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yep. i hate my goy parents, and wish every kike on earth dead for this.

They are brainwashed by the jews. It's a good method to make the jews unidentifiable by their penis in case holocaust happens

You're fucking gross man.

what is this

>It's a good method to make the jews unidentifiable by their penis
As if their ugly kike faces aren't already a dead giveaway.

Purchased tlc tugger

same here dude. can't fucking believe my parents okayed that shit.

"he who is bought with your money, shall surely be circumcised" - Genesis 17:13

thirded, being cut among other things has ruined my relationship with my parents. Most likely it was a decision they didn't even think about either, but has had devastating consequences.

it's just a jew meme.
i know being cut sucks but how devastating of a consequence could it even bring?

Jews. Americans get educated by films like these.

I'm glad the China won the Vietnam conflict over USA.

It's the reason my penis is intact today. Otherwise I would have become like 95% of South Korean males.

some have ugly kike faces, but some of them used plastic surgery to make them look like a normal people

What? Its the best thing to happen to me. Why would I waste time cleaning my dick to prevent a disease only uncut fags get when I can spend that time being productive?
Plus, my dick is less sensitive so I can wear things like wool underwear comfortably.

Not to defend circumcision but i'm pretty sure that's a MtF sex change operation.

Do you not shower either?

Pulling back foreskin and rubbing it with soap during bath is about as hard as washing your arms.

I guess you needed this comparison, since you would never know otherwise.

koreans are like that because they're all christcucks, not because america has predominance over the country; you don't see nips slicing their kid's dicks.
also gtfo denmark, gook.

Its was proliferated to the Koreans by American (((((Medics))))).

They were good little brother and did what you guys told them.

christcucks in Europe don't do that shit.

I have no sensation during sex. I can't have sex normally. I will never know what having a complete body is like. How is that not devastating?
It weighs on my mind every day. It's a nightmare that never stops being real.

koreans practice american christcuckery

Only because they looked up to you as saviours after the war.

Vietnam would have surely had the same fat as well.

How about you fucking shower?

This. It's part of the reason they want to turn Europe Muslim. So they can slip away and pretend to be Muslim converts while the whites are exterminated.

>the best thing to happen to me
>my dick is less sensitive

you seriously should just kill yourself

doubt it, there was little proselytizing during the vietnam war unlike the korean war

The mental gymnastics that cutfags take to defend their mutilated junk is insane

>Saudi Arabia became the voice of reason
The end times are upon us.