Is anyone on Sup Forums Gen X?

Is anyone on Sup Forums Gen X?

Other urls found in this thread:$FILE/EY-rise-of-gen-znew-challenge-for-retailers.pdf

Yeah 81'er here.

81 here, class of 0'woop woop mad mother fucking clown love

1963, never had a gf, AMA

prove it

Am I included? Born 99 whoop whoop.

I love the 80s!

no you're a millenial

I always heard of 1982-1994/5 as being millennials, then you have Gen Z from 1995/1996 to the CURRENT YEAR.

I fucking hate being a millenial. My generation is garbage. Although, it is kind of your fault for raising these assholes to be garbage.

81 in da house!

1974 here.

Generation X is the on that fucked up everything

Millennials continued the trend. The back end are starting to uncuck themselves

Generation Z appears to be the one that is going to set shit right again

>missed being Gen X by 3 months.

This is bullshit.

roger. 1974 master race reporting

I haven't heard of Gen Z.

Milenials just means influenced by the WWW. What is GenZ about?

Born in 1991, am I cancer Sup Forums?

Too young to remember 9/11, heavily influenced by social media and shit

Generation Z is from 1996 to present

Studies show that its leaning heavily conservative

1971, present.

81 here, fuck the system.

your generation is irrelevant

fuck off toby

1979 reporting in ,just a few years away from cancer

Well, it about time. Conservatives are salt of the earth.
If I had grown up in social media I would kms

>Generation Z is from 1996 to present

Mccrindle Research says 1995 to 2009

Whatever, these things aren't set in stone

81, daughter of '00, there is no hope for the future.

>Gen Z going to fix fucking sides!

>Having a kid at the age of 19
>At an age when you're inexperienced and still a kid yourself


1969 here. Watch ya need?

fuck anime
Saturday morning cartoons ruled

You to stop fucking up the economy

My generation just voted Trump into office, so we are working on fixing what the Boomers broke.

my wife is a gen x-er.

Yup. I used to be a roadie for the Wallflowers and currently drive a Saab

nobody wants to hear your Saab story

iam and ex generation x guy.

>dat grimy MAGA hat
>dat trailer

Come on, try a little?

81 here

76 tired old man reporting

>pre jew-wars, kike awakens
What was it like back then?

I'm still Gen y regardless of how many times they say we're mellenials.

#1 that hat was worn twice, it's immaculate. we have every single one released.

#2 this was taken in my pool house. stay jelly poorfag

Gen Z is after 2000

'79 here.
Class of '96.
Married. 1 child. Working on second

'77 here.

78. I remember informal punishment in school turning into formal punishment.

originally: get slap for being a little shit, told to behave.

turned to: sent to punishment bench outside admin office for lunch. 3 x times sent in a month meant stuck in office instead. 3 x this, suspended 1 week.

Or sommat. this was about 1989.

Yes, sadly our generation won't hold the reigns of power because we're supposed to be all cynical fucks who are "muh politicians" they're all the same, so we've let the baby boomers get comfy and the milleniala are going to take all our opportunities away.

Missed the punk music that defined our generation, copped the tacky tail end of it instead.
I remember being about 9-10 at school when the nigger gang culture and american and black dominated sports started to get popularized. The movie "colors" spawned a bunch of wiggers at my school.

Ok tell all these sources they're wrong$FILE/EY-rise-of-gen-znew-challenge-for-retailers.pdf

Born in 71 here.


Class of '95. Married with four children and twins on the way(three daughter's, one son, unknown/unknown, yet, it is still too early). In the Army from 1995 to 2012. I work in law enforcement now.

You need to read the "Fourth Turning" or at least understand how generational theory effects the destiny of the United States.

76 here.

76. We're scum.

Boomers hated us but then gen y came along and they were even more hateable so thanks for the break fags.

We're not going to have any of our lot doing anything noteworthy.

Yep, just barely. Millennials a shit

1973, retired Army. We held the line one last time to get Trump elected.

'69 here

Yeah, Alex Jones.
Anything below '67 ('65 if you're lenient) is a boomer BTW.

Are you fat?

82nd AB, 2/75th, RRC/RRD and 5th SFG here. What about you?

In the U.S. i've always heard Boomers as being 1946-1960 or 1946-1964. Maybe the G.I.s got home and fucked later in Australia

anyone got some kind buds?

>Generation X is the on that fucked up everything
That's boomers nigger. X was actually quite based.

It was a good life. Played outside all day everyday. Had to be home by dark. Or when the streetlights came on. No cellphones. No internet. If you acted a fool in public it wouldn't be odd for some other kids Mom to come whoop your ass. Nary a nigger to be found. Saturday morning cartoons with characters smoking and getting drunk. Comic books. Fapping to stolen nudie mags. Corner stores with penny candy. No PC bullshit. You didn't dare talk back to high school kids cuz they'd beat you bloody, mans they'd get away with it too. Teachers would smack you if you got out of line. It was a good life back then.

>Studies show that its leaning heavily conservative

Studies also show its heavily poo colored.

To secure the existence of our people and a future for white children of course

Why do these sources decide when gen z starts? Look, I /literally/ have more credibility than ny times at this point.

Gen Z starts at 2000 because it makes sense, 2000 is a milestone, what the hell is 1995? And in my opinion, people born in '95 are a lot more like the rest of the millennial generation than people born after '00.

>what the hell is 1995
The first year of mainstream/widespread Internet

1965 checking in.

'79 here. Still not as fucked as the cunts coming through where I work.

They're wrong

I had an Amiga 500 back in the day, some of those platform shooters still haven't been beat despite it being current year.

>Millenial US Armed Forces
My God, the US is fucking screwed. I am glad that I got out in 2012.

>54 year olds post on Sup Forums

1971 here

it sure beats millenials since we had the chance to acquire real estate at reasonable cost and live out our youth unencumbered by social media and computers errywhere erry day; the only thing young'uns have better is access to knowledge, we only had universities and libraries

If I had access to the amount of information I have now when I was 16, my life would have turned out differently.

77 here. Getting to the age where i feel like shouting at the young uns. You're all fucking stupid. I blame reality tv.

Oh and another thing- We could go out and drink beer in high school, get pulled over, and the cops would either escort us home in our car or just tel us to go home. Based as fuck and decent back then.

i miss america

>When you're born in 85 but detest everything about Gen Y and have identified with Gen X even from a young age

we didn't have the numbers to fuck jack shit up.
or fix it.
and we gave you the internet, faggot.
and the word faggot as a pejorative.

well, you say that with full knowledge of what's been going on=hindsight
no use dwelling on that and it's never too late to make changes if there's a will to do so

Me too, brother. Me too.

Do you have wizard status user?


Gen X here AMA

>gen X
that's fucking retarded what happens in 2021, you go ASCII?

Why do you hate baby boomers?

Shit- that motherfucker can raise the dead and turn himself into fucking wraith. He plays cards with Cthulu at this point.

'67 reporting in

The older baby boomers 1945-55 are selfish cunts. I work with a few of them and I have never worked with such conceited and self serving bunch of people in my life. My theory is that they have never embraced the "team" culture that is prevalent in corporate workplaces today. I've found working with Gen Y's is a good experience as they're prepared to share knowledge and are very, very well informed.

Goddamn. I used to steer the car home for my grandpa like when he was loaded at the bar. The bartender would give me free lemonade and quarters for the jukebox and Double Dragon machine.

I moved here from America. Take the aussie boomers and multiply everything you just said by 2-3. I can actually /interact/ with the fuckers here thank god.

Truly pathetic.

1992 here. Kissed girls in nursery (got into trouble for it), had my first gf in primary school, had girlfriends in high school, college, and currently married.

ALL OF THESE 1970 FAGGOTS GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! What the fuck is wrong with you people? Geez, you are like 40 years old on a fucking weeaboo image board! You mother fuckers call talk mad shit about us Gen Y? Gen X is truly fucking delusional and insane, you fuckers may be worse than Baby Boomers. You guys started this bullshit of a mess. my goodness, you may think I'm salty but I have passed that level. Call me Onion Salt because I'm fucking crying with rage.


71 here, yep. X was righteous mane, it was so godlike queer Jew culture hadn't crawled out of the cultural anus until the mid nineties and computers and Internet still knew their fucking place... Current year, we're taking it all back again. There's only two genders and we have our right to disconnect, hitler did nothing wrong