Finland to pay unemployed basic income of $587 per month

>HELSINKI – Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income, amounting to 560 euros ($587), in a social experiment hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment.

>Olli Kangas from the Finnish government agency KELA said Monday that the two-year trial with the 2,000 randomly picked citizens who receive unemployment benefits kicked off Jan. 1.

>Those 2,000 unemployed chosen will receive 560 euros every month, with no reporting requirements on how they spend it. The amount will be deducted from any benefits they already receive.

>The unemployment rate of Finland, a nation of 5.5 million, stood at 8.1 percent in November with some 213,000 people without a job — unchanged from the previous year.

what do you guys think?

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Unless my captors intend on upping my weekly tendies allowance I might be headed to Finland. Are Fins white or have they become increasingly mongrelized?

This experament is bound to fail due to smallness of that basic income. People who would resive it could not live off form it and still need housing aid. It will set back the basic income for next decade at least, but hey it was constructed to fail in the first place.

it was never going to work with the current mindset
UBI can only work in conjunction with the death penalty for people who manage to piss all of their monthly free income within 3 weeks

You could give every one of us €560 as an experiment and see what happens.

Cost for living and goods is much higher here.
It could potentially lead to lots of new lower wage workers and cut unemployment notably and drive people towards working as temps and part-time.

estii pls

the original plan was to give out roughly 560 euros not just to 2000 unemployed people, but to everyone living in the country regardless of their employment status. it was going to cost more than the revenue generated through taxation, ect

what is the cost of living like in finland? surely 560 euros isnt enough to sustain the lifestyle of the citizens chosen for the experiment

why do the most unproductive citizens get rewarded with free shit?

Housing is probably the highest cost, not to mention other nessecities. Currently unemployed person can get up to 800€ form all the benifits so ofcourse this is not enough.

>Cost for living and goods is much higher here.
That's why it would make a much greater impact on us.
We could be your small-scale model.

The (((unemployment jew))) strikes again. You all understand that unemployment is unnecessary, right? Look at the Austrian unemployment rate attached, there were times when it was at 1.2%, which is virtually nothing.

Why do our societies still subscribe to this concept? There is no need for it in our society, as we need more housing, more roads, more train stations, more parks, more services, more from everything.

The rule should be "here is work, you get money for it, but no work means no money".

$560? Is that a joke? What the fuck is that supposed to pay for? Here we pay into Employment Insurance and the rate depends on what your wage was. It's supposed to be enough to pay your bills more or less until you can get more work before it it expires. The max is about $1000 every 2 weeks. I'm just waiting to start work again pretty quick, mines lower about $650 every 2 weeks and it doesn'r cover my rent and bills properly so it will be good to get back to work but at least it helpsme avoid having everything in my life that I need to pay for fall completely apart in the meantime. But $500 a month? What the fuck is that supposed to be good for?

>why do the most unproductive citizens get rewarded with free shit?
Ever heard of large employers wanting a high unemployment to keep wages down and people in fear? This concept can only work if the priority of the government is NOT to reduce unemployment, but to make the unemployed somewhat comfy.

To drive them towards low wage work. For example if you were to get 1300€/month after taxes form work you would essentially be better off as unemployed as you would only lose few hundred euros and gain lot of free time.

>randomly picked citizens
It's rigged

Imagine groups of niggers living stacked in one little flat and spending their free time begging and/ doing something criminal.

Imagine all of them moving to live in Estonia and pollute our society.

>boost employment

Liberalism is a mental illness where you don't understand the most basic of economic incentives.

There is more they do not understand.

560 € per month kek....that is almost average pay over here....noice.

But they mean well and that's all that really matters. At the end of the day some do gooders get to pat themselves on the back with an air of superiority without looking back at the destruction they caused. Onward to their next mission. It's called progress. I can't believe you don't want to progress.

Finland, you are fucked.

Can you guys redpill me on this?

I mostly hear the argument:

>There simply aren't enough jobs. I fill in 50 job applications a week and only some actually phone me back. I need unemployment grants to survive until I finally get a job.

Imo sounds reasonable that people get assistance until they get a job, assuming they are actively actually trying to get one.

I agree it should have been more, enough so you can live a very basic life with it, I also think they should have chosen a small city or something for this test and give everyone there basic income, the real interesting thing would to see how it impacts an entire society, their economy and labor market. Now a few faggots here and there get € 560 and I doubt much will change.

Bravo, binland

>have 560 euro
>move to russia and rent your flat
>live pretty gud because prices are cheaper here
find a flaw

send me the money pls, i want to buy a ps4

the # of people unemployed, but want too work because they're trapped in a bureaucratic hole is very little, mind you
it certainly does not justify implementing UBI just for them instead of fixing your broken welfare schemes

of course if this is the sole reason of UBI (instead of smoothing out the whole welfare thing/ allowing universal survival/ etc) , then it's failure ahoy

much like the Y Combinator experiment about to be undertaken, if is far too early to implement UBI policies.

i believe that UBI is inevitable as automation increases, but we are looking at a time frame of closer to 2030-2040. It is far too early now.

That's nothing. I doubt that any noteworthy change to society, good or bad, can be observed from this experiment.

>Dude I wont work in some shitty manufacturing jobs or warehouse, I need something thats related to MUH GENDER STUDIES.

You can work shit job and look for better at the same time.

real or not
still triggered

"Finland has become the first country in Europe to pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income"
First country in Europe ? And what is the RSA in France ? You get 514€ per month.

We've been doing it for much longer, it's just going to attract shitskins

> Muh finnish testosterone

That's 20 hours minimum wage work.
Hardly a small sum for literally doing nothing.
Give them a minimum wage job from the government to build basic infrastructure.
Gives them something to fall back on but doesn't encourage dependency. Plus you don't have lazy retards roaming the streets getting up to dumb shit.

But really, almost anyone can get a job. People are just picky about earnings or doing physical labor.

is this a mask.

forgot pic

> It has no soul


There are about 35,000 open jobs in Finland for over 300,000 unempoled + students whom are just about to gratuate. Most of those jobs requite prior expirience and education to fit the job. Unemployment is not a choise.

But we allready have this commieshit here to feed the muzzies and worthless NPD voters.

>well these biggots are just protesting for black lives
>but I'm protesting for TRANS black lives

employment placement might be more useful desu

To be honest, this is interesting.

It is not crazy to think we are gonna enter a no-growth (or so low it is as good as no) stage in the world economy, specially in already developed countries.

You get the EU growing 0.3% per year and all the agencies and ministries pat themselves on the back as if that was the fucking 11th wonder.

Sometime in the future we will just not grow anymore. What then?

What if automation and no-growth start killing jobs for the lower classes? We will either enter instability (specially since mudslimes will be even MORE reliant on GIBSMEDATS) or a spiral where people have no money to buy shit, so no demand, no growth, no jobs, no money to buy shit.

This shit is scary, specially for Europeans.

And no one knows what to do.

How this basic income plays out will be interesting to say the least.

>noone knows what to do

>we've tried all the different kinds of socialism and none of them have worked and our economy has completely stalled out

>and nobody knows what to do

>but we can try this new form of socialism called basic income, let's see how that works

it's going to be funny.

We'll be seeing liberal starbucks hipsters advocating this whole new system as THE solution. But soon they'll see that this system will only work in white countries with a huge white majority.

Also UBI could work


Finland, you should admit that socialists are failed your country. It is time for turn.

sanders sounds like a national socialist... was he our guy? did we miss the boat.

Guys chill, we've been doing this for ages in France.

First, it won't work, even with this system unemployment levels are still high as fuck and the economic growth is close to 0.1%

Second, liberals won't be "advocating" this everywhere, well in some countries they are pushing for it, like in Finland.

Third, it will only bring more migrants, this system is partially the cause why we have so many shitskins in our country

Just what we need. Government to employ people to dig holes and fill them back up. Like that's not what's happening today with STEM graduates.

a literal Jew talking about how niggers deserve more help than the founding stock of the country, GTFO

There is always an alternative.
Transaction to some format of socialism is our only choice now.

>pay its unemployed citizens a basic monthly income
Why are they calling unemployment benefits a basic income? Basic income is supposed to be a reverse flat tax, not some means tested govt cheddar.

How about you just DONT give free shit to immigrants?

It is not that hard.

Let's put aside traditional notions of socialism and capitalism and focus on the pragmatic side. I am as much an anti-commie as any good polack is, however the change in the economic framework is undeniable and it will hit developed economies harder. Specially those with weak, left, naive leaders (i.e. most of Europe).

Growth is close to 0.1%, and it is only going to get worse with more mudshits reproducing and entering Europe.

Basically the world runs on debt, which relies on growth. No growth means this structure needs to be changed.

You could even argue that if we let no-growth hit us like a train, it will mean the death of capitalism. If we want to keep capitalism (I do, it has created more richness than at any other point in history) we have to think hard and think out of the box.

Socialism is too broad of a term. It will mean something different for northamericans and eurocunts.

The german "socialist" system is not that bad. It is basically capitalism with some wealth re-distribution. Where it fails is that it foolishly provides for the demographic destruction of Germany itself by giving money mostly to mudslims.
If you could get a law prohibiting GIBSMEDATS to islamics, it would be a rolemodel system for the world.

> Transaction to some format of socialism is our only choice now.

Finland wants to move from socialism to socialism.

Why not purebreed communism?

American who has visited Helsinki many times (half Finn reporting in)

560 euros is pretty much nothing in Helsinki. I can't speak for the rest of Finland of course.

Christ we spent 150 euros on LUNCH (75e each, set lunch) at Kuu.

Good chow tho!

time to be a neet in finland


No UBI can work with infinite shit skins arriving

>free money for doing nothing

Capitalism with welfare and strong pulic institutions is not socialism.

Base income is a very good thing in a aging, shrinking and more and more automated society, of course you´d have to remove all the niggers and muslims for it to work though.

I make about $2000 a month in California and all I have to do is send a job application once a week

tell us more about yourself, we are all very eager to hear about your life.

Yeah because in such a society it's not a problem at all if your scare away all your high efficiency workers and entrepreneurs with your high tax welfare society.

That is my point, what is socialism?

"Capitalism with welfare and strong pulic institutions" is GOOD. As long as muslims dont get practically the entire welfare.

If that is not socialism, then what is? communism?

idk if you're just pretending to be stupid... or

I was giving an example of a similar scenario you imbecile.

or can you not tell that by the fact that I'm applying for jobs means I'm unemployed

>1-2 actual finns did this for virtue signalling

free healtcare, free education - do you have those too?

In addition you tax your workers/companies to oblivion to fund it and young have even less kids.

Actually your socialist just renamed unemployment benefit to basic income to show your general retarded public that they care.

Finland, will they take the bait?

>in a social experiment hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment.
>boost employment
Can someone explain to me how giving out neetbucks is supposed to boost employment?

the only thing this is boosting is the ammount of worthless idlers in finnish society

Its called welfare. Make niggers and Mexicans dependent on it and they vote Democrat 4life

You're supposed to pay both unemployed and employed people.

>But really, almost anyone can get a job. People are just picky about earnings or doing physical labor.

Demonstrably false, the simple fact is that technology keeps evolving, replacing labor and workers more and more; furthermore, you're ignoring the fact that jobs does not exist everywhere. Plenty of people, especially in the North, live in smaller communities rather than large cities.

And that's still ignoring the simple fact that you can be denied basic shitlabor because you're "Overqualified". It doesn't help that burger flipping and similar jobs has such a stigma. It's funny, so many people whine about people not working and yet look at people that work in McDonalds with disgust.

It's incredibly fucking naive to think that social security wont become a necessity at some point unless we either begin to actually explore space and colonize planets or invent new things that will require new types of work. It's fine now but going around pretending that there's work for everyone is just grossly uninformed.

As is the common assumption that "They don't want to work" which is a common rhetoric from people that has never been unemployed for any longer periods of time; culture also plays a part. Shit becomes monotone as fuck when you're unemployed for a longer amount of time, things you find fun and enjoyable become a chore, a grind in itself as you grow more tired over everything.

Work gives hobbies and fun meaning and vice versa. That's not to say there aren't leeches nor that social security is perfect; it should definitely be something that is there to help you get housing and food but nothing else. You aint gonna get work if you have no home and aren't clean after all.

>Can someone explain to me how giving out neetbucks is supposed to boost employment?
As I said in the previous post, hard to get a job if you aint got a home and look clean. Why do you think that the US has a huge unemployment ratio and so many homeless?

You think someone is going to hire a homeless looking motherfucker?

Social security is fine as long as it's to just make sure people have a home to live and eat in; everything else is excessive.

The way society is now, having a social safety net is inevitable.

The current welfare and tax system can be called inherently left wing because it treats people differently based on their income level.
It taxes rich people more and gives more money to the poor, in a way "redistributing the wealth".
And the need to keep a track of peoples income in the current system leads to invasive bureaucracy and convoluted tax systems.

However, UBI is a curiously right wing system in that everyone gets the same payout. When you combine this with a flat tax rate, you get a system where everyone is treated the same no matter what their income is (there is no "punishing" people for being rich).

This is why UBI has so much wide appeal.
It fulfills the need for a social safety net which is supported by the leftists while being a blind, non discriminating system, which the rightists like.

It's barely enough to pay rent, get you some shitty food and pay your phone bill etc. Just to keep you alive and prevent nigger behavior.

The future will be interesting boys, to say the least.

>boost employment
how if they get basic income why the fuck would they work?


>Why would i want to go out and get a job when i'm already getting that much a month?

>inb4 but it's not enuf to pay taxes
Take in consideration if multiple people combine theirs together they literally can rent some shithole by doing N O T H I N G


The city is great.
The people are trash.
It's full of treasonous leftist and globalist shills.

will fail, has failed. When it should come for some more Keynesian economic growth, 2/3 of africa will move from Germanistan to Finnland

To get more money? Basic income will be exactly that, basic! You want a nice car or holiday? You're gonna have to get a job still. It hopefully will mean that most people can live with some level of dignity intact

Finland is not sweden. People wouldn't accept that.

what do you mean 30k came over the border in a few days and nobody did anything.

>tfw your monthly salary as an electrical engineer is 500 EUR

why live lads

>nobody did anything

>find a flaw

>move to russia

People ITT might want to read up on Mazlow. I think it's a good idea. It's morr or less enough to get by, but not enough to live comfortably. With rent "out of the way" the target group can now focus solely on getting a job. Ideally.

what do i have to do to move over their?

Our system is currently:
>Be unemployed
>Receive benefits
>You can work part-time and receive only partial unemployed benefits
>It is a risk to take part-time work since it there is a chance that taking it will fuck you over because there is a change that your part-time benefit will be delayed or something similar will happen. Then you can't pay rent etc.
>Also many times taking a part-time job will actually LOWER your income after taxes etc
>So it is makes more sense to do nothing and receive neetbucks

This experiment:
>Receive money without any bureaucracy
>You can work part time and it won't affect the basic income if your pay is small enough
>If you make "too much" money the basic income will be taxed away

An Interesting combinaison would be basic income + no minimum wage.

We have this thing in Australia called Newstart

Newstart is different from other welfare systems around the world in that you can be on it indefinately, as long as you fill out a job search diary.
It's kind of like UBI in that regard.

And surprisingly, people in Australia still get jobs. Being unemployed is still seen as desirable. And Australia has doesn't have a high debt.

There might be some unemployed who are simply gaming the system, but the vast majority of people without jobs are either temporarily unable to find one, or they are suffering mental illness of some sort.
Because its human nature to want to work and participate in the community, and to get the money to fulfill their dreams or provide for a family.

its fucking nothing
i can barely pay my rent with that

finns are uncucked by muzzies theyre white in my book

comfy as fuck

>one larper
>doing anything