Strongest and best empire ever existed

>Strongest and best empire ever existed
>Colonies were made powerful and modern instead of just raping the population
>the army was the strongest in the entire world with the best equipment and best tactics
>All of the world powers had to fight together to stand a chance against them
>efficiency was still much better even if they had not even half of fighting man power
>pic unrelated

Other urls found in this thread:

and now there a pakistani colony

rue britannia indeed

>pic unrelated

seems related to me, Karl-Heinz

i was talking about the german empire

stupid kraut is so context deaf he cant even make thread without being autistic.

You could have been talking about many empires. The British Empire, the Roman Empire. The Greek Empire, the Chinese Empire, etc.

And my examples are better because they lasted longer than ten fucking minutes.

1871-1918 are not ten minutes you amerishit

In terms of Empire, it might as well be.

i just noticed these flags are somewhat familar historically


shut up shitskin


>undocumented stats

Looks like my country is 72% white according to muh wiki

whereas 50% of germans are russian

here you go

another one

not really WWII but still funny

here you go

>60% white
>8 years of nigger leader
keep projecting

>white hispanics aren't white


enjoy being a pakistani colony

>muh trafalgar

Friendly reminder that napoleon is the one true ruler of europe. Just got into his own head for a second.

How did it work out in the end?


kek, no. Is my extra flag not showing up?


ohh, no wonder you're salty about empires. I'm guessing you're....NOT...Dutch?

yea we lost much

The Holy Roman Empire is superior Hanz.
First Reich and Third Reich were best Reichs, Second Reich is just sad.


>best army and military tactics
Hmmmm, what is 6 coalition wars against france?

nice that the good guys won WWII

we just couldnt stand autists

That's what a Soviet city looked like in 1991.

Just wait till I create the next world empire and create the new race :3

>mixed race people are white
enjoy your "white" heritage

yeah please no... the world is shitty enough already



You have to love Neoliberal Capitalism and all its diversity...

>pic und später
TOPKEK britbongs btfo



The mighty Kaiserreich, the mighty Grossdeutsches Reich. Germany had so much potential......
>Strongest and best empire ever existed.
The USA 1945-Present

the usa is not an empire but a republic

1. Second Reich a best
2. Weimar = Bundesrepublik
3. First Reich great until > > >
4. Austria Hungary a good boy
5. DDR best commies
6. Turd Reich a worst
>Austrian Republic