Canadian Sup Forums discussion thread--the bipartisan edition

Alright, first time Sup Forums thread maker here--hopefully you won't break out the rakes or leafblowers too quickly. Please correct me if I'm factually incorrect about something, and please feel free to contribute your own news topics--I could EASILY miss something crucial in Canadian news.

>Sup Forums

From our glorious prophet of kek on why being bipartisan or non-partisan is important.


Contrary to what seems to be seen on Sup Forums here, Canadian politics did not begin with Trudeau. Steven Harper, who is often championed on here and contrasted to Trudeau, can be directly linked to Trudeau's victory. Before we move forward, we have to acknowledge that

>Only Commonwealth PM to ever be found in contempt of parliament
>Dissolved parliament before a no-confidence vote against him could be passed.
>etc. etc.




A year under Trudeau(best and worst list). He almost immediately began to abolish Harper's highly controversial census issue(making long form of census not mandatory). Scientists now have new freedoms to publicly speak about their work...Unless it's about gender ideology, kek. Meanwhile, millennials continue to suffer.
Torries still struggle to find a leader for next election--AFAIK, they're gearing up to win the election after the next. This recent defeat has them backpedaling it seems.

Other urls found in this thread: Politics Politics Politics Years Together_djvu.txt


Trudeau on vacation during 150th anniversary outside canada.

> Politics

Trudeau reacting to Carrie fisher's death more quickly than to the Berlin terror attacks

Current progress in parliament committee meetings

> Politics
>using trudeau as a public brand for peacekeeping

> Politics
Canadians feel their reputation has increased underneath Trudeau




Meanwhile our economy is in hot water--but remember that this is also partially due to the Harper government. The Trudeau government has barely had any time to royally screw things.

Should I even bother with bill c-16 stuff!?

Contards, libtards, non-partisans, centrists get the hell in here!

Also, feel free to mock me horrifically as you see fit. Remember, that when by defeating me in debate, humiliating me or killing me, I win.

>We are living in a post-national nation

Fuck no. Unfortunately, little change occurs whatever government we seem to choose. For example, immigration actually increased under Harper, but increased EVEN more underneath Trudeau.

>Bill C-16
We need a nationalist, anti-immigration and anti-marxists/SJW party or movement goddamnit.

>inb4 Natsocialism

Fucking murderous ideology, just like Marxism is.

>inb4 1 issue party

Goddamnit--being just anti-immigration and anti-this or that isn't enough. What the hell should we do Sup Forums?


Hopeless bump

here's a bump, it's also too early to expect leafs to post itt

>Canadians feel their reputation has increased underneath Trudeau

I wasn't surprised by that, there was a bit of a national feeling that Harper had diminished it. I think he's not disliked internationally, but on here? Hated furiously. He is seen as a bit of a weak dumbass by some pretty based people though off of here too.

He stammers under pressure too. Plus there's this:

>uh, uh, uh, answers, uh.

Harper's the only PM who said Islamism is a real threat to the west, however--which I agreed with.

I might try to repost all of this later, if possible. When moar leafs are awake.

Non-leafs totally welcome to join in too--especially with the intent of killing us, since that would make us winners.

Outside of Sup Forums the way Canada is seen, at least in England, is no different than it was five or ten years ago. To us, Canada is just a nowhere nation that's cold where everyone says "soooorry" and "eh". You're too quiet for anyone to really care about.

To the politically minded Canada is an absolute laughing stock right now, especially since Trugay came out and said "we are the first post-national state with no core Canadian identity". In fact, I'd say anyone with half a brain knows damn well that this floppy haired, MySpace using, white knight poser isn't your leader. Good luck finding who is though.

Bill c-16: condoning gender dysphoria as a non-illness


John hopkins hospital was a pioneer in sex change surgery. They've since discontinued it since it's been found to be more likely to harm someone rather than help them.

American college of pediatricians say transgender conditioning on underage kids is child abuse

I have to disagree with him there.

The image of a beer-drinking, hockey playing, tuque wearing, bearded guy who loves maple syrup and says "Eh?" a lot is a pretty common national image. We have a beer brand called Molson Canadian which uses the phrase "I am Canadian" as it's slogan. If that's not nationalism, I'm not sure what is.

To an outsider, Canada might seem like a cold, useless hellhole, but when you go by the metrics, in terms of people's happiness, education and etc. We're, in some ways, a much better country to live in that burgerstan...Or at least we used to be, now our economy is really hitting a lot of people hard.

There's also the fact that Canada is a confederation, whose nature makes for pretty strong provincial identity. But to say we have no national identity? Yeah, Lememington is dead wrong IMO.

Also, don't you britbongs think almost every country is shit besides your own and murrica? Which some of you seem to fetishize? At least in my anecdotal experience.

Than* burgerstan or Mexico.

In the 90s and early 2000s and beyond, I'd confidently say we were the best run country in NA. But those days are gone, memefriend. Still, a decent place to live IMO.

>your own and murrica
That is the single shittest country on Earth. It is FAR below Britain. Vast swathes of it are 3rd world. It thinks it's the most powerful country on Earth yet knows full well who it simply can never lay a finger on. Sorry, my hatred is strong with this.

Canada has a hell of a lot of potential, if only you could rally behind a leader who would refuse to play second fiddle to America, who would refuse to be bogged down in liberalism and who understood that freedom for your people is only secured by removing freedom from others.

Honestly, given the choice to holiday in Canada or the US I'd pick Canada every time. But you have to start refusing to accept faggot leaders.

Interdasting and I gotta agree about Murrica.

Like I said, I've met a few britbongs who seemed to fetishize it for some reason; not sure why. Still chasing that land of oppourtunity meme or some shit.

I have to completely agree that we need to stop shilling for burgerstan so hard. We are basically it's servile yes-man cousin in some ways. I'm glad we have a good relationship and all--we kinda need one as extremely close trading partners, but jesus christ, our leaders are SO weak on policy once murrica steps into matters. It's sad. Very sad.

>Trudeau is gonna get cucked by Trump hard


>decent OP
>self-deprecating and articulate leaf
>wants to actually discuss instead of leafposting
>wants to unite leafs and save them from the rake

Well, what can I say, Godspeed and keep it up.

No problem muh good Dacian.

I would reckon, judging from my shitposting elsewhere(not on Sup Forums) that I too know "the way of the leafpost", but I resist the urge to leaf.

Have a bump in honor of what is hopefully the beginnings of the great unrakening.

>>Trudeau is gonna get cucked by Trump hard
I'm not really sold on Trump. I was gifting him my meme energy in the election, but only because I was thirsty for tears. I'm not actually convinced he'll do a lot or be a good leader, though hopefully he proves me wrong and starts to steer the US in a better (more reclusive) direction. His love of Israel is a bit worrying for me though, I want the pressure to be kept on Israel to stop its settlements because a large Israel is a large problem.

>I've met a few britbongs who seemed to fetishize it for some reason
That reason would be retardation my leaf friend.

I just think it's sad that Canada decided to pretty much turn its back on Britain in favour of sucking Yank dick. Her Majesty is your Queen, you gained independence amicably. Then you sold yourself out to the US, of all countries. I think Canada needs to turn away from the US and forge better relationships with other countries elsewhere, otherwise you'll always just be nothing more than America's bobble hat.

The only people who voted for Mulcair are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Trudeau.

I love Taylor Swift

Likewise. I'm skeptical of him, but obviously it was a choice between 2 authoritative shills. During his campaign and the debates he was always weak on policy. I'm not sure he'll be a good prezzie. We'll have to give him the benefit of the doubt until he dun goofs royally or something. I don't think he'll be amazing by any means, though it would be exciting if he were actually successful. A real underdog story. I too am critical of his love of Israel.

Indeed, we gained our independence quite honorably. I think it's a major problem of being in North America. Our geographic isolation has led to political isolation as well. Of course, to some degree, that isolationism has been good for us. I think stronger relationships with other nations besides the Americas and China(literally has infiltrated our government, according to a 2010 report by our top intelligence guy). China is a huge problem for us. We depend on them economically, but being the commies they are, they wish to subvert and control us. Which they're fairly successful at.

Where I lived(rural and suburban areas) we went full red. But that has a LOT to do with our extremely inept torrie government provincially, let alone federally.

Our last torrie premier had to ingracious resign. Oh the joy of seeing that incompetent nitwit fall.

Torrie, NDP or liberal--I don't give a shit so long as they do a good job.

Disregard that post. It's a leafpost - saw him in other threads but he replaced Muclaire with Trump and Trudeau with shillary. Also have a polite bump.

Whenever I think of current Canada this picture comes to mind. It makes me sad to think of what those people gave in order to stay British, only to have it all flushed away a little later by stupid governments. Britain is isolated too, disconnected from mainland Europe and far, far away from any other big players. We still assert our power though, and there's no reason you can't either if you just got your shit together.

What was the report from this top intel guy about China infiltrating your government?

>only to have it all flushed away a little later by stupid governments
To clarify this bit. I don't mean flushed away because of independence, but because of how Canada has effectively turned its back on Britain.

My journey here to Sup Forums thus far:

>be me
>come from hardlining leftie family
>Not commies by any means, but NDP/liberal every vote basically
>lrn about gommunism
>seems bretty gud idea
>wasn't done right(lol it's a failure of a system)
>go to le uni
>still leftie
>friends with openly commie people
>one guy says he calls josef stalin, brosef stalin
>get partially brainwashed by feminism and other things
>start to slowly see misandry in feminism
>start to see men rights have some substance
>"lol user they're sexist"
>start saying im egalitarian instead of feminist
>"but user, it means the same thing"
>feel silly for trying to make that distinction
>later realize feminism DNE egalitarianism at all anymore
>watch anita shitskeesian
>bullshit detector
>start to see bullshit collective guilt being pushed off to impressionable young men on le reddit(rarely go there)
>ie women can't be sexist
>start feeling odd, and am convinced I'm not hateful like they say
>compare wikipedia articles for men's rights vs feminism
>feminism's page looks completely innocent relative to MRA page
>stumble upon "Anti-feminists"
>they say some bretty cool stuff
>Later find out some of these people were feminists branded anti-feminists by the feminist clergy
>realize there's something amiss again
>start paying attention to SJW stuff after hearing echoes of the word in chatrooms
>realize they're left wingers too, but I am a world apart from them
>realize how crazy the new left is these days
>redpill so fucking hard
>start questioning my entire political philosophy


Thanks for the raking; I think he won though; since you defeated him.

>wonders if the dream that is Canada will be realized before we sell our entire destiny to the Chinese/America

Using subversion against us, like yuri besmenov predicted.

It must. We will make it so.

Go on. I'm comfy as fuck and reading.

>Contrary to what seems to be seen on Sup Forums here, Canadian politics did not begin with Trudeau

It may have not began with Trudeau, but it will end with him. Canada is toast.

>Canada is toast.
Such blackpill. Toast can be delicious with maplesyrup.

Bloody hell leafs, why do you have such sporadic economic fluctuations?

I pray for the return of times when foreign spies were immediately executed.

Too bad you're putting some Chinese man's shit over your toast rather than maple syrup. I thought Greece was going to be the first ever country to be officially occupied by a foreign entity without a single bullet fired, but it turns out it's going to be Canada.

>I pray for the return of times when foreign spies were immediately executed.

Didn't disagree with you about the fire economic straits we might be heading to. But I see it as a chance to overthrow the current meme PM and rake the marxists and SJWs.

>still have faith that not every leftist is a crazy SJW
>stumble upon jordan b peterson
>redpills about gender ideology--totally believed it earlier as a college student
>redpills, redpills, redpills
>start educating myself
>slowly realize how crazy SJWs truly are, and how wrong they are about right wingers
>still skeptical of the right becuz muh ethno-nationalism and muh religious right wing
>realize that having a different political opinion is not a crime(loljk, it is to some people)
>have friend who was centrist, who is now moving further and further right
>we balance one another out in some ways
>good for my political development as diversity in thought is a good thing(fuck diversity of race; that's not as important)
>starts redpilling me on certain things about trudeau, and other things
>I educate him about earlier politics since he wasn't paying attention as long as I've been
>begin to realize that I'm a dying breed as a moderate center leftist who doesn't want to literally harass someone into submission for believing in X when I believe in Y
>realize how important conservatism is for maintaining important freedoms established by other ideologies(including itself), like freedom of speech
>SJWs hate freedom of speech beyond belief
>shocked that such traditionally "open" thinkers are so closeminded
>notice how SJWs and far lefties are stirring the beast that is the authoritarian right
>start listening to Gulag archipelago and finally totally admit that communism and socialism in most or all of it's forms is destructive and cruel
>“The battle line between good and evil runs through the heart of every man. ”
>realize in order to resist the brutality of SJWs. Marxism and Natsocialism I must insulate myself first
>now determined, open minded moderate leftie who wants to hear arguments from both sides; sees the silencing of speech as brutally authoritative and cruel


>Now realize that post-enlightenment western democracies aren't perfect but the best we have in the world.
>used to be occupyfag when it was popular
>for shame
>for that system to survive liberals and conservatives MUST work together, and totally reject marxism and natsocialism; and it's brutality
>MFW it's too late for that though, the radicalization stage that yuri described is already ongoing
>pray I can help change and outreach to others that being a moderate is a good thing, and that the left and right need each other for democracy to work. Regardless of the slim prospects.
>Not sure if I can ever view liberals the same way though--I feel betrayed by my own kind.
>At the same time, cannot reconcile myself completely to the right
>Come to Sup Forums
>see freedom of speech and have many lulz
>gud tiemz

Sorry, that was 3 posts not 2

Interesting post. I think I was where you were about 8 months ago. I'm more extreme now. I'm a Paleocon more than anything else, but I now see authoritarianism as inevitable. The point is to be in charge.

MFW gommunism is socially acceptable but not natsocialism



If one is allowed political freedom, so should the other. They are equally cruel IMO. Although communism might be more cruel, since it promises economic equality and happiness and brings utter misery.

Bretty gud read. 10/would read again
I'd screencap it but I'm a lazy fuck at this hour.

I see that as inevitable as well, but as someone on the more libertarian side of things, I simply can't let myself go down that route.

The horror...The horror...

marxism is just applied hegelianism, why are you getting so hot and bothered by it

The things that make life worth living must be defended. Your race, your culture, perhaps even religion are all under assault. Your opponents will have no mercy. If you don't fight back they will put you in camps.

Good read. Here's my journey to Sup Forums so far:

>be me
>have a deep rooted belief for as far back as i can remember in to childhood that my people are the prize of the world
>have nowhere to talk about it
>get to 20 and depression is now at unbearable levels
>remember my friend used to go on a site called Sup Forums
>google it
>end up on Sup Forums
>not a big lover of dick and cartoon cunt
>see "politically incorrect"
>never left

Ok, in honor of I'll try to greentext a bit:
>be me
>full on SJW (before it was a thing since I'm in my 30's now and was a teen at the time)
>women are the most oppressed in history herpa derpa
>be into vidya
>gamergate happens
>wait wat...
>down the rabbithole I went and never returned.

Sorry(tm) for the low energy post but I'm tired. To the OP - please make these threads in the future again. Sup Forums is full of leafs and we have nowhere to go, so we shitpost in other threads, but I'd fucking love Canada Sup Forums threads to come to and talk about OUR issues for once instead of the US ones.

>but I'd fucking love Canada Sup Forums threads
I second this. It'd get you fuckers to stop leafing Brit/pol/ up so bad, plus I'd get to learn a bit about what's going on up there in New China.



Lets not forget how much of the vote the communist party won in Germany when Hitler came to power. Natsocialism and communism are bitter enemies, and the SJWs are stirring up that beast big time.

No way will I go with the lefties on that one. I guess I'll be a h00man and either fight or flight. Depending on the situation of course. But in my heart, I will always be a bit of a leftie.

Literally no idea where to stand on that one. The rise of the far right in Europe(inspired by the left's terrible doings) has got me worried, for sure. There is increasingly less of a place for moderates, even though moderation is so desperately needed IMO

Technically I'm atheist-agnostic(believe the probability of god is very unlikely)--which, of course, most religions want to punish you for.

That's an understandable position, but consider that if the respectable political movements refuse to solve problems then the "far right" will. Understand you have been lied to about more than you think.

You're a Solzhenitsyn fan so here's the full English text of 200 Years Together. Years Together_djvu.txt

>even though moderation is so desperately needed IMO
When it comes to Europe, that's like saying we should only lightly apply sealant to the burst pipe. We're dealing, on a massive scale, with a Muslim invasion and they aren't moderate, at all. If we're moderate they'll win, we need to be savages for a while. That's why I'm really quite in favour of the far right presence growing here, it lets me know that people are still ready for a fight. Moderation in a time of desperation is a fool's game.

I guess the damage has already been done.

Well, for me at least, I have a ton of geographic isolation on my side(not densely populated area; little immigration), lots of white people and who are quite nationalistic in nature.

I used to be annoyed as hell by that nationalism growing up(it was obnoxious, still is), but I am quite glad now, considering how many people living here have a real sense of ethnic identity and homogeneity

That sounds nice. I live somewhere that has homogeneity, but hates itself. Liberal bubble in a red state.

>now determined, open minded moderate leftie
>not a post-modern value pluralist libertarian nationalist leaning fuck tard

Who am I even sharing my country with?

>We need a nationalist, anti-immigration and anti-marxists/SJW party or movement goddamnit.

We have one anti-immigration Conservative party that just registered last October. We need to get behind and support them, even if they don't win any ridings it will send a message to other parties that we demand action on immigration.

The Cultural Action Party:

Their reddit page (the parties founder is subscribed there):

Had a similar experience this past summer. It was a scales falling from my eyes moment when I saw how vicious the SJWs are and how corrupt the left I used to identify with actually is. Then I found Dr. Peterson. The guy has singlehandedly justified Canada's existence

I see Trudeau as a wake-up call that we've needed for quite a while desu.
Here, have a cup of rage:

Thanks fellow leaf; may you blow freely in the wind until your next shitpost and subsequent raking

Some pleb tier leaf, obviously. Waiting to be raked. Remember that those who rake us will be the losers, however.

>I used to be annoyed as hell by that nationalism growing up(it was obnoxious, still is),
You need to learn to love that nationalism. I grew up in a time in my country when the local shop was run by the local people, who were so kind and trusting that they would allow you to walk out without paying full price knowing that you'd come back later to pay the rest. When the police were so well known on their beats that they'd always have someone come out to give them a cuppa tea, and the police could stand around doing just chatting with the neighbours for 30 minutes because they knew damn well that no crime was being committed. I was born in to the tail end of this, and now I live in a time where the local shop is run by people I've never known who speak barely a lick of English. A time in which there is a genuine fear for the safety of your children.

Nationalists in peace time always seem like they're fighting a non-existent enemy, but the enemy is just right around the corner waiting for the nationalists to lose focus.


Thank you brother.

The number one threat to Canada by far is the large scale migration of Chinese into this country that has been happening over the past couple of decades. Our government has made it loud and clear that Canada is set to be a Chinese satellite in the near future, if you don't realize that you aren't paying attention.

Canada now has more visa offices in just China alone than in Denmark, England, Australia, New Zealand, Finland, Gibraltar, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Norway, Scotland, Sweden, Wales, France, Andorra, Belgium, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Bosnina, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia combined...and the number of visa offices in China is set to DOUBLE over the next few years.

The number of 10 year visas given to Chinese nationals by Canada has increased from about 20,000 per year just 6 years ago to over 400,000+ per year now.

>20,000 per year just 6 years ago to over 400,000+ per year now.
Holy fuck. Has there been no public uproar about this?

Do you think only the US and Brit media have been conveniently silent about crap, or outright lying?

I've known about the housing market issue due to foreign investment, and of course was concerned about how the communist cadres send their children to be educated here(as told by my Asian religions teacher who specialized in China and Taiwan)

I feel bad for people living in BC and the Toronto area due to this massive immigration and housing price spike. Our government is doing nothing about it as well...

About us becoming a satellite state: Do you think the burgers would let that happen? I've been critical of them plenty of times before, but it always seemed to me that in the 20th century they are our closest ally.

Of course, they have tons of their own issues, I guess.


>Of course, they have tons of their own issues, I guess.
Every country does, and a country like the US (The Modern Roman Empire) is bound to have its fair share. But it always seemed natural to me to align and ally with not only a geographical neighbor but a similar-minded, similar-demographic and linguistic cousin than a foreign and in many respects alien entity. Especially a god damn gommunist one like China.

Do we want to be part of the dying western civilization, one of the representative of which is the US, or do we want to have a fairly well working relation with the powers of Asia? To me, the question isn't really clear cut.

I sympathize with your position on immigration, however, especially if we can demonstrate that part of it is about colonization / securing the interests of China in America and not about doing what's good for Canada.

>The Confucius Institute

>Do you think the burgers would let that happen?

There is a coming cold war and it will be between the US and China much like the US vs Russia post WW2. Trump has hinted at engaging China in a trade war and at this point that is inevitable anyway.

That's a good question, but I do fear their imperialistic nature, as you might expect. It's unquestionably a difficult issue.

Thanks fellow leaves, I have certainly learned a thing or two by making this thread...Even if it has made me a little bit more cynical about the future

>TFW not living on westcoast where most of this "cultural enrichment" is going on


Oh, I see.

Chinese-Canadian here, AMA.

1st answer: No, I'm not going back

>ODing on memes

not even once

>the dying western civilization
There's your problem right there. Dying implies it cannot be course-corrected or healed if steps are taken. This is why I usually tend to view blackpillers like yourself as shills - it's your language. You present a heavily slanted (and dishonest) dichotomy "dying western civilization - fairly well working powers" . You're pretty blatantly making a case in favor of "the powers of Asia." It's China, not some nebulous conglomerate of Asian powers.

Your second sentence is an ambiguous and grammatically odd word-soup which I can barely make sense of. Maybe I'm just too tired though.

>trying to derail the thread with a plebbit-tier AMA
>trying to leafpost in a literal leaf thread
Wew, buddy.

Peterson talking about the rights of the individual over the group reminds me of this book. In it he says that for every right a citizen demands there is an obligation that must be fulfilled. We are essentially holding each other hostage by demanding all these positive rights instead of relying only on negative rights upon which British liberty was founded.

This book is a massive red pill even most Sup Forums Canadians couldn't handle.

Didn't know about this book. Will definitely look into it/buy it.
>this thread was more productive than expected


It has a conservative slant, but he's very fair and philosophically rigorous. Check out his interviews on YouTube. If you want more of that in great detail then get the book

>It has a conservative slant, but he's very fair and philosophically rigorous.

Most of that slant are. Comes from a classical education.

>heres why harper is shit
>sucking trudeaus dick

kys you flamer

Groups don't exist. Oy vey.

What did he mean by this?

No, really?

>literally 2deep5u

Another leaf trying to leafpost other leafs. We're immune to our own maplesyrup-venom, friend.

>Dying implies it cannot be course-corrected or healed if steps are taken.

It doesn't. But Canada does not control the fate of the west in general, which I understand to be the countries of Western Europe and their European dominated descendant in America and the Pacific. (Dingoes, Kiwis.)

The current Enlightenment milleniarism contaminating the west and its assorted demographic modifications are what I would like to see destroyed in Canada through a philosophy of post Enlightenment, one function of which would be to result in the re-introduction of the vocabulary of group phenomena (among which nationalism) in our political discourse. This would allow us to talk much more intelligently about demographic phenomena and enable competent long term decisions in that regard.

Canada, due to its energetic and natural resource potential, is also located at a rather important juncture when it comes to the future development of the world, and what we align with is going to be rather important. The Islam friendly west, which systematically support the Muzz over anybody else (perhaps due to energy concerns) annoys me a great deal.

>Your second sentence

My second sentence is about the fact that I'm (1) more sympathetic to Asian immigrant in so far as we need immigrant at all but that I (2) allow that my sympathies might deserve to be strongly qualified because these immigrants might still only be agents of China, the same way Muhammadan communities are a vehicle for Saudi and ME interests. They basically create colonies in the west and then fund them / indoctrinate them through mosques. We can't ignore the possibility that China is doing the same thing or something similar.

Furthermore, it's not at all clear that China exporting their inflation back at us through a real estate bubble is actually good for the Canadians the interests of which our government is supposed to protect.

The fuck I know. I don't speak Canadian.


Weedman speaks Canadian. It all makes sense now.

It's a Jew.

He's trying to con(((vey))) that the group does not have supremacy over the individual, that you cannot claim the a person is merely a mean for the realization of so called group interests, which cannot really exist since the group does not really exist (in his view).

Generally, this is a heuristic which has characterized Western civilization for a long time, as can be seen in some of our cultural product such as the US constitution. Individual rights are considered "inalienable", cannot be taken away by anyone nor overridden by any other institutions or embodiment of a group will.

So mistreating someone because "the nation" or "the class" or "the religion" requires it would be considered wrong under that view. The individual must be free to make his own decisions. (Peterson, however, emphasize that, in modern times, this has merely meant what the individual had the right to do and not the responsibilities freedom entailed.)

I somewhat agree with this general outlook but I do not deny the group as I recognize the existence of group phenomenon.

He is taking about group rights vs individual rights. Groups shouldn't have rights because they can't suffer.

He got the idea from other subthread that had people responding to him.

He is saying that the collective consciousness of the Borg from Star Trek is a fiction. Groups of people exist, but not a singular consciousness.

So, you cannot hurt a group, only the INDIVIDUALS within that group.

For fuck's sakes, this entire thread is just retarded. I'll fix it

First. Harper was a jew-worshiping cunt. Not leader material. The guy before him was no better, Paul Martin I think it was.

Second. Jewdau is a jew/nigger/muslime/chink/retard/other form of degenerate's worshiping faggot. DEFINITELY not leader material. A fucking human meme, in the bad way.

Third. The country has been an utter clusterfuck since the faggot's father has run the country into the ground. It will never be relevant until a "western ISIS" rises up and tears the country down, and burns the population away with it. The population of retards, degenerates and non-whites are steadily rising, while the amount of pure-whites and non degenerates is decreasing.

Fourth. The economy is going no-where, it will most likely crash in 10 to 15 years, if not sooner, and people have no valid reason to live anymore. I have to pay 4.99 for two liter's of milk, foreign imports are just outrageous. It's utter bullshit.

Fifth. Meeting women/dating women is hardly worth my time, they always end up to be as useless, unintelligent degenerate liberal slags. That's why white women are barely reproducing with white women anymore, or just fuck and duck. or bang non-whites, because they weren't raised to be utter trash. They may not consciously be aware of it, but I am, and I see it, time and again.

Sixth. The only way to fix Canada, is to let the country descend into civil war. That is, if the youth can wake up soon enough before they can destroy themselves, that is. I doubt the odd's are in their favor.

t. Victoria City resident, from BC. One of the most degenerate liberal shitholes there is.

I see. I don't think he could have said it in a more ham fisted way if he tried, but I suppose that's the limits of Twitter.

I also disagree, groups of individuals can suffer, often for being a part of that group. In fact, it's often the basis of a group's identity.

Mostly though I reject the premise that the individual is in all cases sacrosanct, as it's the basis of all modern degeneracy.

I'd like to tackle another topic, fellow leaves and onlookers:

>public healthcare

For or against?

I'm personally for

>be middle class
>without public healthcare would probably be poor
>all the doctor visits my parents have to do would probably cripple us financially and bring about great emotional unrest

At the same time

>dem waiting lists that people die on

All I know is that I don't want the american healthcare system. Burgers talking about that shit is not only confusing, it's downright depressing most of the time with regards to personal cost. It's pretty clear that IMO it's corrupt beyond belief.

From a scientific perspective, the American healthcare system(only go to the dr if I'm sick is oft the mentality down there due to monies) seems like it would promote more disease proliferation and mortality via people being afraid to go to doctors and having irreparable debt loaded onto them.

At the same time, I see how our public healthcare system might not be the greatest, but I feel that it's much better at overall serving the public because healthcare should be a people first, profit later industry. Wherein doctors living here want to cure you as fast and as effectively as possible to save the most money (and you obviously), rather than make the most money.


I personally think a fully privatized healthcare system is a disaster, but like I said, just IMO.
>TFW my leftie colors are showing

>It doesn't
It does. You didn't say "it's ill" or "it's declining" you said it's "dying". Maybe I'm a stickler for words and you just meant declining. You also offered as the only alternative the "Asian powers".

>But Canada does not control the fate of the west in general, which I understand to be the countries of Western Europe and their European dominated descendant in America and the Pacific. (Dingoes, Kiwis.)
Don't really know what you're arguing. I was arguing for alignment with the US rather than China. (because of similar values, similar demographics, historical ties, language, geographical neighborhood etc)

>The current Enlightenment milleniarism contaminating the west and its assorted demographic modifications are what I would like to see destroyed in Canada through a philosophy of post Enlightenment, one function of which would be to result in the re-introduction of the vocabulary of group phenomena (among which nationalism) in our political discourse. This would allow us to talk much more intelligently about demographic phenomena and enable competent long term decisions in that regard.
All right.

> The Islam friendly west, which systematically support the Muzz over anybody else (perhaps due to energy concerns) annoys me a great deal.

It annoys me as well, but the solution isn't aligning (getting taken over) by China, but rather trying to become more nationalistic, populist ourselves, and align with the US which is going through a similar change.

>They basically create colonies in the west and then fund them / indoctrinate them through mosques. We can't ignore the possibility that China is doing the same thing or something similar.
Agreed, and I refer you to , and to youtube or google Trudeau China for the latest debacle.

with white men.* Fucking autocorrect.

We live in a country where the state assumes all responsibility and confers rights (via the charter of Rights and freedoms) to the individual. Because of this Canadians can have their rights striped away at any time.

Only when we decide to assume responsibility, and fufil our obligations can we truly take back our rights and freedoms. But most Canadians are happy to let the government take care of them from cradle to grave.

It's outlined in this book

Ethno-nationalism does not necessarily have anything to do with authoritarian right. It just means you desire social cohesion, cultural protectionism, decreased crime rate, stability of the state and society and living in a way to continue the hundreds of generations that came before you. Can have very well a liberal democracy in an ethno-state, cultural, scientific and technological progress. AND it is the only form of state that can sucessfully carry a welfare state - the only one. An open border, multi cultural, post national society is far more socially cold, ruthless in its competition, low trust in its interaction, higher in crime and bound for a capitalist society without identity, sense of belonging or tradition.

And even compared in the outmost extreme National Socialism is far less tyrannical and murderous than communism.

If Canada descends into civil war I'd be interested to see the factions.

Lodge practice is an interesting alternative to public healthcare and insurance companies.