Finland love thread

Lets have a Finland love thread, those autists deserve it

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I want to bully Finland relentlessly

Lets discuss finlan, is it cold there right now?

Redpill me on the hyper war

Are your girls cute? Post some

Are you really all that mongolian?

Why do you stand in such long lines at a bus stop?

Why is Finlandia vodka so tasty?

Looks pretty desu

that's the no bully zone we created for ourselves

there were no "christian dark ages" with was a "germanic and arab dark ages"

>The Finno-Korean Hyperwar was an ancient war fought between the two most powerful empires of the world, the Ancient Finnish Empire and the Hwan Empire. It is well known for bringing the end of the Hyper Era and bringing the world into a "dark age". The war was fought from between 8245 - 6172 BC. It is commonly debated how great of a role the secondary powers played in the war, as it is suggested that the Wewuz, Kang and Shied technocracies allied with the Hwan to stop the Finnish. The war is usually said to have begun with the Hwan invasion of Finnish India. The Emu confederacy is also considered a belligerent in the war, though they were not allied with the Finnish and merely invaded Japan.

i was never attracted to asians
but honestly this mongolian is a cute
fuck you Sup Forums

Gimme some rare apüs

Why are finns so lovable? I just wanna hug them. You can't really hate on Pekka, they are so depressed and down that it flips around and they become the chillest people around.
Sure you won't have any faggy gossip with Pekka but my god will that guy just let you chill.
Bow down to the king Finns wisdom

Who even bullys finlan?

'know not' apu

idiot. rome didn't fall because of barbarians. It fell because they fucked up.

someone ordered some Puukkojunkari?

And people claim finns are not charismatic. Look at that alpha chiseled jaw just laughing off that reporter like a mongol James Bond.

Of course we love Finland, its our province after all.

How do I get finn girlfriend to be autistic with?


bumping with some Kalevala

they spent more human lives killing each other in civil wars trying to get the imperium that defending themselves. Two last centuries of the Roman empire are crazy



>they spent more human lives killing each other in civil wars trying to get the imperium that defending themselves. Two last centuries of the * empire are crazy
Look at us.

Heheh too slow Pekka

>mfw my finnish grandmother told me about being made fun of for "chinky" eyes as a kid
>see the mongolian finn memes here
>im also a anime autist who drinks energy drinks

Should I annex benis?

Tenk giv more plësë

Songs of muh peoples

Bjelaja Smert coming for you Ivan

what is the Original painting pls?



"näköala haminalahdelta"

another Suomi warrior incoming

many thanks

When I see post and has the Finland flag I think, "Thank you based Finbro".

I love Fin memes it's hilarious and has the special parody.

I listen to Finnish metal and tell shit Muds online to leave and stay out of Finland. I bought a Puuko blade it is the best belt knife in the world.

Finland posters is #1
Australian is #2 but close

Chinese are dogs, Koreans are gooks and Indians remind me of poop smell immediately.


Was there some huge Sup Forums roleplay thread that I missed?

Nah its just a Finland thing

my sides

Greatest manlet to ever live

bing Finno-Korean Hyperwar for lulzy kekkers



Finland is the biggest piece of shit country to exist. I have never met a Finnish person that I liked. The whole culture is a huge joke and Finnish people are so full of themselves its absolutely sickening. Vitsi vaan mulkut.

bretty gold in the mourning :D

Chris Kyle died like a bitch


Burgers cant into war.

Midsummer is the best point of the year for me.
The celebrations, bonfires, nightless nights etc are beautiful.

No hard feelings for the wars we waged rusbro

I was going to say something about mosquitoes but then realized that alcohol makes them disappear

He was also a liar
>Kyle bragged about traveling into New Orleans in the days after Hurricane Katrina with a fellow sniper and shooting at least 30 looters from the roof of the Superdome. There's no evidence anything of the sort ever occurred

quit your bitching cuck. do you think there REALLY would be evidence or that actually happened? b b b but he lied about shooting random civilians kek, faggot

> rusian think he can actually mobilize if needed kek oh, an no one wants your barren waste land kkek


What is this stupid shit?

>tfw ancient finn
where da koreas at

Tule hakemaan voita leipäsi päälle venakko huore

Im so very confused


>Kyle told of how he killed two men who tried to carjack him while he was stopped at a gas station along a rural highway southwest of Dallas. When police arrived to investigate and ran his driver's license, Kyle said, they received a phone number for someone at the Department of Defense. The story ends with the police officers letting Kyle drive away.

>Kyle told the gas station story to Michael Mooney, a writer for D Magazine who was working on a profile. Mooney spent months trying to verify the story, he said.
He interviewed people at every gas station along the stretch of highway where the shooting allegedly happened. He spoke with state and local law enforcement officials in three counties. Nobody had ever heard of the incident.

Do you really think that >30 people shot by high caliber rifles would completely disappear, and that the killings wouldn't have been investigated?

What a fucking idiot.

Finnish chicks are hot af..

Post them

Call me when you win an actual war, burger

Delet this

Here some translated finnish high-culture courtesy of drunk-me

oispa kallija