Edgy anti-Brazil meme thread? I'll start

Edgy anti-Brazil meme thread? I'll start

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Don't have any of those but here's my new microwave

Nice! What's its power draw?

About half-mast.

Looks pretty shitty my dude



The microwave or my balls?

gib bundas

go back to ifunny faggot

so sad

ever since the monarchy suffered a coup shit got shitty and shittier

please take me away i cant stand to live in this hell anymore

its so hot I cant sleep or think, and I have an air conditioner


Dude, just move to Montevideo or Argentina.
Problem solved.

I hate Brazil too. I will contribute.

Unless you're a nigger, of course, to which case you should stay in your favela and die.

Cant do the phd I want there


do your phd here and then move to greener pastures.
I plan on finishing my software engineering degree, working some, and then leaving as soon as i'm able,

Thats plan B

Plan A is trying to get a new phd in the US, maybe portugal and leaving alltoghether

i can't come up with anything anti-Brazil -_-
they are nice people peacefully living on the other side of the globe.

This desu
Luckly I have Italian family, so as soon as I get my dual citizenship I leave
Don't worry lasagnas, I'm blonde and prob whiter than you


Fuck off with this meme


This is like election night 2016. Beautiful.

This gets me every time