
How to deal with Islam if not kill them all?
Enslave them?

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Kill them all and...
Post first because it will be the best post.

>muslims not already being slaves

sakoku(closed country)

Islam is not the problem

Jews are

I see only males in that picture. How come?

Destroy Saudi Arabia and Wahhabism.

Germany needs to reopen the camps.
Why isn't #ReopenTheCamps trending pol?

Even on Sup Forums, redpilled people are rare.

Leftism is a symptom; Jew is the disease!

The Jews are using those fuckin Muslims and niggers to destroy the white race, it's time to revenge white men. The white revolution is the only solution to the jewish liberal system must be destroyed.

Multiculturalism is a Jewish weapon of mass destruction.

To all white people out there that begin to have racial conscience the real enemy is not the negro, but the eternal parasitic Jew who rule over your media, your government and your academia.

It all comes down to who controls your governments. If you take it back, the Jews are out of business. If you don't, you're doomed. Nothing else matters.

Thanks for the flag, started collecting 3 days ago

If we had no Jews, we would have no problems with muslims because they could not be in our countries. Muslim countries in themselves are not a threat because while muslim countries often have large militaries, they are usually poorly trained, poorly led and have obsolete equipment.

Deport them from Europe and kill every single one who resists.

They both are in their current form. Only Jews and Muslims resort to the "if you are not with us, you are with them" argument. Fuck that, Saudis, Qataris are jewing as much as Jews.

It's quite simple, I want Europeans and our new world cousins to live free of Jewish and Muslim influence.

according to our leaders we deal with them by dealing with them


Send them to Germany


Communist purges

t. Ahmed


Lets establish the term NAFRI for all the brown muslims.

It almost sounds like nigger. Nafri is short for "NordAfrikaner" - North African. It works in both German and English. It's a term we have created in Germany and it already has liberals up the rails.

That phrase could become important as a target of public disgust and hate because it's associated with muslims raping, stealing and beating. It's perfect for us. It throws them all together.

kill them all and let allah sort em out?

by degenerating their culture

Islam is incompatible with the modern world degeneracy.

It will take a while, but it will die.


Seems legit

Stupid English teacher that just wanted to put his newly learned word.
The closed country policy only works when they are not here already.

Except mass extermination, nothing can be done in europe about them.

Just kick them out of the western world and tell them to stay in their shitholes and keep their bullshit to themselves
THEN if they try a genuine all-out war against us, kick their asses

Communism will fix all religious problems.

We will take more and more muslims in so people who hate nazism will vote for communism.

Religion is opium for the people.

Except the middle east =/= north africa.
And half of them are coming from over there.

Not even forgetting the central africa that is becoming more and more muslim since the colonies are over and boko haram and shit is taking territory.

Haha. The kafir are the slaves. You will never be the master. Allah is the greatest. We are everything you want to be. Join us or the hellfire.

The only reason muslims are coming to Europe is because Jews are bombing their countries. Solving Jew problem would solve the muslim problem. Hoiwever, solving Muslim problem wont solve the Jew problem.

It doesn't matter. Our police uses it for brown Muslims. They call Syrians Nafris as well.

thank you Imam you are my greatest ally

Jean Claude, are you drunk shitposting again?
Anyway, to you answer your question: The religion is irredeemably violent, so burning Korans and life imprisonment for the followers is inevitable unfortuantely.

>How to deal with Islam if not kill them all?
Yes...but we have to keep that on the low..otherwise we're "advocating violence" (however justified it is).

Use other words like "off them" "deal with them" etc like how the mob does when they talk about killing.

> We are everything you want to be.
Barely self conscious welfare recipients? Well no thanks.

The Jew is a curse upon humanity. I think it's time for the REAL final solution.

Tbh, Islam is actually not that hard to defeat, and it doesn't even require mass genocide or anything too beyond the pale.

All you have to do, is close your borders, deny immigration from Muslim lands and to refugees. Trump has already stated this as a goal, so this will be getting implemented and promoted by the US over the next decade.

Then you just wait...

1. Oil prices have dropped drastically and will remain low indefinitely as US shale continues to progress and dominate its competition. This will cause most Islamic nations to lose enormous amounts of resources, they will be struggling just to feed their populations.
2. Most Islamic nations suffer from an over abundance of population and single males. This was one of the main drivers of the Arab Spring, and it will drive instability and war throughout the region for decades to come.
3. Africa is populating and an immense rate. Left to their own devices they will begin to genocide themselves at astonishing rates over the coming decades.
4. Global warming. Quite a bit of it is over exagerated BS, but any warming will hit Africa and the Middle East hard. If heavy warming actually ensued their land might be unlivable within 100 years.
5. Once technology has improved, bio weapon.

Burn them to make electricity.

>muh hoomin rites


>close your borders
How do you stop an idea?

Allah is the greatest of planners.

Why don't you attack the JEWISH religion?

Oy vey! I see. You dumb commie scum

Human rights are for Humans and not for Human garbage. Pic very related.

Israel is the whole reason they are leaving that shit hole called the middle east Palestine belongs to the Palestinians jewburg

Send them to africa to live under King Zuckerbergs technocracy.

Our revenge is coming, Jew scum

I cannot wait

No faglord, the US meddling in the middle east is.

100 years ago there were only 140 million muslims in the world. (world population 2 billion.

today there are 1.5 billion muslims in the world. world population 7 billion.

according to UN, 100 years later world population will be 11 billion and muslim population will be 4.5 billion.


Give them reperations for being oppressed.


With a fence and a gun.

Well, after 10+ years of low oil prices, let's see if Saudi Arabia and various other Sheikdoms have the capability of competing on an industrial scale with China or the US. If the answer is no, then the flow of money to mosques will dry up, the elevated lifestyles of Muslim men will end, and you'll all be forced to wander the world as beggars...

Very funny


Because the jews sparked racial tension and burgerland government still protects the jews . It still leads back to jews being the problem


Islam sure is fun.



>With a fence and a gun.
Ah classic american dogmatism. Shoot the bad ideas. Burger logic.

nuclear power countries the uk and france will be islamic in your lifetime. pakistan a muslim country is already nuclear power. turkey and iran are secretly building nuclear weapons.

also the usa is becoming a white minority country. 25% of russian population is islamic. india is becoming islamic rapidly today 18% of india population is muslim.

china has no problem with muslims except its local muslim minority.

without aid from the west israel will not be able to stand long.

islamic world domination is certain. nuclear threats are empty.


Coups / Revolutions.

If you wanted to be really humane about it you could sterilize them, if deporting them all was too logistically difficult.

Really though the vast majority would flee the moment they saw you were serious about killing them.

Why do you speak as though you're in a position of power over the islamic world?

It is you who should fear being enslaved or eradicated by them now.

Maybe not , when people say something like "most muslims are peace loving " or "Moderate muslims" those people aren't muslims at all , but they think they are , for example by all logic if you don't support isis you are not a muslim , everything they do is exactly what Mohammad would've done and it is completely in perfect accordance with sharia , so if you would make all the people that call themselves muslim read the quran and the hadiths and the sira in it's entirety they would most likely abandon islam , and then those that would still hang on to it i guess should be killed but there shouldn't be a lot of those , the point is Mohammad was a sadistic pedophile psychopath and no normal human being could read about what he did and still consider him in any way a god man let a alone the perfect/holy man and a messenger of a benevolent God , i think muslims are islams biggest victim and if they weren't poisoned by it since birth they would most likely be normal and decent people.

Wtf i hate winnng now.

Just hand over the slave girls and get it over with kafir. Youve lost.

>The only reason muslims are coming to Europe is because Jews are bombing their countries
Never heard about Morocco, Algeria or Qatar being bombed by Israel
If you are talking about palestinians you should know that they are no more no less than arabized hebrews
" Jews Are The Genetic Brothers Of Palestinians, Syrians, And Lebanese"

Oh boy, imagine if the highest pop country started becoming christian and already kinda deus vults the goatfuckers in their province.
Oh wait.
But maybe you guys will dominate the world. I heard 2017 was the bomb in turkey. Or was it assault rifles this time? Or suicide bomber?

Can't keep up with you neighbor. Did you find who shot the guys at Reina? Was it the kurds you have civil war on your southern side?
The syrians that despise you because you are being an arab sock puppet? Or just the military provoking another junta? :^)

>Enjoy partitioning in 10 years. We get Constantinoupole and Smyrni

It's possible that Turkey could become fairly powerful in the future, but I suspect this is unlikely.

After absorbing millions of refugees, you have been experiencing "happenings" on a nearly weakly basis. It will take a lot of effort just to keep from imploding. To make matters worse, your country is forsaking secularism and slowly embracing political Islam, a recipe for disaster as the world becomes ever more competitive.

However, one factor stands out as particularly dangerous, though amusing. Your country literally stands directly outside Europe, a gateway between the growing hellhole that is Africa / the ME and the European continent. So, when those 100 million niggers finally decide that they've had enough of starvation and genocide and decide to march for Europe in mass, they will be promptly deposited on your doorsteps and any wars fought to keep them out, will happen largely within your own borders.

Really, as much trouble as Europe might be in 30 years from now, Turkey will be 100x more fucked.

I don't really care about muslims as long as they aren't here or in the west in general.

Send them back and maybe kill all the Saudis so they stop using their money to spread wahabism.

t. race traitor

Facts don't matter. Perception matters.

You can't enslave someone who devotes their entire life to religion and is prepared to die for it killing them is the only way templars and european knights saw that during the crusades

>Lets establish the term NAFRI for all the brown muslims.
Come on Ahmed
Everybody knows that you're a refugee from Syria blaming other arabs in order to not be blamed yourself
Arabs from MENA, you can call them whatever you want, they're still be sandniggers

400 year old ottoman slave. gayreeks are a joke.

syria will be done within 1 year. turkey is now cooperating with russia and iran. us and the western coalition is out of middle east. everything will be fine you will see.

How do you even get that flag lol? Europe isn't a country wtf how is he posting from "Europe" lol?

>Impying Russia and China will allow sandnigger to posess nuclear weapons
>Implying the French Army isn't Catholic
>Implying the French Army is muslim
>Implying mudslims hold any power in the French Army

Wew lad

The Jews wants to take over the Middle East and send us Muslims all to Europe and the west where they will rule us and you as gods from the heavenly fertile land from the Nile to the Euphrates.

Kill the Jews and everything returns back to normal

russia is supporting iran's nuclear programme.

These digits don't lie

Where's the difference in that image?

You can't enslave people who'd rather die than do a decent day's work. Plus you ruin the labour market with slave labour.

I say we make a deal with russia to ship them off to Sibirian gulags where they can chop wood or mine salt or something.

Stop promoting multiculturalism. Societies need not be homogeneous - but it is inevitable, sociologically, that a dominant culture prevails. If you do not want it to be Islam, stop sabotaging your own civilization.

Second, Wahhabism. This user knows. It is a kind of prion infection that gradually advances throughout the world. Mosque by mosque. Expressive part - if not the vast majority - of European mosques are disseminators of this genocidal madness. It is propelled by Saudi money, and is a permanent threat to all non-Muslims (and non-Sunnis) living in the vicinity of a Wahhabi.

Ahmed pls, are you joining the EU yet or do you think Merkel and co. scammed you into taking refugees and holding them?
Also if you want to see the house of the founding father of your nation, you can come by Thessaloniki. You just need a visa for Greece :^)

>Only Jews and Muslims resort to the "if you are not with us, you are with them" argument
>implying Sup Forums doesn't
>implying this wasnt w bush's whole campaign

Obviously Kek was with me.
Praise Kek bringing the light of truth to this thread through me

islam itself is literally filled with ways to forcibly convert a population
- jizya
- sacrifice of first born female child as sex slave


add in the israeli trick of sterilisation and you're good to go really

" The creation of a coherent ethnic category for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region will have a positive impact on the treatment and services available to members of the Arab American community."
" Efforts are underway to support the addition of a Middle East and North Africa (MENA) category on the 2020 Census."
" The Arab American Institute will continue to work closely on the new category, working to ensure an inclusive definition of MENA"

we are tired of fucking greeks but if you insist so much of course we can fuck you more.

Islam is a cat.

They are psychologically female.
You have to understand what this implies, there are so many important points but the main one is that this is how females work.

Females do not work together unless they have to.
When they rule an area they kill each other to get territory, but if they don't have any territory they work together.
They are psychologically inclined to be parasites, and to drain resources and push the male owner of the territory to the limit (look at how they act around men, they taunt them until one of them takes control of them, they walk right up to groups in an attempt to make the males fight over them to the point they may just get raped instead.

They will bow if they need to, like all women, but leave them alone to their own devices and they will leave you and find more resources.

they do not need, nor want work.
They are not domesticated, they just form a parasitic relationship with men.
think about it for a long hard time, the only time Islam has EVER existed without terror attacks is when Genghis Khan smashed them into pieces and genocided them non stop.

And then, how did they act?

They were told that they would die, and they sat, to afraid of death to move to avoid death.
What does a woman do if you tell her you are going to beat her to death in ten minutes when you come back?

She sits there and cries and waits, unless she has another male already.

Islam is female.

t. yet another syrian refugee

you gotta have countrys stop being libtards and ban Islam , if you want to come into the country you have to convert to christianity
if your caught doing anything with Islam its an automatic 5year prison term or deportation

jidf tier newfaggotry right here. Every redpilled Sup Forumstard knows that if international Jews were nonexistent then multiculturalism wouldn't even exist. Muslims would still be in their own countries.

You dumb nigger pavement apes are actually so new that you don't even know who our true enemy is. It makes me sick, this board has gone to nothingness. Jews won holy fuck

Make friends with them, this one time Ali brought some foodstuff his ma made and it was the shit, bread buns spicy like you never had.

You are confusing "if you are not with us, you are against us" with "if you are not with us, you are with them".
The first = be my friend or else.
The second = if you don't side with me, you are Muslim/Jew tool.
The first one is more of a threat, the second one is more like trying to trick an enemy to think you are their friend because you have a common enemy.
I might have wrongly phrased it in my initial statement but there's a difference. Also:
>Sup Forums has one common opinion on anything

How is their faith affecting you personally?

He is talking about international banksters who are worth well over sixty trillion and happen to be Jews, not Israel by itself. info dump incoming. Save for spreading. part 1



God save the west