Why aren't we seizing the means of production?

Why aren't we seizing the means of production?

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My country was much better off under Communism. Higher life expectancy, less poverty and hopelessness. You would get flats for free.

Communist and socialist revolutions tend to include a lot of deaths.

>communigger wants to chimp out

I don't know how to seize anything except another tub of ice cream from the fridge, while playing World of Warcraft. I'd make for a good decoy, for about half a second.

i think thats just because your country is a more shitty version of russia

Because we already have the means of production you literal retard.

"The Bosses" include those who have to manage risk and pay for everything, research and develop goods and services, and oversee that the process is done correctly. The "laborers" don't have to do any of that. They have the least amount of financial risk and do simpler work in exchange for a voluntarily agreed-upon portion of the direct monetary value of their work.

Go for it comrades

Because the people that owned them got them fair and square. You wouldn't want to be immoral, now would you?

I'm trying to seize the means of Reproduction if you get what i mean heheheh

>inb4 a socialist world we'd all share that ass


Why aren't we seizing the memes of production?

> Russia, you missed one



seize away


Why are you surprised?
You new to Sup Forums?

I havent come across a day in past 2 Weeks where he didnt post that thread.

To be honest, I think a lot of these threads are from LARPing anons, who go over topics to keep the discussion alive and show why it is a bad idea.
Otherwhise we will end up like reddit, where you have maybe two or three people who know what they are talking about and the rest just blindly agrees without thinking for themself.
Not that it does not happen on Sup Forums too, but the conversation is way more open and even if you share the same ideology you still get called out when your post is filled with bullshit.

>Why are you surprised?
>You new to Sup Forums?
No, I have just now decided to make a post about it, i thought he'd give up one day

and i'v probably been on Sup Forums longer than you, you stupid cyka blyat.
so do us a favor and shut the fuck up you new fag

>i thought he'd give up one day
No he wont.
>and i'v probably been on Sup Forums longer than you, you stupid cyka blyat.
so do us a favor and shut the fuck up you new fag

Wow, you are so fucking tough, isulting people anonymously.
Good for you!

>so do us a favor and shut the fuck up you new fag
don't you know that only newfags call people newfags you retard

>Wow, you are so fucking tough, isulting people anonymously.
>implying you're not doing the same at this very moment
nice fucking bait you autistic faggot

>flats for free
Nothing is free.


Bourgie propaganda


>so do us a favor and shut the fuck up you new fag
forgot the >
>don't you know that only newfags call people newfags you retard
so you call yoursefl a newfag?
its your text...

>nice fucking bait you autistic faggot
Bait? no.
Autistic? nope.
But since my line of work has much to do with psychology, im pretty sure that being insulted by a neutral question is actually autistic behavior. Altough you need an actual Doctor to confirm this.

The USSR's internal politics was complex and absurd. Please don't say you know why Stalin purged half of the party, and why that half of the party previously purged another half of the party. What were all those committees for?

Nazis had a simple myth, the USSR morphed from one form to another in a matter of years.

>work with your own labor for the means of production
>rent it out to allow people to work
>pass it on to your kids
>kids do the same
>amass wealth this way

>because there's a lot of wealth that's somehow bad
>because your workers don't own what you do is bad

How do you make a rational, moral argument to seize something someone down the line honestly worked for?

Checkmate communists.

>poor retards can't survive without others supporting them
The mongols should've ended you.
Lenin believed in capitalism more than communism, it's the reason why he took his hiatus in Swissland and then instituted Farmland feudal-capitalism.



Communists have seized the means to production.

Everything in your shit as house was made in China. Things that aren't are made in china and assembled in your country.


In name only. They're just a capitalist dictatorship at this point with a light communist motif.

>member of the communist party
>suddenly not communists

How do you impose communism onto society if you're not willing to with the communists?

>But since my line of work has much to do with psychology, im pretty sure that being insulted by a neutral question is actually autistic behavior. Altough you need an actual Doctor to confirm this.
It is very clear here that your superior intellect obviously surpasses mine with ease

>Communism has never been tried meme

> feudal capitalism
Is this another "socialism wuz never tried"

>Why aren't we seizing the means of production?
literally everything made in communist china.
>mission complete.

Well, you seem to have a sense of humour, so your situation is not so bad after all.

>receives investment capital from other countries

In which case there is a stock market, and you have people actually doing the work paying investors.

Hmmm, that's weird, doesn't sound communist to me. You dig deeper, you've got managers and CEOs paid up the wazoo, and guess who owns the means of production? THE INVESTORS / THE OWNERS OF THE COMPANY WHICH AREN'T THE WORKERS OR THE STATE.

China opened itself up to capitalism and capitalism ate it alive.

Oh, but it's got the name "communist" on it so that makes it communist!

I'm not even a communist. This shit is so basic.


>tfw you will never purge reactionary traitors in the name of Comrade Mosley


So you're basically stupid is what you're saying.

Because your country doesn't have any.

Am I the only one thinking that communism isn't a failed ideology but more of a very successful methodology?

Because last time that was forced on us, my country experienced unprecedented starvation, poverty and terror, and we haven't recovered to this day. There is nothing beneficial that could ever come from seizing the means of production and removing the bourgeoise. Walking the path of communism is marching to your and everyone in your nation's death once the ideology actually takes power. Until then, it serves only to undermine the unity of the nation and weaken it. Get off while you still can. You have been warned.

Why would you ever plunge yourself and everybody you have ever known into deep poverty and a hopeless existence in an orwellian nightmare?

Nobody has ever answered it in these threads, yet they keep being made hourly. So I ask again: What would anyone ever gain from communism, except the dictator who inevitably rises to power after bloody conflict and installs a reign of terror?

>tfw you'll never purge reactionary marxists and institute the priviligia Fascist law

Communism doesn't mean that you take from the rich so you become equal. Ir just means that everyone has the same shit amount while the governing oligarch gets filthy rich.

Communism sounds good on paper, not so good on practice.

Because we seized the proction of memes

Free shit lmao

Literally a "I have a right to everything" mob mentality that killed Jesus and ruined Rome and is ruining the West and Europe today.

Reminder that true Communism has never been tried before.

Yes, communism is better for low IQ individuals. Because you get better accomodation for free by an inefficient government agency, when you would not survive in a free market due to your low competanse.


looks like the probability of it being truly implemented is pretty nil then

>but it wasn't real communism

The only thing you're gonna be seizing is a free helicopter ride

Too much hard work.
its not the 'means of production commies want anymore its more like ..
"seize the means for men to reproduce"


It's under way. China is capitulating global order. May become horrible Maoist global state for a while, but with US anti-left influence curbed it will become easier in Europe to push for socialism. Once the wealthy European nations do it, the long game of the poorer EU nations and the US begins.

Even if the West went communist tomorrow it'll be a centuary before Africa will. Agrarian societies don't work like that, it's why Russia failed.