Sup Forums

Sup Forums
Irrevocably and undeniably

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whites btfo


>these fact aren't correct
>our assumptions are

>crimes are unreported
>somehow they're able to predict they're committed by whites and how many of them happen
>crime statistics such as murder among niggers are the same in africa, where whites are hated

>bombarded with real facts for once in his echo chamber
>says leaf


I like how they try to hide in the unknown as a shield against the stats that we do know, but also try to imply that all the unreported crimes or ones that don't end up in court are all white and also that they didn't end up in court *because* they are white and they are guilty of something.

Citation fucking needed.

how can you put a percentage when one of the two variables is unknown?

>If you remove all these people that for whatever reason didn't end up in court or are involved in crimes we don't know about black people still come out on top after going through the same legal system as everyone else.
>This is due to racism or something. No I have no citation for that.

I have one too

If I was being charitable I would say that we find the results of a crime (dead body etc), but the crime was never actually formally reported to the police.

If I'm not it's due to being a bullshit stat they pulled from their arse.

anyone with a brain knows this is correct.

>not citing claims when they're made, making it harder to look up citations
>making claims about things that can't possibly be known, like "unreported crimes"

I could go on and on. That literal-who tumblr should be ashamed.

1) What is correct?
2) Why is it correct?

The citations are in the infographic. Regardless this graphic has no more or less validity then every other graphic on this site beyond others confirms your bias and this one does not.

Maybe you should not be informing yourself from jpegs and instead be reading primary sources

blacks commit half of crimes, even tho they are 13 percent of the population?

you are just tightening the noose

Just the fact that whoever made this put only white people in the 'District attorney decides not to prosecute' box shows its bias.

Yeah, but we can assume blacks still commit a large number of the ones we "don't know about."

most unreported crimes are black on black

if we knew the real numbers, it would be even worse for niggers

I mean citations for that specific thing, which seems to be the whle point of the infographic but is never backed up by anything except insinuation.

It's just a smoke screen: Here's a load of fluff to obscure the stats and an unsupported claim about it being due to institutional racism riding off of the back of it.

typical smug leaf bullshit non-response

anyone with a brain knows you should kill yourself

if you want to go down that road, you have victimizaiton surveys, where the victim is believed no matter what

protip: blacks are still overwhemingly criminal

>Blacks only commit 5% of crimes, the other races do 5%, we don't know who does the other 90%, it might be a mysterious Green Race!
This logic is hilariously flawed

If ~50% of convictions of crimes are against black people, it is very reasonable to assume 50% of crime is committed by black people.

It's like going into a McDonalds, getting a Big Mac, and upon seeing that it has beef in it, you then proceed to say "Well we know this McDonalds sells Big Macs with beef in them, but for all I know every other McDonalds in the country sells Big Macs made with chicken


>non-reported crime

so just made shit up.

The very first fucking fact

>500 out of 1000 violent crimes are reported

That's how you know they're talking out of their ass. They could've said 50% of violent crimes are reported.

How do they know about the ones that aren't reported, if they occur?

Because they don't. This whole thing begins with the assumption only half of violent crimes are reported. It's like starting out an infograph on why blacks are more killed by police officers than whites with "You have a 500 out of 1000 chance of not getting shot by cops"

Immediately discarded. You started with an incorrect pretext.

>i didn't read the sources because i disagree with the facts

You are being intellectually dishonest. This is no better then the only difference is your bias and willingness to admit it

Am I now? OK, humour me.

Which of those listed citations shows definitively, with hard evidence, that the US criminal justice system routinely lets off white people with crimes simply for being white, as the infographic claims.

>inb4 more enlightened centrist masturbation

>It means black people commit 5% of crimes. We don't know who commits the additional 90%, because those crimes are never brought to justice.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say it's the group that does half the murders. God this is dindu nuffing the graph, also how can you have statistics on things that aren't reported?


Bureau of Justice crime statistics aren't good enough?

Blacks committed 52 percent of homicides between 1980 and 2008, despite composing just 13 percent of the population. Across the same timeframe, whites committed 45 percent of homicides while composing 77% of the population, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Blacks are 10 percent of the population in Los Angeles, CA, but commit 42 percent of its robberies and 34 percent of its felonies. Whites make up 29 percent of the city's population, and commit 5 percent of its robberies and 13 percent of its felonies.

In New York City, blacks committed "75 percent of all shootings, 70 percent of all robberies, and 66 percent of all violent crime," despite only composing 23 percent of the population. Additionally, 2009 Bureau of Justice Statistics numbers show that in 2009, (blacks were charged with 62 percent of robberies, 57 percent of murders and 45 percent of assaults in the 75 biggest counties in the country, despite only comprising roughly 15 percent of the population in these counties)

Black crime rates were lower in the 1940s and 1950s, when black poverty was higher.

The conclusion of the graphic is that blacks only committed 5% of total crime and they don't know the identity of the others because they are unreported.

It never outright states the identity of the unreported, although it may imply it. The point is all infographis are misleading and shouldn't be trusted yet Sup Forums routinely trusts any graphic that confirms their bias

if the crime is unreported, how do you have stats for how many crimes were commited and considered "unreported"?

thats like saying an evil monster leaves no survivors but somehow theres still legends to tell about it.


>Bureau of Justice crime statistics aren't good enough?

According to this infrographic, no.

It's directly tooled to address them in fact, and suggests that they are illegitimate due to some unknown amount of crime (they suggest 50%) going unreported. Then then make a leap of logic that suggests that the "real" stats are significantly more white, it's just that only blacks get punished for crimes.

that was easy


Take a closer look. Notice anything about the faces and expressions on them in panel 2?

The conclusion is also bullshit. That 5% is achieved by assuming that anyone who has come into contact with the law is in fact guilty but got let off illegitimately (and they're also not black. fuggin raysis whitey mayne).

And yet for some reason, every metric in every country for all violent crimes suggests black people are 10x more violent than whites.

There is resounding agreement on this.


I posted that image on my FB and immediately got hounded by 3 nogs saying black women don't report rape as much because they're afraid they won't be believed by the white judges.

These people are constantly living in delusion. Dindu nuffin is a religion.

So its like the whole 5 thousand rapes go unreported... mother fucker they are unreported hiw the fuck do you know its 5k?

Is that whats going on with the other user

it's a victimization survey senpai

there's no "white judge" there

it's a fucking survey

Pretty much.

They are trying to hide in the dark.

how is that Sup Forums btfo when it just means MORE data is needed, also why don't they say the ethnotype of the other 45% that were reported?

What's also funny is that they still prove blacks do more crime, by saying that 50% of all final convictions are black, so the other 50% is white and hispanic/other?

an angle that's not pushed nearly enough is how hispanics are poorer than blacks, also face """""""""""racism"""""""""""" and yet have wayyyy lower crime rates


I fucking waited for the day people confronted Sup Forums's racist ideology instead of just ignoring it.

Now Sup Forums will see how stupid and pathetic their lies are.

>saying that 50% of all final convictions are black, so the other 50% is white and hispanic/other?

Yes, but you see because of this nebulous "other crime" that no one knows about, blacks only actually commit 5% of crime because while we don't know about this crime we can say for certain they're not black.

victimization surveys

i already debunked it, chimp

so black people aren't part of unreported crimes or something? just whites?

I know m8, we're not talking about that right now.

then why do you play devil's advocate?

I'm not. That's sarcasm.

>All the criminals not prosecuted are white


White people lose again.

>Sup Forums exaggerates black crime
whoopdeee fucking dooooo

I don't know what your trying to accomplish here, but it doesn't disprove that blacks commit more crime than any other group. All your image indicates is that its lower than that statistic.

>decides not to prosecute
Because they didnt commit the crime or those crimes werent nearly as henious. This chart is retarded

wtf i love niggers now

>All your image indicates is that its lower than that statistic.

Doesn't even do that. In the end it agrees with it - half the people convicted of a crime in the USA are black.

To counter this it tries to blind you with bullshit, saying that this represents only 50% of the total crime that *might* be happening, due to some going unreported and anyone who's been before the law but didn't end up in prison are also actually guilty.

The white count may be much higher than recorded, OP. Look at the pic.

>you can't assume blacks commit crimes because you don't know who committed them
>we can assume that the ones who don't get prosecuted are all white because IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR I MEAN COME ON
kill thine self

I would go for Iris Ililiana and her indecency

How do they know how many unreported crimes are if no one reports them?

by an interpolation. they dont use it on race tho. its racist

>the fuckin mental gymnastics.
starting with 500 of 1000 violent crimes are reported. I think this shows how fucking retarded the basic premise of this argument is. we don't even need to go farther with this. there is ample evidence to go against this that can be found with a .5 second google search.

Holy shit that picture.

Pol is falling apart!


>Fact: 50% Reported Crime, 50% is Non-Reported

That's because those crimes are so minor that literally nobody cares

Like torrenting shit, i bet everybody on this thread has torrented something. Of which being illegal but never got in trouble for it.

Also how does one even get fucking statistcs on the non-reported crime?
I mean..

>Out of those 111 people put in prison, 4 of them are later proven to have been falsely convicted
>Out of those 108 people, 54 are black.

M Y T H ' S

The lowest clearance rate for murder cases are in black dominated populations.

If anything blacks are underrepresented.

>out of those 108people, 54 are black

>Arguing based on unverifiable data

Blacks don't commit more crimes because you can't prove the magical invisible unicorn doesn't exist.

Whoever made this image was either high on some legendary weed or has roughly 30 less IQ points than he or she believes they have.

well that's a fail, should start at 2:04. basically if you can present numbers then it's not unreported is it?

OP's infographic can be interpreted as blacks commit 50% of crime while being 13% of the population. thanks OP for proving our point.

So what you're saying is that bkacks could be commiting as much as 95% of crimes?

how can u guys argue this?

they literally have charts

Yep. That's exactly what the OP is stating.

Unintended consequence of trying to form a counter-argument using unverifiable claims: The exact opposite of the main point becomes equally valid.

And considering the no-snitching culture of nogs, in this case it most likely is. They probably commit at least 70% desufampai.

Day of the Rake when?

Yeah of course it's impossible to figure out how much crime goes unreported.

However, I don't think its out of the question that the justice system treat blacks differently.

Cops are smart, Judges understand what's going on and what needs to be done to keep niggers in check.

It doesn't change the fact that blacks are the problem; only that the official crime statistics aren't entirely accurate.

fucking leaf
you practically assumed that all of the others that arent prosecuted are white ppl which my dear friend is fantasy

>However, I don't think its out of the question that the justice system treat blacks differently.

Highly unlikely, because if you could prove that (and it wouldn't be that hard to, seeing as trials are a matter of public record) heads will roll.

more than that, they assumed that all the people that aren't prosecuted are guilty. which is pants on head retarded. see the point of this is to try and discredit graphics, but our graphics are little more than collection of data from reputable sources that is aggregated and you can determine the meaning yourself. this attempts to force a conclusion on you starting with a disingenuous base assumption and then obfuscating interpretation to end up at a conclusion that is actually more damaging for the black community than what Sup Forums circulates.

it's so bad I have to come to the conclusion that the real aim is for Sup Forums to take the conclusion and use it as our own so that this incorrect fact from a shitty source can be easily refuted and used to discredit other legitimate information here. but we've already deemed this shit. it has no use here.