Anyone else doing nofap 2017

anyone else doing nofap 2017

its been so freaking hard so far i think im addicted to jerking off

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I failed Day 2

Accidentally stumbled upon some really good shit

Yeah, also NoGaming and also NoOpiates too.

I always quit one of these 3 and end up binging on the others to compensate, I clearly have dopamine issues and the only solution is temporary suffering of cold turkey.

Anyone who says overuse of video games or pornography can't significantly affect dopamine receptors is living in 2010.

i can jerk off to almost anything

i was watching a video of a girl eating and i got hard from it

Only noporn

I always fap before taking a shower and going to bed. So I lasted around 1 hour without fapping in 2017.

Not no fap, just reduced. Keeping it to a weekly basis but looking at porn makes it hard as fuck. So I barely browse Sup Forums.

The hardest part is how much free time I have now.

What should I do to fill up my time now that I don't fap every day?

stay mad no cucks

Women are gross.


Growth occurs in times of pain and suffering, keep going.

I'm not going to fap again until I kiss a girl.

This is gonna be hard.

you should try taking tranny drugs
I haven't thought about fapping in over a month



What are benefits of no fap?

If I dont fap for a while I usually just have a hot dream and cream all over my bed.

No, some old guy gave me a Gideons New Testament a few months ago to thank me for calling him a tow truck. It was bookmarked with a single american dollar bill and had John 3:16 underlined. I thought it was a nice gesture. Anyway, from that day I haven't had to fap multiple times a day and now only have to once a week maybe, just as maintenance. Been working more and more on my spirit now, since I have more time for that.

Day 3 going strong. Dont give up yet

change the zero to an "o"



Fuck sake

> not getting into femdom and orgasm denial
> not buying a chastity cage
> not finding a keyholder qt


yeah. masturbation is in the realm of faggotry. it should really be in there with LGBT and all that. they need to add an M for masturbators. they dont though because masturbation is already socially acceptable enough. the jews have already won that war. it is too far close to the top of the slippery slope

Yep, still going strong.

im about to fail it you guys

please pray for me i dont want to do it


No. Because fapping is good. Remember a fap a day keeps the women and jews away from your wallet.

ok but for how long?

Yeah. Luckily, I have a fuckbuddy that I hang out with everyday so it's not really hard. I've had sex every single day so far this year.

>last 30 seconds
>feels good man


Enjoy abstinence

I shall delve into this. Thanks Brit.

I love these threads because I'm not actually addicted to fapping but at some point someone will eventually post some really good porn

you say that but i bet you jerk off almost every day


No thanks, I don't want die of prostate cancer.

I jerk off when I feel like. Nofap makes only sense when you jerk it multiple times a day.

I'm on no weed. It sucks but I've got a lot done the last two days. Also I have started a new diet which sucks (from my doctor)

Men need to ejaculate every so often. It's biology! If that means fapping, then fuck it, I'm fapping.

hope your lifting as well

what if i just edge but dont cum


thats nocum dumbass

>hey user, eat some vegetables every day, less sugar, and more protein
>"ugh my doctor put me on a sucky diet, I hate that asshole "

nodildo here

im really missing my 14in doubledong

it was so much fun to fit the whole thing up my ass

now i just have to use a little vibrating prostate massager and it isnt as satisfying

now i don't have to clean poo off it anymore so i suppose thats a positive

i threw it in the bin, it was starting to smell like poo anyway

crap i failed now i need to start over

>Literally 2 days

Good job user. lol.

Currently trying, most I ever got last year was 6 weeks

Can you jerk off to this?

oh fuck that dopamine rush feels so good

Im doing no weed 2017. I have not smoked anything this WHOLE year!

Me too, but getting triggered

I think he was staged to be shit shite. Why is she so white. Why is he so fake. That fucking bacon face. Isn't he Jewish? Why is he eating bacon

I used to be addicted but i forced myself to only play games at weekends.

Fucking iphones. To be SO shite. Good thing corbyn is kind of half decent

nofap is liberal propoganda
you have to wank at least twice a day to remain sane or you may rape someone
I have urges if I don't fap for longer than two days

bunch of amateurs, I've been doing nofap for about 8 years now.

Holy shit. Who's this? That is one of the most beautiful red-heads my eyes have ever beheld.

thats blonde fagboy, second post is muh dick tier tho

Yes, but not by choice

Fapping is degenerate as fuck. Everytime I stop fapping for months my life gets leagues better and I become highly motivated. You shouldn't trick your brain into thinking that you're getting laid and fulfilling your duty to procreate

Stay away from alcohol, masturbation, drugs, caffeine and stop browsing Sup Forums and your outlook will be infinitely better

fuck you mean "not by choice"?
You can remove that damn thing when ever the fuck you want.

it's only been three days, pussy

if you can't take it, then get a gf

I have a long distance relationship and only get to have sex on the weekends. If I go more than 2 days without fapping I start entertaining the idea of finding a local fuck-buddy online... Something I would never want to happen.

I truly believe porn keeps millions of men from cheating.

damn, firebushes truly are the best

If you want to shred your dick, sure.

Day 3 going strong.

On day 7. Feels like nothing because I recently made a 50-day streak.

Try and rationalize it all you like buy you're still being a cuck wanking off to other men fucking women.

why the fuck would you ever have anything that bores into the shaft of your dick like that?
I can totally get a PA piercing, but that shit is just too much. Why the fuck would you agree to something like that?

POV porn isn't that cucked if you can trick your brain into thinking that you're fucking the girl on screen.

Been trying for years now, haven't gotten much past 10 days. I know I could do it if I had a gf to fuck, but fapping/pron makes me apathetic towards getting a gf. It's a viscous cycle.

Fucking this.

meant for

lol I remember when I was pathetic enough to try this.

All it does is make you horny as shit thus making you want to go outside and rape someone but since betas don't leave their house, they need not apply.

There is nothing wrong with smoking weed.

>All it does is make you horny as shit thus making you want to go outside and rape someone but since betas don't leave their house, they need not apply.

Nofap for long enough and your rape drive will 100% cause you to leave the house.

>viscous cycle


My dakimakura is looking pretty sexy. This isn't as easy as I thought it would be.

Last time i masturbated was on friday dec. 30 at about 12 p.m. eastern. I watched porn a few times but didnt touch myself at all. I did precum. But that happens every time i get hard

*a few times since then

Don't watch porn, bro - it brainwashes everybody into cuckoldry. Good thing you watched it academically though. Smart to detach and view it with cold, scientific disdain.

what if you are watching porn of youself fucking a woman?

Day 21. Stay strong brother

>i can jerk off to almost anything
Try jerking off to Pepe Poo Poo Pee Pee after your 2017 nofap :^)

No I need to fap at least twice a day just to not rape every woman I meet

Tbh i never masturbated until jan 2016. Before then i always watched porn for the entertainment and not to ejaculate. Since then everytime i watch porn i always thinking about going back to reading sexual stories(my first time, incest stories) instead of porn.

This thread is now being sabotaged by the Ass Master

I was just about to add that, actually. Yes! good point, friend. That's by far the least damaging. That's the only thing I watch, if anything. But she has to be there willingly and not paid. Otherwise you're cucking yourself with money - because money's using the male body as a transmitter of cash to the female. That's no good.


I only fap to solo

Still fapping only once a week, no problems here. Scheduled for friday

Its hard to stop watching porn when you watches it for entertainment. Also i found out if i put my penis between my thighs and rubed dry(somewhat like pic related) i could cum in less that 1 minute

Masturbating is degenerate, but most people aren't aware enough to realise it. In past times people would get married at young ages and bypass this issue. In the modern era, everybody is forced to either masturbate or commit HARLOTRY. Although there are the few resilient folks who become become no-fap aspiring wizards, or even no-fap wizards. Although most people won't do this with free will.

Not so fast nofappers I will defeat you

No, lost it during some mom son kino today