For example, Sam Harris, Chapman Cohen, David Silverman, Michael Newdow, Gregory Epstein, Sherman Wine, Bill Maher, Eric Kaufmann, and of course, Richard Dawkins's mother has a Jewish surname and was stated to have lived in the only Jewish suburb of the city she grew up in. But he hasn't explicitly named her religion.

But that's only a tiny part of the list. We could discuss the Jewish atheists who aren't pushing atheism so much as atheism-enabling political views like Marxism. For example Soklonikov, Trotsky, Deutscher, Lenin, Uritsky, Kamenev, Zinoviev and Sverdlov.

And what about atheist Jewish public entertainers that constantly run down Christianity? We can go ahead and recycle Bill Maher here and also include Jon Leibowitz, Stephen Fry, Woody Allen, Rob Reiner, Daniel Radcliffe, Larry David, David Silverman, and... I'm sure I'm close to the post cap, so rather than just name the rest of Hollywood, you get the point.


I don't even know where to begin with this. But I'll just go ahead and keep it simple: you're a retard

Literally a cuck if serious, but I took this as a joke so I lol'd

>posts a work of art made by an artist who constantly mocked the Church


>revisionist history

top b8


He literally implied that God was a product of our mind in the sixtine chapel you gigantic faggot.

No he didn't, you read that off LMAO

On Sundays we go to a church that doesn't necessarily exist.

>cracked drew the veil surrounding God

Faggot catholics worship crackers and are not Christian.

t. mexican intellectual. the angel right above God has the same cloak, is he a veil too.

How can you be so stupid to not realize that it's a representation of the brain?

Is it because you don't have one?

Is your head filled with curry? Rice?


Out of arguments?

>to sit on if tired

very useful since most atheists are obese fedora wearing young men

Doesn't represent a brain.

I think you are comparing White culture vs Jewish culture. Most of what you call Atheism is Jews masquerading as Atheists


pick one and only one

I have more respect for atheists than I do for protestants.

>preferring Jewish lapdogs

Protestantism is one of the most antisemitic religions. Martin Luther as well as the early church fathers thought jews were literally spawn of Satan.

that was my first post in the thread sucka

Why does Sup Forums insist that pretty much all atheists are fedora wearing obese fucks just because the retards you see like 'the amazing athiest' calling themselves atheist fall under those stereotypes?

>wasted resources and time on a shitty cold stone bench instead of a wooden one without the edgy writing on it


You wish you could be as based as David and Jonathan. Let alone uncover your parents' nakedness, nobody uncovers your own. Fat cheesy neckbearded slob

Christians do have better culture I have to admit.
But atheist were practically non-existent before Darwin. Hell, even now they make like 6% of population. It's still considered taboo in countries like mine.

>Protestantism is one of the most antisemitic religions
^this, how does that escape people? honestly....

eww, you gave pepe herpes, you kike

Contrarianism. Sup Forums in general is a haven of contrarianism, but Sup Forums is a special entity of this concept. Sup Forums's board culture is essentially contrarian to the rest of Sup Forums, which is itself contrarian to normal culture. Therefore, users of Sup Forums begin to identify with more normal cultural values, like Christianity / fedora-posting to ridicule / criticize concepts that they don't have any real arguments against.

Essentially, just effortless contrarian shitposting.

The vast majority of Atheists don't even talk about it that much, or care. I've never been religious my entire life, was raised in a non-religious household and allowed to form my own beliefs / opinions on whatever I wanted. My parents aren't even atheists as far as I know, they just aren't religious at all. I hardly ever even think about atheism / religion or topics related to them, but my beliefs are strictly agnostic-atheist and I keep it to myself unless there's some conversation on the topic.

The vast majority of Atheists I've known / know are like this. I have yet to meet the stereotypical edgy "fedora" atheist. Maybe when I was younger I knew a few edgy people like that, but it's a phase in life most people grow out of and become more modest / less vocal in their beliefs.

I swear sandniggers are khorne worshipers

The problem with that contrarianism is that it's internally inconsistent.

Sup Forums can either be Christian or it can hold its other views.

>Agnostic church
What kind of absolute bullshit is this?

Honestly, this is one thing I really dislike about some Atheists, they treat it as a belief system instead of simply a denial of the existence of deities. It's nothing more than that once you get down to the core concept.

I don't live my life differently because I'm an Atheist, religion itself is simply irrelevant in my life, I don't need it, I don't need deities to look up to, or religious texts to give me a sense or morality or purpose. I don't need a belief system for Atheism to re-enforce my views on religion / deities.

It is a system of beliefs you fucking tard. It is belief in the lack of a deity, and the distaste for the dogmatic institutions surrounding said deities.

Just because a person doesn't believe in Abrahamic God or Islamic God doesn't make him faithless. Quite the opposite, because he's putting forth strong feelings towards something in which he has no certain proof is actually so. You know, like how people can believe god exists without actually knowing? Almost like its the same shit on a different coin. Really makes you think. An atheist would be, by definition, more "faithful" than a fucking agnostic, just on the merit that he picked a definitive side.

In fact, i'd go so far as to say that someone like Richard Dawkins puts more fucking faith in his denial of god than most Christians do in God. Dawkins would, by definition, have a stronger belief or faith than an actual religious man.

SO tolerant, such diversity.

Because in the eyes of Sup Forums and Sup Forums alone, refusing to believe in a 2000 year old sandnigger fairy tale is about the most edgy and immature thing you can do, and it warrants ridicule.

>Reddit the post
Sup Forums is a European board, please leave our art unmolested by your retardation.

And Muhammad was more antisemitic than Luther, what is your point?


>tfw literally look like the david when naked
Feels good man.

>An atheist believes

a Christian achieves

>Christian culture
>Uses a statue that is basically an hommage to heathen Greek culture
So heathen>christian>atheist?

proud of noquads/traps/tris/forearms and a small dick

nice, 1 year lifting detected

>atheists instantly focus on the dick

What a surprise.

Catholicism has an 8 day celebration in honor of Jesus' foreskin. It's a relic and worshipped. You literally cant make this shit up

Charles Darwin is an atheist and he is a based man he is on your side Sup Forums

Charles Darwin wasn't an atheist u plonker



He watched Westworld.



Of course the American would call the bench kickass,
They can only appreciate stuff they can rest their fat arses on.

"Gas the kikes. Race war Now" - Jesus

>implying communism isn't the grandchild of proper Christian dogma

Jesus was a wus who loved helping the weak, the dirty, the dumb, the useless. He hated government, and after all, pride is a deadly sin, hence being even patriotic seems unchristian.
Don't forget that racism isn't Christian either.

Cultural, positive, Christianity is good, but dogmatic Christianity is utter shit.

it's nice and cozy having in mind the prospect of the coming of Kingdom of Heaven to earth


Like said, communism and dogmatic Christianity is a tool to enslave the great and help the weak.
Communism is based on Jesus.

If you would ask ol Jesus himself, he would probably want a theocratic anarcho syndicalist society.

Nope, you seem to be one of those people that believe anyone in the past that was intelligent and religious/theistic was secretly atheist, without having any evidence other than an opinion

Take your life seriously

I read smth about it, they found smaller dicks to be better looking. Would even make sense given that animals are known for having larger ones, you know, like horses, niggers and so.


This is plain untrue; read more and trust the words that people speak throughout history. It's really all we have.

>believing in a god or a higher power without conclusive proof

Why are you delusional idiots being so retarded? You know who else are retarded and believe in stupid things? Sandniggers. Do you realize that you're being as stupid as mudslimes?

Also, Anglo parasite, since you wish to mention jews, let us add some more:
>Jesus, the son of God
>Mary, the mother of Jesus
>Joseph, "Jesus is my wife's son"
>almost everyone in the old Testament from Abraham, Moses and so on
>much of the apostles
Not to forget that it is almost fully based on Jewish mythology.


you need some love in your life

it's always there whenever you want it

pick one Burger

>thinks modern day Jews are the same as the ones in the past

At least understand the topic that you're discussing.

there is no althiest "culture", or in states like the USSR where they inevitably elevate the state (or figurehead) to "god" (omnipotence, infalability etc...) and eventually eat themselves, or develop beliefs like their king has no butthole and cant poop.

The other exception is that which lives within the morals and ethics of theist culture.

and you need to get a job, hippie

Francis is the most Christian Pope of all times.

>calling other people retards

If life is meaningless then kys

Innocence always beats arrogance

he's not giving away any of that gold in the vatican....

>inb4 killing yourself is meaningless

>Expecting me to read all the fedora tipping shit on the right

Atheism isn't a culture anyway, it never was.

It's simple the weak willed of the race trying to find an outlet to their thoughts that doesn't involve being a decent human.

its just the names of athiests and a bench.