Redpill me on welfare Sup Forums

redpill me on welfare Sup Forums


It's a plot by the (((super-rich))) to further consolidate wealth.

>take money from upper and middle class
>give to dindus
>dindus give it to (((walmart)))

Its a broken system especially in the US. It has become a hammock for people instead of a safety net. About 90% of the cases are because they don't want to fucking work but it makes people who really get fucked by their job look bad.

It needs to be reworked, and quickly

Well intentioned but easily exploited by women and minorities.

Welfare is a government funded eugenics program.
Uncle Sam takes money from successful, intelligent people and gives it to poor, stupid people. The people being taxed hold off on having children until their in financially stable condition while the dummies receiving the support shit out more dummies that will also vote to expand the government so they can get more free stuff by robbing the productive members of society.
The black family was more together and blacks moved more freely into the middle class before the government began incentivizing single motherhood.
This is how Rome fell.

inferior to make-work programs and only in place because (((they))) need high unemployment to keep wages depressed

Giving lazy people money makes them lazy. Shocker. Look at US work participation rates, lowest in our life times. Thanks Obama.


It doesn't actually exist. There is no program called "welfare" in the United States.

Charity never should have been made the domain of the government. People should donate what they want to the charities that they want, and if people need help they go to those charities.

It's a miscegenation program taking resources they need to breed away from productive people to enable others that wouldn't otherwise survive to thrive and multiply.

It's to help all the black and brown people. It's racist and ignorant to think anything otherwise.

Our own inability to let unskilled people die off requires that the government spend money to keep them afloat.

>supposed to make $5800/mo
>federal government says I need to give them 25% of it
>state says they get 5.1% of it
>social security takes some
>I get to keep 3800
>liberals who wasted money in college on useless degrees, or even better never even tried to work, telling me that I should be giving away even more
>I lose over a third of the money I earn before it even gets to me because we need to give away money

Nah fuck this shit, Trump cuts when?

I think an ideal welfare system would include community service. If you dont have a job or means to support yourself after x period of time guess what your picking up trash bucko. Find a flaw.
>inb4 muh single muthers
Guarantee there would be a lot less people on welfare.

If people want to give lazy people free money, let them make charitable donations.

The theft and redistribution of resources performed by the state from behind the barrel of a gun is not a sustainable model for civilization.


never heard 90% (i am actually american)

It's a collection of programs that generate dependence and subsidise the idle and socially inept. Combined with parenthood programs that incentivise single-motherhood and "income cliffs" that disincentivise work, it basically results in the corruption of natural selection and the slow slide into societal demise.

what does this mean? should every working person chip in until poor people have the same amount of luxuries that "not poor" people do? then what? they just keep paying for it? why would anyone want to do anything in such a world?

leaders in a democracy are concerned with getting elected/reelected. the long term well being of their nation is completely irrelevant.

>In theory

Capitalism by design creates inequality. The welfare state acts as a buffer to bounce people who would otherwise be unproductive back into contributing members of society

>In reality

Gets abused by lazy people and increases im scope and cost as it allows people who would otherwise be unable to survive a sustainable lifestyle. Acts as a secondary imdirect sales tax as most welfare claimants will spend their money - money generated by tax - in global brand supermarkets.

It's bullshit. Most of this thread is people repeating the same deceptive or completely fabricated talking points that have been churned out since the Reagan administration. The real redpill is repeating what you are told over and over again.

Not always the worst thing. For instance, unemployment insurance is a nice fallback to help you while you look for work. When working as intended it makes sense. People fired through no fault of their own can take government money (that their labor was taxed to generate) for two months while they find another job.

The issue is when welfare incentivizes poor habits - such as giving mkre money to single moms than moms in stable families. In those cases welfare is being used to break up families.

Taxes are a nightmare. I don't mind paying taxes, it when it's close to a third of my take home pay a year (19,800 on a 66k salary) it's far too much.

There's nothing more Christian than charity and the welfare state leaves no place for charity.

it doesn't encourage learning, or developing a can do/self sufficient attitude. It cripples those that "benefit" from it and enslaves them by making them reliant on an unsustainable system that is doomed for failure.

It is the insurance policy of the democrats and leftist politics.

Welfare is modern day slavery. Vote for our party to keep your breadcrumbs. Once the election is over, See you suckers in another four years.

if you want to help poor people, dont give them fucking handouts, show them how to work.

Teach them industriousness, thrift, and self reliance. With these, there is nothing that can hold them back, and they will go forth and conquer anything the set themselves to just as humans have done throughout the entirety of their history.

A human who knows the value of work, thrift to save for hard times, and has the tenacity required to be self reliant will be conquered, nor ruled by ANY FUCKING THING.

Works only if welfare queens don't exist.

This idea has been floated for years, the libs lose their minds over it and find the most ridiculous reasons to block it. These people, who often need skills to get a job, could get some through community service - pick up trash, clean grafitti, daycare, English classes, renovate abandonded buildings, provide low cost services like plumbing, carpentry, auto repair...but the libs will fight that tooth and nail. They don't want to lose their built in vote plantations. It's fucking evil, and if ANYTHING wakes the black, white and latino communities stuck on the liberal plantation, it should be this issue - and the anger at the damage it's liberal should hold office for another 100 years.

I havemy doubts it could even work. They've tried to make welfare folks take care of their projects, giving them work to do, to take care of their own, and they just don't care. 70 years of brainwashing is going to take some time to undo.

it's a good thing and well intented but it get's abused to hell and back and gives you a +5% shitskin immigration modifier to your country

This. Liberal Democrats have brainwashed a HUGE chunk of our population into believing they can't suceed in life unless a (white) Democrat helps them. And they write rules, regulations and laws to force that idea. Need more food stamps? Get the approval of the C average student liberal white woman who works for the office. Oh, you have a boyfriend/husband? Sorry, no food. 'Cause, you know, men don't need to eat. Get rid of your man, and we'll give you your check. Looking for work? Whoops, there goes the check. You'll work when we tell you to. (Which is never).

What do you expect, when women of every color know, pop out a kid or two - and they never have to work, go to school, or care about anything, really. Hide the boyfriend when the social worker comes around, get your goodies like TVs and cars and shit from drug dealing, pay no taxes, and sit in front of a TV for 70-80 years. Just remember to vote!

It's fucking EVIL.

We saw it, when Obama ran first. "Obama gonna pay my mortgage!". They're indcotrinated them into believing that the only way to get things, is to have it handed to them. Almost all of the time, by a Democrat.

pay me minimum wage w/ health bennies and I'll pick up trash full time no complaints. fucking hate litter.

t. neet

I'm on it, disability version.

I don't do anything.

I'm less happy than when I did things.

It only helps motivate me to not improve myself.

I'm on Sup Forums promoting the end of the welfare state because it's easier than getting my life together which the last 50 or times I do it has ended in a matter of hours as I regressed into anxiety followed by depression.

At the very least the concept of giving people nearly a thousand dollars a month and having nobody check up on them isn't helpful.

Sup Forums will never be able to hate me more than I hate myself. I could be making 40k a year with my skills and that salary should only get bigger over time as my skills improve. The only times I have ever been happy is when I was working or in school.

yep. seriously. I feel out of place saying this. But if black people are unhappy with their lot in life in the US, they need to raise strong black families.

One parent may be able to clothe and feed a child, but they can't do that and make sure their kids are doing well in school, learning not to get fucked over by the world, instilling proper morals and values, making sure they aren't hanging around with shitbag "friends" that are going to wind up leading them into the prison pipeline.

it takes two parents. Hell i don't give a fuck if its a man and a woman, two women, or two men, a child needs two committed, dedicated adults who will do anything and everything they can to ensure they succeed in life.

If you want to make life better for black people in america, plant trees you'll never get to enjoy the shade of. Build strong black families.