>mfw Sup Forums tells me to stop liking Trump

You guys do realize if I have to choose, I'm picking Trump over you, right?

You guys do realize if I have to choose, I'm picking dubz over singles, right?

go away leaf

I'm picking trips.

Please don't go

That's fine. It's how we weed out the cucks

go away gaijin

sorry i dropped these

Fuck trump and fuck white people, Czech em

Trump played his part.
He can't do any of the things he promised.
At most he'll deport 700k spics and won't let in kebab refugees.
A far cry from the 30 million.


literally no one fucking likes canada on Sup Forums

just leave

canadians make me wish for another nuke

delet this

You do realize that you will always be an internet addicated weeb piece of shit NEET in the eyes of Trump and he'll disown you as soon as he sees how much of a degenerate you are in real life?

We redpilled you, we taught you about life, and you'd abandon us for a Jewish piece of shit billionaire? You've learned nothing.

Checked >8D

why are you leaf people like this?

as long as Trump triggers the left I'll support him. I'm not naive enough to believe he'll 100% deliver but he's a step in the right direction.

I don't care if plebbit tier fucks won't to abandon ship and discredit us. why the fuck should any of us care? did anything every truly think Sup Forums would ever go mainstream?

my enemy is eternally the left. I don't care if plebbit fags and youtube fucks trying to cash in on Trump wants to disavow Sup Forums.

desu I'm already pissed about muh israel

If he cucks to Paul Ryan when the immigration issue comes up, it's over for him

i hope trump starts a civil war

>my enemy is eternally the left
Good goy

>britain and france make a baby
>they leave it in the snow to die
>baby gets all deranged and disease ridden from being left in the cold to die
>baby gets adopted by america

and thats how canada was born

>>tfw you realize it's been Leftypol cucks infiltrating the board

>my enemy is eternally the left

please be joking right?


Right on OP. Right on

This. Trump is a winner. Everybody that opposes him is a loser. I don't follow losers. Only losers do.

if this is at least %50 true i think it would a kind mercy to kill the canadians.
what a sad way to live.

that meme was relevant a few years ago but not anymore. yes liberals are Frankfurt school marxists and neocons are Trotskyites (both Jewish creations)

but if you think Jews are a hive mind you're pretty confused. Obama back stabbed Israel and Soros has his kikes trying to take down Netanyahu on corruption charges. but I guess they wanted it that way, a good old fashion jew double bluff. come on that's some nigger tier conspiracy shit.

transformers style hahaha

I hate communists though

im what is considered left wing pretty much because im pro abortion pro lgbt pro veganism etc and i hate communists and wanted trump to win over hillary, if you were being serious about the left eternally being your enemy then youre doing what hillary supporters did about hating the right, youre just on the other side of the coin doing the same thing

The new Congress gets sworn in in just a few hours. Are you excited, Sup Forums? Will you even be watching the revolution as it unfolds? This is the second greatest event of our lives. HAIL CAESAR!

you're a cultural marxist. you support murder and degeneracy.

this XD

I am Sup Forums

Keep liking Trump

no its about population control and the majority of abortions being non whites

Anything else? Blowjobs from dogs perhaps?

>1 post by this ID
>listening to shills

The holocaust never happened but it should happen again


The logic is sound. See how things pan out over the next year.

This will be the downfall of /pol. You can support trump but also be critical of him. We memed him into office and we have the ability to influence his presidency. If he isn't supporting our best interests then we need to make sure he does with our meme magic.

It will be done. We are just recuperating from the meme war, while still simultaneously defending against active threats.

When they talk about "In my first 100 days Im going to do x, y, and z" then we just give Trump the benefit of the doubt. Im not super jazzed about some of the cabinet picks, but who knows maybe Trump got the Goldman Sachs since they are the best.

There will be a portion of us that think he can do no harm, but most of us will still be willing to criticize him. I say, let him get into office for a few months before making any major judgments. Even then, the whole 4D chess thing. He could make some moves we don't understand, but the underlying reason or the effect caused from it is exactly what Trump wanted. But yeah after a few months, fair game on him fucking up.

Until then, we are just shitposting and triggering libs

You've eased some of my anxiety. /pol is great because it is critical of everything and everyone which leads to a greater truth than even the media can unfold. I am just afraid of the trumpers who take his word as the truth and his tweets as the gospel. I'm afraid we've handed the government to the corporations at one of the most critical times in American history. I'm truely scared that trump doesn't have the everyday Americans best interest in mind and that most Americans who had the best of intentions have made a terrible mistake.
