Ana Kasparian Named One of the Sexiest in Media

Do you agree?

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i thought armenians were supposed to be based?

I disagree because she isn't "one of the sexiest"

she's the sexiest

If she accepts the title, then she acknowledges she is a piece of meat.

she's hot tho

unlike McAdoo or whatever, the coalburner trashheep

Her personality ruins it. 2/10 if including shrieking harpy persona.

only before the nose job

Rather smash Lauren desu, I could probably push out a hate fuck fro this creature though, looks like she needs an unlubed cock to the arse

I feel she's the type of girl that gets broken up with a lot. She claims to hate men only because they keep running away from her eventually, even after all the dirty stuff she does without asking.

anna "nose job" kasparian


since she's a feminist, shouldn't she reject this title as it is objectifying her?

Maybe the sexist genocide denier.

maybe if she still wore her hair like that. as it is now though she makes herself look like even more of a fucking cunt

shes fucking disgusting desu
6.5 at best

I wouldnt doubt it. Men seem to have shit taste in women

I thought it said sexist for a second there

Here's Ana before she looked like a mongoloid with dry skin and a nose job

I think I can agree with the media

Kek why is the kike complaining about nose sizes


She looks like Joe Rogan's litte ugly hairy sister.

Wow, thats a bit objectifying isn't it? How can MSM be okay with this award?

Get Off the Front Page, you Fat Fuck.

Not at all

Lee Ann McAdoo from InfoWars

I'd hate fuck her but that's not saying much.

I think the >who is this Sup Forums anchorwoman from CNN is pretty hot.

Before or after the schnauze job?

she is my red-pilled GODESS

>ywn fuck her in the ass while she calls you a disgusting pig

Why live?

shes fucking better than us, so yea

Brooke Baldwin



No way. She's a 7 at best in a city full of 9s and 10s, not even considering she''s built like a fridge. There a plenty of big titted blondes over at Fox that are way hotter than her.

Fuck, kill, marry thread?
Here's two rows for you all.

She's no Lauren Southern.

she's no Abby Martin either

yeah that little butt wiggle she does as she says it is pretty cute, desu

With ana you've got a 30 years old, with the looks of a 40 year old, the ideas of a 20 year old, and the personality of a 10 year old. Sad!

I would still eat her ass snack though senpai

>implying it's anyone other than Melissa Theuriau

Hello there, what's going on?

hard choice between tomi and lauren


>you will never brush her hair back as she wispers guttural nonsense to you
>you will never only understand "yes" and the occasional "library"
why even live?

>those ugly laps


god damn.

this website has desensitised me to ISIS beheading videos and Chinese CCTV. But these motherfuckers freak me out every fuckign time i see them.

I would definitely enter.

She has terrible hair

Maybe if you're 12. Get on this level.

She would look sexier in a gas chamber.

she should do one of those femdom/humiliation videos where the girl insults you

I'd like to fuck her.

Cenk is an idiot.

Goldy is a 10.

>That feel when she married and had children with a crippled algerian manlet

Maybe there is hope for the rest of us, right?



an armenian whose grandparents survived the genocide still worshipping turkish cock. wilder than my craziest fantasy.

Each time she shows up on my YT stream, I bust a nut watching her imagining I am burying my dick in those magnificent milf tits.

Make up your mind, roach. Did it or did it not happen?


Are the French a lost cause?

Yes and no. She is not very conventionally attractive, but there is this primal urge to rape women who are offensive, or domineering, so men want to give her the D .

It won't let me look through the list. Is my Mormon princess on there?

>Implying media is worth more than my shit anymore

Abby is waifu.


I like Megyn Kelly More.

Hnnnnnnng dat trigger control


any random Fox chick is better looking.

you had a typo in the word "sexist"...

I'd genocide her pooper, if you catch my drift.

Mouth like a fleshlight. Unff...

really? that turns americans on?

lmfao thats objectively pathetic

no pic related is

Because he doesn't hide his.

Poor bloke can't read.

You're gonna get some freedom if you're not careful Bongistan.

alex jones is pretty hot

Look at her before nose job pics and try to claim that.


This her tits are grade A masterful

Yeah boii

Her face is ugly and she's also got a bit too much fat on the stomach desu.

Tomi looks fucking disgraceful without makeup

Check her Instagram

It's a really cringey Sup Forums meme.

because say what you want about jews, but we know our noses


3DPD can't be esexy by definition.
2D on the other hand, can be both pure and sexy.

Is there any video of her crying? I would need it to determine how sexy she is.

She was sexy as hell when she was screaming at Alex Jones that he's a fat fuck. I have a good feeling about her looking good while crying.

Idk about that but if you look at their election day coverage you can see them going through the 5 steps in the matter of a few hours.

An ugly person, both inside and out.

I don't have an Instagram. Post proof of your argument

Oh the Money Honey ™


Weapon safety rules aren't a fucking meme. Weather or not a chick follows them is a huge sign.

Finger off the trigger = Not fucking niggers

Deus vult ? isn't she a jew?