What's his plan for North Korea Sup Forums?


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Physical Punishment

He's probably just impotently whine like every other kike puppet has.

Just a refresher in case lurkers don't know.


>Israeli-North Korean relations are very hostile,[1] and North Korea has never recognized the state of Israel, denouncing it as an "imperialist satellite".[2] Since 1988 it recognises the sovereignty of the State of Palestine over all of Israel, except for the Golan Heights, which it recognises as part of Syria.

>Over the years, North Korea has supplied missile technology to Israel's neighbours, including Iran, Syria, Libya, and Egypt.[4][5][6] Syria, which has a history of confrontations with Israel, has long maintained a relationship with North Korea based on the cooperation between their respective nuclear programs.

>When North Korea opened up for Western tourists in 1986 it excluded citizens of Israel along with those of Japan, the United States, and France.[8] Jewish people from other countries have experienced problems entering North Korea.

get them to nuke themselves so they win.

Sprinkle some freedom, maybe? What do you think, leaf?

Israel is not the enemy. International jews are the enemy.

North Korea is pretty based. They're a bit like poor man's Nazis too.

absolute madman

I really hope North Korea doesn't get destroyed in the next 5 or so years

I really wanna visit there

they literally only do this to provoke us and the shoah survivors

Well if they didn't have China backing them, we could (and probably would've long ago) just bomb all their research facilities / bomb storage facilities / various Military facilities, ect to neutralize their plans. Trump might just not give a fuck and do it anyway, even without China's ok.

best korea couldn't even launch a satellite properly, they managed to get some garbage spinning uncontrollably in orbit, when shit does not explode on the launchpad. The last big nuclear test they claim to do was an earthquake.

The only people that should fear best korea is the south, since they have a bunch of artillery aimed at seoul. They are a crumbling state that can't feed its own people that only exists because china wants a buffer between itself and south korea

we don't need to do much

Kill yourself immediately.

>get them to nuke themselves so they win.
No, that's the plan for Canada.

some day

No. They do it because they recognize the inherent danger, corrosion, and subversion present in the jewish race. Keep your bullshit crypto-zionist narratives on free republic and breitbart where they belong, you nigger loving faggot.

>They do it because they recognize the inherent danger, corrosion, and subversion present in the jewish race.

This is a country that smuggles meth in diplomatic pouches to make cash on the side. They will do anything for cash, they care fuck all about jews

>scrutinizes my so-called racist tone while saying jews are inherently dangerous vile and subverts

nice meme

>they care fuck all about jews
Then there would be no reason whatsoever to ban jewish tourists regardless of their country of origin or disassociate entirely from Israel and explicitly arm Israel's enemies.

Keep your bullshit narratives to yourself.

hes just talking tough.

Strange considering that both Israel and North Korea are both ethno-states.

He's opening up everything for discussion to pressure China.

Recognizing Taiwan, arming Japan with nuclear weapons, attacking N Korea, etc. He's trying to see where they'll break. And when they capitulate on something, he'll twist the knife.

There's nothing strange about it once you understand that jews need to be exterminated because of their specific racial characteristics.

They sell weapons to anyone who will buy them, in other words the enemies of the US, who are also the enemies of Israel. Everything in the DPRK is about defeating the US.

The DPRK considers Israel an imperialist satellite of the US and therefore does not recognize the country. Its all about their hate for the US, not about the jews.

Then there wouldn't be any reason to ban jewish tourists regardless of their country of origin. But they do this anyway.
>inb4 it's to get at the US
Is that because the US is an explicitly jewish country? Exactly. Defeating the US = defeating the jews. No matter how much you don't want to own up to that

You do realize that there is no free travel in and out of the DPRK. US citizens can not go either, if Israel is a country they don't recognize naturally they wouldn't allow them in. Every jew has the right of return, therefore are citizens of Israel , a puppet state of the US, so naturally they don't let them in either.

Its a result of their crazy policy. Regardless why would anyone want to go to a country that takes your passport on entry, does not give you free travel, bugs your hotel room, does not allow you a cellphone, and has a minder follow you everywhere yo go?

Do you keep deliberately misinterpreting what I'm saying to you? Regardless of North Korea's lack of free travel, jews are straight up banned REGARDLESS of national origin. Of the four countries that are outright banned three [the US, Israel, and France] are the most jewish countries on the planet and the fourth [Japan] is a direct military colony of the JewSA.

I don't give a fuck about the right of return. I don't give a fuck about North Korea's handling of tourists. It's sidestepping nonsense from a KIKE poster trying to obfuscate the deliberate racial exclusion of jews and the nuclear capability that makes doing a fucking thing about it impossible.

Hail North Korea.

US citizens can go to North Korea.
North Korea is a racialist country and they dislike anyone not Korean.

Trump is calling Best Korea's bluff.

>North Korea is a racialist country and they dislike anyone not Korean.
I'm well aware and that's terrific.

North Korea doesn't have a "bluff". They operate under crippling jewish sanctions like Germany and South Africa were forced to. The only reason they still exist is because they have nuclear weapons.

>earnestly defending the DPRK

Alejandro, is that you?

>Being a jew and getting monstrously assblasted when your zionist nonsense gets rejected.

>The only reason they still exist is because they have nuclear weapons.

The only reason they exist is because China allows them to exist because they want a buffer and because they have enough artillery aimed at Seoul to level the city. That and any move by the US would antagonize China. They are a pawn in the politics of the region. Their existence does not depend on Nuclear weapons but upon the needs and largess of china.

Their nuclear capability is dubious at best, most if not all of their tests turn out to be TNT or earthquakes.

Go be a kike shill somewhere else.

>da joos

Alejandro, why don't you enjoy a nice Coca Cola and some Hewlitt Packard computers?

How about a nice 10 minutes of an elliptical, you fat piece of garbage.

We know you hate your daddy.

pretty much this.


Tubby little faggot

if I were a dictator I would do the same thing, hella liquor and bitches while poor "people" starve. Mad respect to the Kim family for keeping it real

That really would be the best course of action. The Chinese are too chicken shit too actually do anything about it anyway and honestly they are even getting sick of N. Korea's shit.

China is actually unhappy they exist at this point as they're a nice reason for US to even have a presence there and for US to install missile defense in the region.

you okay?

>mfw Kim Jong-Un is actually posting in this thread
Go fuck yourself you fat little faggot.


That is a fair point. Unfortunately china does not want to spend the money to fix the problem, SK does not want to spend the money to fix it, and neither does the US.

China won't let the US and SK in to fix them even if they wanted to spend the money and China does not want the refuges it would have to educate. Its a shitty situation that everyone is forced to tolerate because no one side can or will act

Probably nothing, unless they somehow get a nuke small enough to put on a functional rocket that can reach us. Then we'll probably smoke their asses and intercept anything they try to launch. The biggest deterrent against removing the DPRK regime is nobody wants to deal with the humanitarian crisis in the aftermath.

Kim would have a Russian IP. There was a guy who did a bunch of port scans and shit on DPRK computers, found some shoddy security and accessed some networks. They use a number of satellite links from Russian telecommunication companies

Based N.Korea.

They really do tell it like it is. Except to their own citizens.