Where are the communists coming from?

I've been seeing an alarming rate of pro-communists posts recently. Where are they all coming from? Is Sup Forums under siege? Who is telling these kids communism is a good thing?

Other urls found in this thread:




It's consensus cracking. Trying to change our views on the left by feeding cherry picked "good things" about their ideology.

Be aware of it. People out there are trying to influence your way of thinking. Don't let them.

Its edgy to be a commie. Just like its edgy to be a natsee. It's nothing to do with a mature worldview.

/faggypol/ and ledbit

Dont you fucking tell me what to do.

kys capitalist scum

>muh safespace

I feel like the commie threads on poll are legit satire to get a response and a thread that lives long because some polacks are buttblasted by anything that's not what they believe and will discuss it to death

communism is a Jewish made ideology

this place used to be commies vs nazis before the election anyway. we've returned to normal.

literally LARPers and proxy shills

Kys commie subhuman

If you really are thinking globalism is the root of all evil and that the working class' priorities must be put forward, Communism is the inevitable answer.

Current nationalists are trying to achieve a selective and lite version of it: i.e. if you are of the right color, nationality and class you'll get care for just for existing.

Fuck off you lying jew faggot.

Communism literally advocates globalism. Internationalism is a precondition for communism to be established.

But you're missing the fundamental flaw with communism, which is that it is always and everywhere disastrous

It's an outdated ideology popular among larping homos and non-whites.

>i.e. if you are of the right color, nationality and class you'll get care for just for existing.

Do you really think that Engels would consider Africans to be capable of achieving communism?

>"Among all the nations and sub-nations of Austria, only three standard-bearers of progress took an active part in history, and are still capable of life -- the Germans, the Poles and the Magyars. Hence they are now revolutionary. All the other large and small nationalities and peoples are destined to perish before long in the revolutionary war-storm. ... [A general war will] wipe out all these racial trash down to their very names. The next world war will result in the disappearance from the face of the earth not only of reactionary classes and dynasties, but also of entire reactionary peoples. And that, too, is a step forward."
- Friedrich Engels, "The Magyar Struggle," Neue Rheinische Zeitung, January 13, 1849.

>muh 100000 gorrillion!

I didn't say I was for it at all.

But the nationalist trumpettes and Sup Forumstards who just want free shit and time travel for the White working class are just trying to make a watered downed version of it work, while claiming to hate the original concept.

I'm pretty sure it's only about two faggots "raiding" us

>Wants free shit
>Sup Forums constanlty complains that people are getting free shit and that it should be abolished. See Gibsmedat, Nigger Culture etcetc

Here we observe an actual fucking newfag

Shitposters, Reddit and /leftypol/

Nice try, but no. They do want free shit, that's obvious to anyone with half a brain. They just want it exclusively for their own group and deny it from everyone else, because they think that if others get the same help they receive, somehow that worsens their own lives.

You can wrap it in the nicest packaging, the real Trumpettes (in Wisconsin and Ohio and Kentucky) are all like that. The rules of the game have fundamentally changed, they are no longer the star players of their HS football teams they once were and now demand that Daddy makes them that once again, even though they are now 50, divorced and near bald.

>that's obvious to anyone with half a brain

That's a shitty cop out, you're not in one your left-wing echochambers, provide proof or gtfo.

Is opening your eyes not good enough proof? They switched to Trump because he promised them the Moon and the stars, blaming China when really it's technological advancements that put them out of employment.

If it's so easy to see then you should have no problem with producing massive amount of evidence that back your assertions. However if you're unable to do that please consider going back to your circlejerk on cripplechan.

>because they think that if others get the same help they receive, somehow that worsens their own lives.


10 people taking from 1000 units will last much longer than 10 people plus 90 strangers taking from 1000 units.

Fairly simple concept.

Are you legitimately retarded? You're asking me proof for what exactly? Everything I mentioned is general knowledge, i.e. Trump's promises, blaming China, the states that swung for him, etc. . Which of these need factual assertions?

Our countries' governments are doing the same btw, buying the votes of the most miserable cripples in the underdeveloped regions.

No, the reality is that they would not get more help by closing off others from access. They get 10 units of help now and they will continue to receive that in the future. But somehow they think that if others stop receiving their 10 units, that will magically benefit them.

We're legitimately being raided by /leftypol/, they talk about it all the time over there.

Certain Communist subreddits are in on it too, but the biggest problem with Reddit we have right now is r/theDonald.


You are now aware resources are not infinite.

It gets worse when the strangers then start bringing over all of their families.

I don't understand how anybody can be a communist past the age of 20, I gave it up at 18.


>all these red herrings
Nice try, but you should start here:

>They do want free shit, that's obvious to anyone with half a brain.



>Crony corporatism is capitalism
>There's something wrong with 1 in 15 blacks being in prison

Please tell me that this infograph is satire. Everything about it is ridiculous.

since Trump one it is no longer "edgy" or "funny" to be right winged.

So they have all turned into leftys.


/leftypol/ is trying to make marxism a mainstay in Sup Forums dialogue. They're all dumb teenagers or autists so they can't figure out how to do that other than spam threads about it.

Capitalism has always been crony since its inception 300 years ago. The Coal, Railroad and Mining industries were always owned by a selct few. And still are. Stop living in a dream. Stop lying to yourself.

>They do want free shit, that's obvious to anyone with half a brain
where do you think "shit" comes from? we are the drivers of society and economy and we should enjoy the fruits of our labor, not a bunch of shitskins. no one here wants a welfare state for whites only, we want a state where we dont have to deal with parasites and parasite races polluting our societies and taking our shit for free.

a whites only welfare state would just degrade whites down to a lower level instead of raising them up

Just because you didn't understand what I wrote, despite spelling it out right after, doesn't mean I have neglected to provide evidence for what the fuck ever.

Blue collar states delivered the win to Trump, because he promised to bring back manufacturing jobs they've lost. He said they've lost them to China, but really they did so to technology for the overwhelming part. These people want to magically be transported back to the 1960s when their grandfathers all had nice paying job they do not have now. I.e. they want preferential treatment and free shit in the form of jobs by forcing companies to go against their business interests just to sate these people's wishes.

I can't spell this out in a more basic way for you, I hope you get it now.

Why do you think the pill is a red one user?

The free shit in this instance is jobs they are no longer fit to hold. But that's just marginally better from holding their hand for welfare payments, really.

They are no longer the best, most economic solution for companies' work needs, but nevertheless they want Trump to force businesses to employ them, just so they could have a nice life.

>implying I'm even a Capitalist

Senpai, I'm just pointing out that you're retarded for suggesting that Modern America is representative of Capitalism. It'd be like me passing modern China off as a failure of Communism.

Do yourself a favor and delete that dumb fucking infograph.

What state in history has ever been representative of Capitalism for you then? Since its inception, in every country it was in, it has been controlled by an elite ruling class.

If you want to poke holes in Capitalism, go take a swing at pre-Gilded Age America. There are a couple of others, too. But really, just looking at the infographs you've posted, you're literally not intelligent enough to do so.

>Muh imprisoned blacks
>muh 12 gorillion dead by evil Nazis!


The United Nations has been the promoting International Communism for a long time.
Obvious in hind sight.

>the elite controlling you is bad goyim!
>the only solution is to hand over all control to a select elite goyim!

fuck off with your kikery.

you have it backwards, the tertiary service sector is the cryptowelfare, its pointless makework and its handed out to women and minorities. real jobs like manufacturing still need to be done, they are just being outsourced to foreign slave labor camps (while the ones that cant be outsourced are handled by importing slave caste foreigners) by certain traitors for the purpose of short term economic gain and power consolidation at the cost of quality, long term stability, and overall growth.

this strategy is going to leave in its wake nothing but a formless global serf underclass with a hyper rich overlord few. this accomplishes for the rulers the greatest amount of power over the largest amount of people but destroys all progress humanity has made and cripples it for the future


>i.e. if you are of the right color, nationality and class you'll get care for just for existing.

Leftists clearly never understand history.

The idea is "if we make more of these people, we'll make even better versions of what we have now, so take care of them".

The country isn't a dumping ground for the 3rd world excess population because a baby born in a stable isn't a horse...or Jesus.

cripples leftypol and weddit

suck my big fat joicy dick
>look at flag
oh sorry you already have

Countries with shit banter.

When the union bosses are acting as traitors to the good of the republic, this is the appropriate response. The workers who support traitorous union bosses don't deserve anything.

>free shit in the form of jobs
lel, nice metnal gymnastics

>by forcing companies to go against their business interests just to sate these people's wishes.
So now you're a lolbertarian?

That's a Good Boy

Holocaust is a Jewish word for a type of sacrifice.

Why did you say being a commie is edgey twice?

You honestly think there is a difference between the time of Robber Barons and the time of Stalinism?

The only difference is the robber barons led to great things for America and the communist regimes only led to death and decay.

Unions only work as mediating forces, when unions gain too much power the production fails.

Simpleton, think more.

My union membership went against our union bosses and voted Trump.

No wonder union heads get despised.

They quickly become whores.

Mostly shitposters, but there is a leftypol/reddit op going on too

That is an example of an effective union.

A few anons in unions I know tell similar stories.

But the corruption with your union boss should not be forgiven. He is a traitor to this Republic and soon all these traitors should be hung in a public square.

>poverty is the natural order for humanity
>capitalism is clearly to blame
kys commie

Lenin under the Soviet Union turned Russia, which was one of the most backward agrarian countries into the number 2 Global super power on earth.

How did libertarians become more like the left and less like the right?

I always viewed them as "don't agree, but like listening to them and can hang out with them"...now it's obnoxious open borders shit because some are deluded enough to think 3rd world hordes will become libertarians instead of socialists voting for free shit.


The people on the right are principled libertarians that have proven it through their writings. The people on the left are opportunists that have jumped onto the Libertarian Party to take advantage of it for self-aggrandizement.

Read Mein Kamf idiot. Hitler wasn't against unions necessarily. Only really traitorous little cunts.

Guess who was number 1. Guess who's still around.

Except mein kampt was written before the Night of the Long Knives, in which he showed his true face. Hitler used the workers and pro worker ralliers to get to power. Once he got to power he quickly eliminated Strasser and all the rest who appeared to actually care.

Just admit to yoursleves that you are evil people that are trying to justify your murderous impulses. You all just want to have killing legitimized because you are weak beings. You are pathetic and have done nothing of worth and so want to feel powerful through Wrath.

It makes you 100 times more pathetic.

>autistic screeching intensifies.

>call nazis evil
>loves a man who killed 100.000 Albanians, a population that has not surpassed the 4 million in Albania
>among the killed was the intellectual elite which could've saved Albania from being an 83 IQ brain drain

Kill yourself.

M8, you are talking to a board that got tricked by a facebook billionaire into non-ironically worshipping an Egyptian god.

We bent to centrist values. We need to stop making deals, and just take that shit back. No more polluting the platform to win votes of niggers who will never vote away their benefits to begin with.

Marx and Engels are principled Communists that have proven it through their writings. Lenin and Stalin are opportunists that have jumped onto the Communist party to take advantage of it for self-aggrandizement.

That's what it sounds like. Don't worry, I went through my Libertarian stage too. Still think private enterprise is the only possible way to correctly manage consumer goods, but national socialism is the only ideology that will work in the long run. Central planning doesn't work, but the state does have a role to play somewhere along the line.

>central planning doesn't work
>let's institute socialism

You get to be a libertarian by believing in libertarian values. You get to be a scotsman by being born a scotsman. You're using false equivalence. You're either a libertarian, or you're not. There are no scotsmen.

It's just /leftypol/, they're jealous of our success.

Where the fuck does /leftypol/ live, anyway? plebbiit? doobleschan?

>100 grillion meme

Classcuck pls.
Communism is on new rise as neo-liberal hegemony is comming down. This is why Communist party in your country is the most supported by young people who are joining to it in masses.

I didn't know that the Nazis managed people's day to day goods (I mean during peace, war rationing obviously not being included in this example). Fascism is meant to be the middle road between uncontrolled capitalism and uncontrolled socialism. Maybe National Socialists could have had a better name? It definitely isn't socialist though.

They are just trolls fishing for easy (You)s.
Just look at the threads. No one is seriously defending communism, they just post their copypasta and laugh at anyone who replies.
Just ignore and hide such threads.


We are hidden form google searches, so its best that you don`t even try to find us.

>cherry picked """"""""good things"""""""" about their ideology.
Because even if you put a modicum of thought into it their """"""good ideas""""" still suck ass beyond extreme short term benefit.

>De facto government ownership of the means of production, as Mises termed it, was logically implied by such fundamental collectivist principles embraced by the Nazis as that the common good comes before the private good and the individual exists as a means to the ends of the State. If the individual is a means to the ends of the State, so too, of course, is his property. Just as he is owned by the State, his property is also owned by the State.


Until he had an ice pick buried into his head.

Theres the problem with your "golden" theory of politics. It just takes a stronger man to come in and turn it into a dictatorship.

2^3chan leftypol

its also this

>Nazi Holocaust: 12,000,000
>Literally National Socialist party

>I didn't know that the Nazis managed people's day to day goods
Then you don't know shit about the Nazi regime.
Every economic activity was utterly controlled by the state"private owners" only could do what was approved by the central bureaucracies.

Mises wrote extensively on it

Also the redundant bureaucracy of the third Reich makes America's seem sane

You'd be surprised how much of the left is absurd on thinking he opposite

>Ice Pick


I LOVE how stupid and fake all you POL TARDS are. I love how you all posture and pretend to have read anything ever at all.

>Anti Dictatorship
>pro Hitler


and leftypol raiding here since December 1st

Pic related.

Basically 4cha is unique on the internet, it's a mostly anonymous forum with a very free speech friendly set of site rules. Pol specifically has been a place where right wing minded folks go because so much of the regulated and controlled internet (like jewbook, plebbit, etc) has a left wing bias, if not outright hostile toward right wing ideas/individuals. This makes pol a pressure cooker for right wing ideas, "activism", etc; we saw the results of this during the election and it got us on the radar big time.
At this point, the plebbit fags, the commies, etc are regularly raiding us. There's even evidence that one of the mod positions has been compromised by a leftypol user.
Basically we're going to be under raid status for a long long time because pol was proven too effective at stopping their bullshit this past year. Pol might already be lost truth be told.