Princess Diana was murdered by the government

Princess Diana was murdered by the government.

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Who cares?

Sure, but the british media is the most mundane government branch ever devised.



By the queen who is on her deathbed as we speak.

I watched her marry charles.
I was up late when it came across the wire.
I yelled at the tv.
Every Brit I have met says the same thing.
Diana would have got half the crown in court in a divorce from charles. The worth of the crown was never going to be revealed in open court.
MI6 did it.

So sorry sweet princess. Not everybody lives happily ever after. Epecially when your anti-land mine meme gets poo pood by your mother in law.

I wonder what the Spencer family has to say about her death?

It's always good to first build a case and then draw a conclusion than the other way around.

I'd like to believe it nut I don't think their smart enough. They talk about "the Bond Delusion" and MI 6, it's the same with SAS. It's not the 50s anymore. I don't think they could do it cleanly if they were asked.

on the 33rd pillar


If you were to believe prophecies, an old boer prophet named Siener van Rensburg fortold that a queen was to be murdered to hide her secret relationship with an arabic man.

...but who believes old crazy people right

Are you LARPIng or serious? she was a mud shark whore, she deserved to die but what's really more likely scenario? she was with a very rich, very self-important daddy's boy Arab shit who told the French driver to go faster after he'd had a few drinks to try to show off to her, or the SAS would or could actually pull this off? Even by 1997, they had no budget and were gutted.

For those interested, his predictions seem to be fairly accurate. Fortelling an ethnic war to come in Europe

Burn the coal, pay the toll.

I've always been interested in that guy..he's the famous Boer seer right? The few things from him I've read, it's like Nostradamus (who was a Jew BTW). It's so arcane and so convoluted and there is so much of it, you could interpret any of it any way.

Here's a prediction: a muslim will blow himself this week and take at least 15 people with hum somewhere in the world. Does that make me psychic?

Wasn't secret though....

> love those pizza Captchas

> get driver drunk
> pay paparazzi to chase car
> infiltrate paparazzi with your own men
> try to chase car off road using motorcycles
> somehow manage to force car off road in a tunnel
> phew! Everyone on board died, what luck!
> report back to the mi6 for tea and scones and a pat on the back from the Queen for a job well done
Anyone who believes this drivel shares a platform with Diana's Muslim lovers father.
It was a happy accident.
Diana was a failure as a mother because she couldn't do her primary job, keeping Charles happy as a successful bride. Her only job was to be someone Charles was proud of and she fucked it up.

And she was a multiple offender! The paki heart surgeon (who was hideous by any standard), then the egyptian. I'm ashamed to even know this trash but I read DM each day since it is, unironically, the best paper in the world.

No one fucking cares. She was a degenerate liberal slut with a victim complex. In other words, just your average liberal woman with too much money and time on her hands.

Every Brit.

> literaly this

This. She was with a Arab scumbag trust fund playboy trying to show off and it went wrong wrong for her. tough luck. Thank god she wasn't able to have a shitskin kid. Can you imagine the Jews clamoring to give it some sort of title, even though it would have no right to one?

She was also a coal burning cumslut

Based Sup Forums. Love you guys. Fuck this rancid whore.

I linked a few there. As far as predictions go, his are fairly detailed. It's freaky and im not really a superstitious person, but I wont deny it.

The mother of your future king!

Are there twenty different books by 'Trooper X' detailing his shitty childhood, arduous selection, and then his personal part in Operation Killtheslut?
It wasn't 22 SAS Regt then.
>the media will blame any conspiracy to take the heat off their paperrazi blinding the driver with cameraflashes in a race through a tunnel.
They killed their own golden egg getting photos.

Fuck, does anyone have the picture of the tattoo some guy got of princess diana with a cock in her mouth? I used to post it here all the time (also had it as my Jewtube profile unit they made me change it). Then I fell asleep wit my laptop on bed without doing a backup in a few months and fried my HD. Feels bad man.

If so, they did a great job


If OP doesn't answer this post, his mother will die in her sleep tonight

>I watched her marry charles.
dude, how fucking old are you? You sound like a 60 year old fairy.

So was Franz Ferdinand

All schemes in order to cause some shit

We all knew that the moment we heard it.

Where have you been?

agree with this. Imagine...let's go with theory they gave order to kill her and something went wrong. They either get arrested by French authorities beforehand or after. The fucking queen would have had to abdicate. That old bag loves her castles and the rest of her unearned shit way too much to ever risk it.

A bit OT, but the fucking queen seems genuinely sick now. We might get a funeral and then coronation this month, which will be interesting since they'll have to guard against snackbar.

>Franz Ferdinand
have never seen any proof of this. Do you have an actual link and do most Serbs think this or just pulling it out of your arse as a conspiracy?


In the tunnel of Alma.

(((They))) were good at hiding it, so i can't find proofs right now, but it makes sense. He was not very popular in Vienna due to wanting to reform the country and make it less German-centric, which would fuck over much of the nobility, so they deliberately started to rouse up the Serbs so he'd get shot, while gassing him up that it's all fine and that nothing could go wrong which is why the security was so shit and why he didn't change his route even though some dude tried to blow him up with a grenade

Old enough to see history in the making and it's unmaking.

Princess Diana was David Furnish in drag.

"Princess" Diana was murdered by her inability to behave like her standing demanded.

OP lives in Townsville they recently got one tv there.

This is fake news

Princess Diana was a race traitor and a national disgrace

the only shame is she wasn't publicly executed for her crimes

also the mother of all SJW and libcucks

She got BLACKED by big Egyptian cock
That's all what I know

Yeah, all it took was some deep cognitive and subconscious suggestive techniques used over her entire marriage to Charles to get her to never wear seatbelts.

But he did show up in Sarejevo on the anniversary of battle of Kosovo Pollje (sp?) and thus pissed off a lot of nationalists who wanted out from under the austro-Hungarian boot. Have been reading "Guns of August" last few days by Barbara Eichamann (which makes me sick, bc she was a niece of Morganthau). It seems pretty rational to me desu.

by "it seems rational," I mean after all those years under the Turk boot, Serbs wanted their freedom. i can understand that. Although,If you read the minutes of the First Zionist Conference from Basel, Switzerland in 1898, Hertzel says: "The question of the Orient is now pressing, and the Great European War must come. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible hour."

Now, this was in 1898 (!!!) and the Jews were already plotting this at their first Zionist Conference. That is suspicious as fuck, I agree there.

>"""royal""" """""family"""""

Who gives a fuck

she survived the crash but killed her in the tunnel. also had to ensure first that the baby died then killed her.

> report back to the mi6 for tea and scones and a pat on the back from the Queen for a job well done
WHY am I not fucking MI6?
why even live.

racemixing sow deserved it

[citation needed]

Ugly brittish slut.
Who cares?


Burn poo, face the loo.

She was German, like most of our nobility.

"member of the German (British ruling) Baring family of bankers and the daughter of Edward Baring, 1st Baron Revelstoke"

You posted this like 8 months ago. I remember. Had De Jav u when I saw

>he lost control
>in an s class
>at 100kmh

yeah nah cunts, shit was a inside job. if any of you driven a mercedes you would know those shits are built like tanks and its near impossible to lose control around a corner (it had esp).

Excellent, so ?

Probably. She's on my list of people wrongly eliminated from this world. I will always take the bait and post up. Part of my autism to rub the faces of the guilty in their poo. Gif related sort of...

No it is fine. I just found it weird that I remember that. First sentence may have came out the wrong way. Didnt mean that its bad to post it again.

Yeah, probably.

she was a whore just like most british woman


>Princess Diana was murdered by the government.

Who cares if a bunch of germans larping as medieval kings in the UK kill each other?

She was dating DodI Fayad. Israel would get that half crown.

Considering 99% of monarchy threads on here are made by Yanks, clearly you.

The Queen is fucking immortal you burgerfat scum. You leave her alone.

No apologies necessary.
This is Sup Forums after all...

Would you prefer having the possibility of an half arab descendant as king?


Satan speaks.

Trips speak the truth

"Princess" of what exactly?

She was going to expose the pedophilia in upper classes.

The digits are fitting. Your queen and all royals are depraved psychopathic lunatics who rape and murder kids. All upper classes in jewish controlled society are depraved.

Is that Podesta guy?


>Princess Diana was murdered by the government.
sky blue
water wet