I am thinking to convert to Islam

I am thinking to convert to Islam.

Who same here?

no one

Haven't seen The Japanese shitpost in a while, what's happend?

You'll have to get uncircumcised. Are you up for that?

I already did

"thinking" and "convert to islam".
You get it?

The exact opposite. I'm thinking of converting to Christianity

Nice proxy FBI.

son, why did your parents never tell you it is wrong to be a fag? Islam hates women. Muslim men prefer young boys. Only reason a muslim has a wife is because being a fag in islam means death but islam makes men into fags, so they pretend to like women but really they just want women so they can produce more boys to fuck

I'm not stupid enough for islam or christianity. Both are cancer.

Fuck off you traitorous scum

sucking a 700AD arab muslim fuck's religious dick, slave

your shinto family would be ashamed of you

Japan has a great cultural heritage. You could try preserving it instead of following doctrins of some illiterate bedouin.

I converted 5 years ago because of my boyfriend.

Best decision I ever made.

If you need help, I can guide you to many resources.

>Thousands of toilets were clogged up due to the inavailability of plumbers.

wow leaf faggot goatfucker? trinity of cancer

Listen to this guy. He has to deal with this shit the most. It ruins nations.

Yes. Islam is immune to degeneracy and is a clear path to the traditional life.

>is a clear path to the traditional life.
So I have to live in a cave and become an animal painter?

More like having submissive wives that get publically flogged for sexual misconduct.

I dont understand how anyone can think of being any religion

you people are so fucking dumb its unbelievable

Cabochan otama

Islam is the only solution to western degenaracy and total collapse.

the west is cancer islam is the answer (cure)

0/10 Bait
especially roaches trying to be edgy by defending shitskinisme, hilarious

We already have a perfectly good religion

sick bants

I hope this is a joke because christianity isn't valid anymore

Because you let untrained people translate it
Because you let catholic retards mess with it
Because you let some faggot king do his own altered version

your bible is fucked, you're the ones who fucked it. it has no credibility left.

also read the gospel of barnabas

Peace, lol

hahahahaha more Shitskins defending the "religion" that made them stuck in the 15th century. Kek

Japs would make great Muslims
>fanatical enough to use suicide attacks as a tactical move on the battlefield

Yea, im also thinking about fucking goats.

It failed. Only Islam is strong enough now.

Gee, I wonder why your cities got nuked all the time.


If you convert to islam you will have to abide to a whole set of religious laws that are not compatible with Japanese way of life. Your only solution will be to move to an Islamic country or go to hell, Quran is pretty clear on this.

for the record that's a heap of bullshit

as long as you pray,fast and give charity, lay off the alcohol,drugs and porn
you'd be fine

Goatfucking is the way of life

>lay off the alcohol,drugs and porn

So 80% of muslims are not muslims

Step 1. You must first go to Mecca and let the alien black stone infect your mind via touching it.

Step 2. Go to Sweden and live off ISISbucks.

Step 3. You must go to Sweden because Japan does not tolerate faggotry. And Germoney will gas the muslims any day now.

For betas like you. All the real men take 4 wives on a fuck carousel and you fuck animals instead. This will be you when we take over, haha. How can you compete, kafir?

yes, so?

christianity gives the same commandments yet christians fuck like rabbits, watch 40 gigs of porn a day, drink 4 gallons of vodka, and finish that off with an overdose of cocaine

can we say that 99% of christians aren't christian?

I have been thinking about it, but then I realize I just do it for the community and not really for the religion. Dutch people are backstabbers and can't ever be trusted, muslims will defend each other. When I look around me I see that white culture is dead so it's appealing to join the camp of conquerors.


Dat religion's da bomb, dude!

They only need to worship their emperor

better try killing yourself than converting to islam


Me too. According to here they are going to take over Europe. Might as well join them.


>you will have to abide to a whole set of religious laws that are not compatible with Japanese way of life

Toothpaste explaining to a nip about the japanese way of life. Fucking kys you obnoxious idiot.

Pagan -> christian -> muslim

The path is so clear.


“So long as there is this book [the koran] there will be no peace in the world”

Nice Shitpost

>"So long as there is this people [the aryans] there will be no peace in the world"