>People have been fighting over this bitch since ancient times, dawg. How many graves are we standing on? Think about all the wisdom and science and money and civilization it took to build these machines, and the courage of all the men who came here, and the love of their wives and children that was in their hearts. And all that hate, dawg, all the hate it took to blow these motherfuckers away. It's destiny, dawg. White man's gotta rule the world.
>I mean, think about it, dawg, the real story of Pocahontas is about a bunch of white boy who come to my land, bribe the corrupt Indian chief, kill off all the warriors and fuck the Indian princess silly. Would the white man make a story about Auschwitz, where the inmate falls in love with the guard and they go off singing love songs with dancing swastikas?
Okay, serious question here: What the FUCK was his problem?
People have been fighting over this bitch since ancient times, dawg. How many graves are we standing on...
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bullshit leftist narratives he takes as absolute truth
He's just talking shit.
What is this even
He talks about beaners being fucking crazy, and women not shutting their fucking mouths because they think they're protected by being women.
He's redpilled af.
If you read the book, they are totally different people than the Jew TV series makes them out to be. There are a few spics, and the Whites are basically hardcore White Nationalists. Even the guy "brad" they say is a Jew calls Spics "filthy mud people." The Jews totally ruined that entire story.
He was adopted by Jews
He isn't though. In actuality, he's one of the few not to even be an actual "recon marine" in the platoon since he couldn't make it through the course. They try to make him seem alpha, in reality he was pissed on by entire platoon. Seeing that series and then reading book really opened my eyes to what the Jews do with stories they put on TV.
There's no mention of it it in the book. The Jews added it so they could have a way to say "Jew boy does good." They made it up.
They try to make the one Southern White gut seem like white trash no one likes and add some shit about his mother and a strip club. It's total shit, they are all hardcore racists.
Dickhead, CHECK THE FUCKING BOOK. I know hymie, that's a unique concept. Check the book. If I'm lying, you come back and tell everyone.
Also, your dead mother's rotten cunt. We've been here before Stormfront and will be here after it until you are in the oven.
>pointing out dubious inconsistencies
fuck ya self ya cunt cuck
Trombley and that other guy were the only overt racists but they were also highly respected and skilled. If I learned one thing from GK it's that I would want a 100 Trombleys in my army.
It's not that, it's the dumb MUH JEEEEEEWS. He's obviously a retarded Algerian who somehow escaped to the mainland and never grew out of his edgy intifada phase.
>He talks about beaners being fucking crazy
They are tho
>Would the white man make a story about Auschwitz, where the inmate falls in love with the guard and they go off singing love songs with dancing swastikas?
yes, its called "The Black Book"
shut it kike.
I thought Pochahontas was about a white traitor who fights against his own kind.
This. They're all trying to get under each other's skin just to be alpha. Just nirmal shitting around.
Brad Colbert is literally Jewish. I don't know what else to say user.
Where did you learn to read English? They talk extensively about his recon training in the book. I recall specifically a section where he describes his underwater recon training and he talks about the blackness of the ocean. He is definitely a recon marine, dude.
Just like Atlantis
> Adopted into Jewish family
> Is not religious
Yeah, if you watcy the show/read the book, that is exactly how he describes himself. Frenchy over there was saying that they made up that he was adopted by Jewish people.