Females are the worst

I'm not going to green text because I'm on mobile.
I met a girl, thought we hit it off, had her over a few times. Invited her and a friend over tonight to hang out with me and my roommates.
They both moved towards my roommate and stopped talking to me.
Now I'm sitting here bitching on Sup Forums as they hang out with my girls.
What am I supposed to do pol?

You know what must be done user


No, I don't. That's the point of this thread.

Go back to


post pics

Lol I've been sleeping with a coworker because her bf "ignores her."

Sucks to suck


Please don't ban me mods. I can't go to b or r9k. Those guys are idiots and they can't help me.

Jack off to the sound of your roommate banging them. Everybody wins.

You must have come off as desperate or clingy, women can sense that shit like animals

be an hero user

lol you're such a fag

seriously there is no hope for you

if you complain about women on Sup Forums you are beyond saving

bathe the walls in their blood


post a pic of the slut so we can see

You need to go back :)

>wanting to hang out with women
what are you, a fag?

3DPD. Not even once.

No, but in all seriousness. Stop caring, don't compete, go with the flow. It really isn't hard just follow how things are flowing, if they all clicked together and you see the looks on their faces, you know the 'want to fuck you right now' looks ? Don't feel bad and don't try to block it, the moment you see that you already lost your chance just be a bro and give your mates a hand, next night go out to a bar and ask em to 'return the favor' in a subtle and non awkward manner.

dude there are billions of bitches in the world. You'll eventually find a good one. Spend your time improving yourself and women will flock to you. Don't go chasing them.

>What am I supposed to do pol?

1. be attractive
2. don't be unattractive

Kick them out cuck


Most reasonable answer.
You've probably already lost.
Detach and move on.

I mean... this is Sup Forums. dont expect anything else thant "kek op got cucked" or "Day of the rope NOW"

wassup moni

You fucked up OP, you never introduce a grill to your male friends until you have fucked her.

But in all seriousness probably this

Just lmao it off and go on with your life

Funny thing is he didn't even really get cucked so much as he invited two chicks with small amounts of interest in him, met two more interesting guys and decided they wanna shoot for them.
Instead of chilling out and spinning the situation in his benefit he decided to cry on Sup Forums of all places.
Fucking oven dodgers man..

Also to be quite honest user, the fact that you're writing on here when they are right next to you having fun, might have something to do with why the girls abandoned you.

Heaven brings forth innumerable things to nurture man.
Man has nothing good with which to recompense Heaven.
Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill. Kill.

>What am I supposed to do pol?
1. start computer
2. install baldur's gate
3. play

infinitely more positive use of your time

You must seize the means of production

sounds like u got played by stacy like a bitch

what a betacuck

is where u belong

Why do people put benor inside front facing legmouth? All parties involved just look and smell pathetic

Go to them and like an alpha male does piss on them to assert dominance
