Is this woman white?

Is this woman white?

No, obviously not.
She has Brown eyes, dark beaner hair and bronze skin. If I passed her on the street, I'd think she looked pretty good, for a non-white girl.


do you even own a brain?
at all?


Katie Nolan is white. She's aged pretty terribly in the last two years though

>implying it's legal to buy a brain

Quintessentially white

I would need a taste test to determine!

fyi.. only scandinavians are pure white. white usa = slavs

If you have to ask that question in the first place they're probably not white.

Probably ~70% european DNA but is a mutt in some way.

I don't know, but I think girls who look like that are the most beautiful creatures on the planet.

There is some Amerindian in her. But mostly Mediterranean I would say.

t.Kremlin Expert in Phenoanthropology

White enough for me to breed with if given the chance

I can't even read those cracker runes.

Our child would be.

idk, but i'm turned on

Not surprising considering niggers can't even read cursive.

And I thought you Norwegians are at least semi-intelligent. Hmm.

She's looks Mediterranean, so I'd say yes. She's white.

Degenerate shit. "Here! Tattoo my pussy!" Some """"""""Aryan"""""""""

Who is this Aryan goddess?



i'd bang

>defending some tattooed slut with fake boobs this hard

Not defending a women so loyal to the cause that she gets a tattoo of it

looks like my mom spain confirmed for white

Wow fucking hell your cringey as fuck
dis u nigga?

I just like nazi women and tattoos so no

Is THIS woman white?

Idk but I'd fuck

fucking degenerates

women ruin everything

ofc, she is white trash

too trashy, probably had million white dicks in every hole

Implying niggers can read at all

>Snownigger kogic

Is that foot nice, btw?

I think it's cute.

I'll take her.

she actually looks very reduced, similar to most slavic subraces

so most likely shes a mix of baltid/alpinid + something darker

>Disregard his nose and lips, goyim; this man is WHITE!!!!

Men do this shit too

It's a trash problem not a gender issue

I don't know. Will she let me lick her feet? Then she's white

If she doesnt she's a mudskin African oven-dodger
