Even Turks cant avoid the cuckening.

>A popular Turkish pop song shows us a stronk Turkish woman being lusted by two black males and two Turkish males.
>The only guys being pushed around by her are the two Turkish males
>She pushes the Turk away while the black male is extremely close to her smelling her hair

Other urls found in this thread:


Forgot to post the video


Better load up the AK.

>turkroaches getting enriched
finally something more powerful than a can of raid lmao

how can you even compete roach boi

I love how nigger men are used as a biological weapon around the world. Nobody considers them even remotely human.

Ohh nooo please don't steal our Turkish woman

What surprises me is that this is the cuck level of almost Sweden inside a somewhat muslim state that barely has any blacks.

They are trying to be subtile but its clear that only the two Turkish guys get pushed around.

>unironically listening to Turkish pop
Bulgarians produce sick stuff. They're into urban beats and it differs from other Eastern/Central European pop.


No wonder Turks rage and shoot up clubs.
Once you look into it you realize that Turkish women have 10 sexual partners on average and are very likely to fuck foreigners.

And now they push the "refugees" on Turkey while promoting racemixing

There is some adult videos in Japan now with black man and Japanese woman. I often wonder if the black men realize they are in a zooaphilia movie starring as the animal.

holy fuck this.
they consider themselves some super human while they're getting used by others all the time

Can someone drag a Turk into this? I need a proper translation of the song

How did you find this?


Glorious how this is widespread now.

Where was FEMEN forbidden again?


This is degenerate as fuck.
What's your point?

Youtube recommended it to me.
It was on my first page.

I first thought it was some western pop whore when i saw the thumbnail.

I thought they only lost funding from papa Soros

Reeeeee. What is your end plan shlomo?!

When shilling backfires.

>1:05, Swedish flags flying

And from who does he takes his orders?


what do the comments say? i bet theirs alot of pissed off turks

Greek metal is degenerate. Bulgarian pop is healthy.


It really is like clockwork

>Nobody considers them even remotely human.
women don't care, they're attracted to niggers like magnets.

Yeah I'm sure they are super depressed over getting paid to fuck beautiful women

Why do you care what they think

lol sure

digits force me to agree about metal
but pop is healthy?

maybe in Sweden Sven

I dunno, you tell me, you're the jew here

>browsing turkshits vids
>seeking for BBC
WTF is wrong with you people. Damn, Slovenia was a mistake, and is rightful Austrian clay.

globalist kikes as opposed to zionist

the moment it is opportune don't think for a moment he won't turn his back on your god forsaken strip of desert

>tfw Ayşe is out getting fucked by Jamal when she told you and her parents that she will be at Fatma's in order to study for the upcoming finals

Remember this gem, Schlomo?

Turkey... confirmed for white?

In a hypothetical future where groups of nationalists, muslims and niggers vie for control of the dilapidated streets of europe, I'd join temporary forces with muslims against the nigs in a hearbeat.

I saw some Saudi Arabia cuck porn once where they put the guy in a little cage and then fucked some white guys while he had to watch.

It's the most bizarre porn ever.

>who jews the jew?

I guess turks are not really extermists since they have pretty degenerate music.

check the digits indeed
Public entertainment is a niche where Trump comes from and it's a perfect way to subvert normies.

it's not a globalist media. It's your own local media. Do as you please with it.

keep telling yourself that Labunge

and how, dare i ask, did you come across this?


They need this



What is going on in this sick world? Yesterday, the french pedophile/interracial video, today, this. People don't give a shit at all, and can't see the problem behind that, you can see that by the likes/dislikes rate. I'm so sick, now.

Literally who? Also shit music.

It's the new hot craze among young Turkish females.

>canadian flag aswell

there is no significiant black population in turkey.

few blacks in turkey are weak somalians and other east african muslims. so this is harmless.

the producers clearly imitates western song cideos.

If (((they))) keep pushing my buttons and giving me reasons and I will form the fourth reich in anatolia.

The Jews fucked up. Turks and Balkanshits generally know how to keep their women in line. If some nigger in Turkey or in the Balkans stole someone's gf, chances are he's going to get beat up.

Diversity is good. Remember only da white man is your enemy which means you all must mix together to fight him
t*rk detected

Why do niggers have such wide hips?

Look at them lady hips

You mean shot, and the girl would be shot too


>so this is harmless

Thats what Swedes thought 20 years ago. Its your turn to get keked. Where do you think all the blacks will go?

>If some nigger in Turkey or in the Balkans stole someone's gf, chances are he's going to get beat up.
also this is how we deal with shitskins that try ficki ficki here

Not sure. Niggers are one odd race. They are the only race to score both below 80 on average IQ tests and 70.

Ah man that was us 20 years ago and look at us now.

Lately Croatia is becoming more and more progressive. It wont be 15 years before you are Austrian tier progressive

Shut the fuck up, Sweden!


hate to admit it but you're totally right bruh
but than again, history repeats itself
we balkan people were always bloodthirsty savages and not even ((them)) can "fix" us

few blacks I've mentioned in turkey are waiting for moving to europe. they are not staying here. also we are not sweden 20 years ago. many syrian refugees were killed by civilian turks (and kurds) in the last 4 years. we are not afraid of violence, fight. actually violence and fighting is everyday life here. zero chance blacks dominate our streets.

Anglo media always wins

Seeing Turk females makes me fucking sick. In some of them you can see the fucking Greek/Byzantine genes almost trapped inside these bodies mixed with Arab rape genes trying to escape. The "Security guard" at the nightclub they shot up had eyes like that. Byzantine eyes trapped in a fucking Turk body. Feels bad man.

You are delusional. 100 years ago Americans were burning blacks now their women burn coal.

Things shift and societies become more "progressive". If you do not see the trend of change in Turkey you are delusional.

Turks will abandon islam just like we abandoned christianity. Give it 40 years and there will be millions of blacks living in Turkey

Look at this girl. Her eyes are European, but she has arab features, It's fucking sad.

These eyes look Iranian

Who are "they"?

liberalization and westernization project in turkey and in middle east failed miserably. actually muslims are becoming more conservative unlike you.

Global Elites most of which have a jewish blood in them.

And yet this liberal video has more likes than dislikes. Look at the teens who are 15 now. Do you think they are more conservative than you were at that age?

Yes the older generation is becoming conservative as it ages but the youth remains liberal


>black baby in clip

>Pop is healthy and metal is degenerate?
>Go masturbate with Bieber and the rest of the traps and niggers.


>muh dick

What difference Greek neopagan musicians make since your government is leftist? What difference Polish occultists make if Poland is Catholic Caliphate and they are subjects to blasphemy laws? They're outcasts in their own countries.

Bulgaria slowly drifts to reasonable political stances - anti-EU, pro-Russia. What music do they produce, once again? Pop fucking music! Because they are not retards.

He's right you know, muslims think they'll over come it, or even convert the west, but they are too stupid to understand that america has created such a perfect system of ruining societal cohesion, that you'll fall for it, just as everyone else has.
You lust for the same things westeners lust, which is the newest iShit and dumb overly expensive cars, ect.
You are done for.

She's Persian. Persian women must have been genuinely beautiful in an exotic way before they were raped by Arabs.

>inb4 1.5 million black people invade Turkey.

That's typical for newly industrializing countries with society shifts.

Wouldn't it be more like


lol no

Turks going down the slippery slope.

Downfall soon

As a Jewish man I implore you to let this black man into your life.


That's why Persian women need plastic surgery right?

look at the look of utter disgust on her face

makes me proud to be a turk

Next decade will be glorious for Turkey. Blessed with pieces.

Wtf. I thought turkey was a muslim country?
Seems pretty degenerate to me

>As a Jewish man I implore you to let this black man into your life.

As a Jewish man I implore you to let this black man into your Wife.


Diversity is the way forward for Turkey.

Holy shit. It's so obvious that they used this black man as an animal. The audience laughs at her, as if she had to fuck a dog on national TV.

Does the guy even know what's going on?

You made a comment on music in which I responded with the casual shitposting and you respond back with politics?
But since we talk countries Bulgaria remains a shithole and we are turning steadily into Bulgaria. We have 25 millions of tourists every year, does it make us retards or are Bulgarians better or earning more with their pop productions? (Free sample)

How is this Halal in Turkey??


Turkey is too light skinned as it is. They need diversity. Some dark chocolate to spice up their caramel latte

But look at the cucked males clapping like retards and not being butthurt over it.