
Why is that:

Whites are more likely autistic than Blacks on average?

Asians are more likely autistic than Whites on average?

Why are Blacks the most socially confident and alpha race?

Other urls found in this thread:–Kruger_effect

That guy is not Chinese, he is Japanese. You can tell because he has glasses on.

More confident=less intelligent
Research it yourself.

>more confident = less intelligent

Um, what?

They arent you just cant tell the difference in black children.

A dumbfuck nigger can not think something through and be confident about it.

>Whites are more likely autistic than Blacks on average?

Blacks dont get diagnosed because their parents dont care. Also most blacks are low IQ so you cant tell a difference between weird black low IQ and weird autistic black

>Why are Blacks the most socially confident and alpha race?

Low IQ= the least self awareness. Blacks behave like idiots in public not realizing that their actions are strange.

Also "Alpha" if by that you mean violent you could say that some violent numale or mentally ill tranny who attacks people is "Alpha"

t.beta fag white boi & ultra beta fag chink

There is some connection between mental illness like bipolar disorder, adhd, autism genes, and brilliance.

Its a price to pay to gamble with risky genes that modulate dopamine transfer, you can get brilliant guys, or authists, mainly because of our current shitty culture tho.

Where was authism 300 years ago ?

>Implying that autism isn't alpha as fuck

Have you ever even met an autist? They give so few fucks about social norms that it's not even funny.

There is a correlation between how much you think you know and how much you actually know. Usually people who are very confident in their intelligence are actually less intelligent than the average person, or something like that.

>A cat is confident in scratching its human owner even though he could stomp the shit out of it.

Why is that? Why do small animals have the bravery and confidence that they can take on something much larger than themselves?

blacks are alpha ? hahahhaha you fucking cuck , arabs are the masterrace

I think blacks are actually autistic pretty often but no one can tell the difference.

Why do you think you see them sperging out in public all the time, doing stupid shit when dealing with police etc.

They just don't get the social norms or proper ways to act in a civilized society, could be autism or their general low intelligence.

Yeah, anyday now they will start showing it.

Well keep waiting

>white guy yelling at the black guy

> a mouse always runs away from humans while gorillas would tear you apart

Why is that? And please don't tell me mouse has higher IQ than gorillas.

>alpha race

Enslaved by anyone who ever came in contact with them. Too much of a pussy to have their own nation and perfer to beg whitey for his crumbs

actually most blacks are legally retarded

higher intelligence groups are generally more neurotic

Why is that OP is such a huge faggot?

fuck off monkey lol brazil , go rape your mother while your sister is being robbed by other monkies like you , brazil is the state of crime in the world , rape is like saying hello and robbing people is daily and nothing out of the ordinary–Kruger_effect

Cats know that cat owners are pussies.

A mouse is naturally used to being the prey and not a hunter like a wolf or a cat.

Animals are not smart enough to grasp the difference in strenght. Instead they heavily rely on instincts

The more retarded you are the less self conscious you are.

a mouse eats cheese and stuff like that , gorillas instinct is to kill , these animals are so fucking strong and they know it

Literally only pussies need a nation which protects them and their safe space. Lazy beta fuck Whites can't do any shit alone so they need someone else to finish their job. Who is the beta here?

1: whites have kids later in life than asians on average
2:same thing.

that's my barely educated guess on the subject.

Get the fuck off cuck.

just like you filthy european animal , your instinct is to be mentally retarded , you are so weak , europeans are cucks by nature and arabs are much stronger than europeans , 1 arab equals 10 european cuck men

Notice how its almost always blacks who resist arrest? Why do you think a nigger waving a knife around does not surrender?

Why do they throw their lives away for petty crime?

Because they are too stupid to think of consequences. A nigger thinks that he can curb stomp whitey and avoid going to jail

We had to change the definition after we had imported them as farm equipment.

Shit like this circulates here with an alarming rate.
At appears to me as foreigner that white americans are full of racist complexes.

fuck off nigger u starting to piss me off u nigger lover

Like you "people" have any room to talk.

Neanderthal DNA.

Yep. That's why the middle east is so prosperous and all the white countries are poor, barren, wastelands. Oh, wait...

>you are so weak

Thats rich coming from a skinny midget race. The average European is taller, stronger and has a bigger penis than Arab.

So in what way are you better besides pure savagery? Look at you retards being pushed around by a couple jews.

Because most people dont attack their pets for stupid shit so they have no reason to fear them

fuck off british cuck , i bet i can kick every single european mans ass that is not a super mma fighter or uses a gun like a pussy


>Whites can't do any shit alone

You mean like tens of millions blacks who rely on white man to provide then with food?

what does this have to do with personall strength and difference between races ? europeans are weak as fuck , also americans , arabs are stronger than both , 1 arab equals 10 americans and 10 europeans

blacks are just fucking dumb. i went to panera bread tonight and my cashier was a black dude who was """suave""" but messed up every single order kek, while taking it super slowly. it was borderline embarassing

>1 arab equals 10 european cuck men
Dirty race.

yeah sure you retard , arabs have natural strength and are not afraid to use it , unlike europeans which do not have natural strength , and even if they do they are too scared to use it ,, KEK , if an arab man fights 1 european he can easily fuck his shit up

lol mudslime shitskin faggot

Arab countries fall to western militaries in a matter of days. FYI this site is considered shirk so do yourself a favour and get back to your goat.

You mean whites being cucked in their own land?

Dude you are like 160 cm tall or something. Chill.

Arabs get beaten in my country all the time. You are not known for being tough. In fact you are known for carrying around knives and walking around with your cousins/brothers/friends

So alpha that you need 4 guys with knives to pick on some white kid

fuck off you nasty mother fucking russian tard , go worship putin , your daily routine is drinking vodka mixed with shit , worshipping putin and being retarded

But the average Arab is shorter, less intelligent and weaker.

So what natural strenght do you speak of? Arabs are the second weakest group of people right after Asians

You 5' 6" manlets are not stronger than 6' 1" Icelanders who dominate lifting competitions. Kys.

fat ass you cant even get off your chair lmao , americans without thier tech and military are nothing , 10 arabs can conquer usa without its military and armed citizens , u rely on guns pussies

And arabs are more stupid than white people.

See how you changed your tune? You spoke about not needing a country because you are "alpha" and yet you require state founded programs and world organisations like UN

To be Alpha is to be independent. To be taken seriously. No one views blacks as equals

yeah because of modern tech and sucking usa's dick off , remember how we easily took spain ? cucks , weak ass europeans

>t. buttblasted tyrone

back to the cotton field with you

>10 arabs can conquer usa

Arabs will never conquer anything. You got raped/genocided by your own slaves.

You are Asians with nigger DNA in you and you always get fucked by the jew. You acting tough only makes Europeans side with jews more so you end up Losing more and more land.

Both Turkey and Saudi Arabia have a jewish ruler

Our daily routine from 2014 is to kill people like you with airstrikes ;3
know your place.

arabs always have each others backs and help eachother , also im 185cm tall ;)

>1 arab equals 10 european cuck men

Top kek
Funny that I always see shitskins fighting 10 vs 1 because they are too cowardly to fight like men. Sometimes they even need knifes, in addition to heavily outnumbering the 1.

No because arabs are dumb, unintelligent inbreds. You keep crying as you get bombed to dust from 3 miles up. Now I told you munafiq get off this imageboard it's shirk and your goat is missing you.


Whites just started giving aways their shit to others. That's the definition of being a cuck. If someone gives you a free shit and you enjoy it, it's not you who is the cuck.

you know in the cats mind it's just playful banter when it scratches and playfully bites you? cats do this to each other so it basically means they expect humans to not be such little bitches.

Nah I ain´t giving Finland to rapefugees.

remember al andalus cucks , if we won Battle of Tours you would not exist now ,,,

Blacks have 0 control over their homeland Africa.
They went from being conquered by whites to being conquered by Asians.

The rest of the world is wealthy from African resources that the beta Blacks failed to defend.

Plenty of blacks work almost like slaves so we can have Iphones and other tech.

But needing slaves or a nation out of nowhere is the sign of pussies and betas, which are, whites.

fuck off jamal

191 cm. 179 cm is average in my country.

The average height in Jordan is like 164cm. You are literally a manlet race.

"Arabs have each others back" I do not see Saudi Arabia helping Palestinians or Syrians



Autism is the final form.

They were just there, it's whites and their stupid guilt that led to giving away every shit they accumulated. Just look at Germany and Sweden and tell me whites are not cucks.

damn true, did you know more blacks die of skin cancer in America too for that same reason? They just don't give a fuck nigga

Daily reminder that autism is a trick made by the medical Jew to sell pills. Not giving a fuck about social norms is alpha as hell

>Have Arab classmate
>He brags about how much he gets laid
>Rapes a woman and gets caught
>Turns out he was a horny virgin
>8 years of jail

The loud mouthed Arabs are just insecure small dicked manlets

>tfw autistic myself

final form of what? You whites and chinks are too autistic and awkward so that's why your women don't even want you.

you are searching for "fat arabs" on google you cuck ,

Squareheads aren't white and never have been

then everyone claps

Lol you mean those rude/autisitc 1st gen chinks in my country are alpha as hell? You silly autistic white bois always make me laugh.

And you searched "fat arabs" on google to figure out what I was doing

Go back to fucking your goat, Mahmoud, your primitive brain isn't acclimated for the use of electronic devices

Because Neanderthal DNA contains a gene cluster associated with advanced mathematics skills, autism, allergies, and obsessive-compulsive disorder

why is it that blacks tend to be the stupider/borderline literally retarded than whites and asians on average?

Women want an Attractive tall man.

Whites are the most desired race. Asians are far less desired because they are short and less attractive. Blacks are less desired because they all look the same and are ugly.

White women want the top 20% of white men but so do most women except black women.
If you are tall white blonde blue eyed guy you are most desired by Arabs, Asians and Whites

Evolution in social animals selects for the most cooperative, which explains why whites, the most cooperative, have dominated the world in the past. Evolution also selects for wit and genius in intelligent animals such as ourselves. These are not the same trait. Wit is more useful in the immediate sense, say a social interaction, because it allows the person who possesses it to articulate a thought more quickly than their competitor. Genius, Often associated with the autistic, allows the person who possesses the trait to comprehend more complex ideas, specialize in a subject, and conceive notions which have little to no precedent. If genius/autism is a recessive trait with hybrid inheritance, then the race which possesses it at the highest ratio will also posess a higher learning ability: asians

Werent you going to say that he is Alpha? He fucked a white bitch. Alpha as fuck.

Too bad that he will miss his whole youth being in jail. From 20 to 28 and no parole for being a good boi.

8 years of life thrown away and a criminal record.

actually i didnt you fucking donkey

>tfw too intelligent to be confident brainelephant.jpg

and you are still a virgin , you will die a virgin , even nasty european hookers wont have sex with you/

I don't give a shit what you were doing because your disgusting, backwards mudskin life is of zero consequence to anyone

Fuck off, ape

you excpect me to believe you ? europeans are known liars , are weak as fuck , look like women and cant defend their countries from migrants lol

stop posting on the white man's internet fool, it's ungodly.

>coming from a slav, whose women literally abandoned their men to marry wealthy jews/anglos

I lost my virginity to a Pakistani girl. Not sure if they count as Arab.

The worst part is that she burns coal now. Born in Pakistan raised in American ghetto, migrated back to Pakistan and then to Austria.

I have no idea why muslim women love blacks so much.

You don't know your own language grammar you fucking cuck , kill yourself already you nasty fat mother fucker.