Excuse me Canada, but what is this?

Excuse me Canada, but what is this?

What is what.

It looks like, it's crying.

Wolverine claw on the left and the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs on the right

Its where we get our LEAFS to wipe.

Oh shit didn't even see that

Don't worry about it

It appears to be heavily logged, I guess that is why.

Nothing, your wasting time.
Did you hear tredeau took 1 million dollars from the Chinese?

Manicouagan Crater. It's one of the oldest known impact craters and is the largest 'visible' impact crater on Earth.

A massive ritual circle created to open the bottomless pit and let Azazel and his fallen friends out of their imprisonment.

That's what you faggots get for calling us Leafs, now it is you who is about to get raked.

Sage this thread!

duh, why do you thibk they call it QUEbec?

fucking abos

that is the correct answer senpai.

its ur mum suking my dik u dumb niggar

ha ha

Why don't we get taught this is school.
I seem to know more about Dildos then Canada.

You know about cultural mosaics though don't ya

Don't worry, mods if you'd please close this

I dont know if its just my autism and fucked up facial recognition.. or if canada is just haunted as fuck, but I am seeing WAY too many faces in all of that stuff right now and its creeping me out.
pic related sauce is to the immediate left of the paint window.


its the base of a world tree

Where leaf neets shitpost from...

It's the source of our leafposting power. DELET THIS

I see faces too pic related

I actually live pretty close to there desu. Pretty sure it's the result of a prehistoric meteor impact, I know there's a crater somewhere down there. I have a chunk of that meteor the size of a basketball in my basement.

wtf i love canada now

my guest toilet tiles have lots of faces on them, one of them is so realistic, it literally looks like a man grinning at you but not only is it a face but he's wearing a suit as well

It's a large ring-shaped lake formed by this dam.

No goyim don't worry about the craters, just focus on which gender you most identify with.

Nip forgets about gulf of mexico

It's a crater.

theres also two at 6 oclock from the bottom left corner of your image, one looks like a theater mask, the other like space invaders derp crabs. And another straight down from the red in the bottom right of your image.

gulf of mexico isn't an impact crater

doesn't have to be impact crafter, could also be remnants of ancient eroded vulcano.

Ask a geologist to famalam, impacts make alot of nano carbon balls, and a vulcano would have certain stones and minerals.

I think he's referring to Yucatan?

Crater. We have a lot of them.

No, It's literally the manicouagan crater.

Chicxulub crater leaf

>select all squares with doggo

our bathroom has that same thing going on in the floor. Different faces come into focus and when I look away I dont see them again and a few seconds later Ill see a new one.
I know what you mean, I saw a woman one time super detailed.

Thnx Japan
Canada why you only have a B in Geography

Because it's only Quebec