How do I impress an italian girl?


be black


with ur salami

Make a mean gabbagoo.

Is pic related Italian? I can never tell if they are white or not

don't be italian

>wishful thinking

Your genes are already much too far gone as to ever even come close to any form of western European woman.

poo in the loo

Drive a 1986 IROC-Z.

1.have a Ferrari
2.not a scale model

>Come over the border from Africa
>Be black
>Shout how you want money
>Refuse Italian food
>Have liberals say youre peaceful and how unlucky you and your refugee friends are and how they need to be nice to you
>Punch local women in the face
>Liberals continue to shill
>Rape women in the street
>Media shills
>Literally murder people
>More shilling
>Italian girl feels white guilt and agrees consensual sex
>Murder her
>Rinse. Cycle. Repeat

Make a good sauce

yes, shes from pascara

this is zigani

give her kabobs and a camel. also italians aren't white.


You can start by going back to Plebbit, you cuck.

I've got some bad news for you



I'll put my spicy meatballs in her Spaghetti if you're catching my drift.

By not using Sup Forums in general and acting like a real man

good eye klaus

a gypo just like the bulgar that originated the original post


looks like a poo in the loo

and this isn't politics related Bulg gypsy niigger

behave as stuck up and cunty as her, also on occasion you should call her fat but then claim how hot she would be if she did something with herself.

it's worked on every italian girl I knew.

Don't do it, not fucking worth it.

also talk while waving your hand

pay her rent

show her your baguette

be non-italian


Wtf?! I love nigger rapist now

Holy quads

this 2bh

>not blonde, and blue-eyed


These men are right. That's an Indian. POO IN THE LOO. Not white

compliment her mustache,

She looks fucking Indian


Murder a lot of people. Like the baptism of blood.

Learn to cook

By not being Italian, or Roma or Bulgarian

My thoughts exactly.
Clearly not Italian and clearly a Poo.

Unless you have a photo of her using the potty I'm going to assume she's indian.

>Clearly not Italian
You haven't seen Italian in your life.

Head looks like it's photoshopped to the body.

She's Indian tho

Alot of Italian women date Italian men.

Is that not a gypsy?

That's an Indian girl.
They hardly ever race mix and they all want a good hard working boy

lol "Italian"

This. Most southern Italians look like that.

Every Italian girl I've been with has had thick, dark body hairs

I am Italian and ive never seen an Italian look so much like a poo before.

>Never seen Italian to an Italian
This level of autism.

Some faggot on /soc/ thought I was Indian

like most primitive species they attracted to the most dominant male. simply bend her over the closest pasta pile and she will be yours until another male ejaculates inside her


Now that I think about it, this chick reminds me of the Indian doctor who went full retard at an Uber driver and got fired from her job. Pic related.

>How do I impress an italian girl?

Bring a razor.

Same as in Spain.
Get tanned and ripped.
Be handsome.

>''italian'' americans
you don't know shit about how italians look like, Tomas

blame your racemixing mutt parents for breading with niggers, spics and irish

Wear a track suit, gold chain, and lots of cheap cologne. A pompadour dyed gray on the sides wouldn't hurt either.

shout porco dio in her face. That's all these idiots are good for.

cook for her

just be white and they love you

At least they didn't mix with Bulgarians

Go to Mykonos in July and see the swimwear that the Italian "males" are wearing.

with italians you're dealing with the shallowest end of the gene pool.

italian girls are mega entitled bitches who only be giving it up to mega rich ripped nigger chads.

you think the kardashians are bad?

spend one month dating an italian. you'll caitlin jenner yourself faster than lorena bobbitt with a deli slicer.


What if I'm 26?
Yes I'm in shape and attarctive. I'm also outgoing and funny.

Do I need to lie about my age?

My friends first girlfriend was Italian. When he first told his family about her and showed them a photo, they thought she was Indian. The dad still calls her "that Indian bitch" if she comes up in conversation.

I've been to Melbourne and I think the wogs you guys have are mutated into the aussie culture

Speak Italian. I know how to say "do you speak Italian?" in Italian. That's all you need.

That's because you're hanging out with the wrong people ese.
I know Italians and they're regular people, because I choose not to hang out with clubbing/shopping/kardashian loving people

ive an italian gf. Got her with some tango and flowers.

I think I can see "her" cock

I don't know what our country does to women... Melbourne especially.

In America, all I need is this accent and I'm in the bedroom.

Not italian, not even close.

No? Not even the darkest Italians look as dark as that.

Say that your dick stays al dente after you spilled your minestrone in her tiramisu.

Bullshit. There are italians like that all over the place even in northern italy.

thats one of the more indian looking italians ive seen

Italians are white they say

Bro, you betst be getting you're GTL on

Tell her you don't live with your parents untill you're in your 40s

I've flirted with three Italian women in my life and each one was fucking nuts. I don't know how Italian men put up with it

poo in the loos are white you dumb idiot, just not white skinned

Just like arabs and turks, right? Retard.