>Trump Playlist FUCK BOTS

>Trump impromptu presser NYE @Mar-A-Lago 12/31/16
>Trump w/Don King @ Mar-A-Lago 12/28/16
>Trump @ Mar-A-Lago 12/21/16
>Trump Final 2016 Rally in Mobile AL 12/17/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Orlando FL 12/16/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Hershey PA 12/15/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in West Allis, WI 12/13/16
>Trump @ Army vs Navy Game 12/10/16
>Trump Rally in Grand Rapids MI 12/9/16
>Trump Rally in Baton Rouge LA 12/9/16
>Trump/Pence Rally in Des Moines IA 12/8/16
>Trump Rally in Fayetteville, NC 12/6/16
>Thanksgiving Message from President Elect Trump 11/23/16

>Kanye hangs with Trump 12/13/16
>It's the most wonderful time in 8 years
>Just The Two Of Us
>Election 2016

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguation of Fire
>In the Hall of the Trumpen President
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
>AD: Trump's Argument for America
>American Hero
>The Lion
>Trump Triumphant

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First for huskies!

I got a bad feeling today
Im nervous about the senate approving Trump's cabinet

I'm not worried about Pruit or Devos or Mnuchin
They'll get in no problems
I'm just worried about Tillerson and maybe sessions.

McCain and Grahm aren't going to vote for him because of muh russia
Marco has voiced concerns voting for him as well

We need their votes, Dems aren't going to vote for him. I want my T-Rex and bromance with russia.

So where are we with Bibi? Is he based? Or is he a snake?

Paul Ryan will cave. He's young enough to become a part of the workers right and maintain his place.

Would Trump have won New Hampshire if Kelly Ayotte didn't shill against him like a whore?




>Joe is Joe
What did he mean by this?


It's better without Mika, Joe is more free to bash on the guests and talk about snorting cocaine on morning television.

don't fucking worry about it my nigga
they won't risk political suicide over trying to impede trump's progress

It's from a Trump tweet. He said he dislikes Morning Joe because "Joe is Joe."

He's a snake, but we can use his snakey powers to kill globalists.

New webm, every presidential election by county.

Good OC. Thank you, user. It's incredible to see how hard we turned it up this year.



So uhh. Is the interview 10 am or 10 pm

Possible ally of convenience against globalists based off of what I've seen. Forming a cult of personality around him would be extremely ill-advised -- he's still a Jew.

Jew Goldstein's other account.

Defend yourself so vigorously and continuously that you seem more guilty.

probably some just Sup Forumsack lol

I always just assumed he was a globalist by default but he seems more nationalist.

Still. I will never trust a Jew. He's likely playing victim to gain sympathy.

I see it this way:

There's the Pro-UN, Bilderberg Globalist Jews and there's Pro-Israel, Pro-ethnostate Nationalist Jews. But they are all still Jews.

So you can be sympathetic to the Nationalist, ethnostate jews, or trust none at all because they are all still jews.

Hear that goys? Those san fran lgbtbbq urbanites are the REAL america too!

Tucker on fox and friends in a few minutes.

Has Joe disavowed Mar-a-lago yet?


No, the UN has been going after Israel very actively due to Muslim majority.

Trump can use Bibi and Israel to tear apart the UN.

10 PM eastern time. 9 PM Central time.

Based on the angles of the clips released so far (they're never in the same shot together), I'm not entirely convinced Assange is alive.

Never trust him. He isn't dumb either.

That's what i like to think is happening.

it's a good opportunity.

He actually did yesterday

Bibi only cares about Israel's interests, which he is entitled to do and we should deal with him with that in mind.

Idiots here tend to think that all Jews are on one "team" and that's why they work together to connive and swindle whites. The truth is that "jewing" is in the nature of the jew. Jews are in a permanent stalemate with one another, but will Jew others Jews given the opportunity.

Unless those ethno-state Jews come out in support of other ethno-states, white in particular, I will never support.

Hm. Yeah. Dismantling the UN would be good. The EU is already going to collapse.

Goes without saying. Never trust a Jew or a mudslime.

Well. I guess you can make an exception for Assad.

He should get our support if for no other reason than to piss off:

>the UN

We give fucking money to everyone, but only Israel uses it to bring civilization to the barbarians in the middle east. Saudi Arabia uses it to shuffle money to mosques in Germany. This is an easy call for everyone who isn't a faggot. Don't be faggots - co-opt Zionism abroad and smash cultural Marxism at home.

>when Joe is Joe, but you - yourself - are not quite yourself
Am I the only one?

Republicans have a 52 seat majority + Pence. Assuming that Graham and McCuck don't approve of them, that still leaves 50+1 votes for them.
Robotio will just vote in party line.

Stop posting this monkey

No problem user. It won't be smooth sailing but they will all get in. It will be total salty fun.

Give him money and he'll give you public support for your cause.

Here's the article they were just talking about

Anyone heard of this "Publius Decius Mus"???

>Don't be faggots - co-opt Zionism abroad and smash cultural Marxism at home.

Jews are the ones pushing marxism.

Fire can't melt steel ships

Investigate Titanic

Why is Joe reading literally who journalist tweets and bitch and not regular Joe tweets

What is Trump's stance on Saudi Arabia? I know he got into a Twitter argument with Dopey but didn't he say he was ok with them having nukes?

On january the 6th we will finally know how fucked up the USA really is. On that day it will be their last chance to get their shit together or else Trump will get to be POTUS.

Europe and the rest of the world doesnt want this man to be the most powerful man in the world.

Will you betray the world and start another world war or are you going to start acting like adults and go for peace.

The flight 93 election guy? I read a few of those essays but I didn't know he was still around. Talked a lot about needing to dismantle the administrative state or conservatism would be dead forever. Made a good argument.

Don't be thick. Big city leftists are pushing cultural Marxism. Orthodox and conservative Jews don't, and the side that reflexively supports Obama can have a wedge driven in on the issue of Israel. We need to exploit these divisions.

I suspect it depends on what he can get out of them.

>What is Trump's stance on Saudi Arabia?

I think we all know he'd prefer to glass it off the face of the earth.


why do i watch this shit again


>Big city leftists are pushing cultural Marxism.

And the ones behind those "big city leftists" are fucking Jews. Especially with the anti white propaganda.

These are not Israeli Jews though because Israelis just care about Israel. These are the globalist Jews.

Netanyahu couldn't give two fucks about that shit (from what I've seen).

Why glass?

Holy shit, will 2017 be the Year of Joe!?!?!?

>Europe and the rest of the world doesnt want this man to be the most powerful man in the world.
>Will you betray the world

"Im not trying to be President of the world, but President of the United States. America First." -Donald Trump (to paraphrase).

Suck it, toothpaste.

We realpolitik now. There's a serious chance trump sends people here for the stuff CIA won't tell him.

I love Trump.

But why hasn't he/the press discussed his Supreme Court pick more? Surely it's one of the first things that Trump will attend to.

I'll support whoever Trump picks, as long as they're pro-guns. But why hasn't there been more discussion? Surely that will be one of the first things on the agenda.

Why haven't we heard more about it?

He's close to people in the smaller Gulf states. Golf courses and hotels in UAE. Hasn't said much specifically on Saudis.

He has put Iran hawks around him though. Gens Flynn, Mattis, and Kelly hate Iran, so you kind of land in the Saudi camp.

What? She's just an average white American woman that's 1488ed with her husband.


Tucker up next at Fox and Friends!

Retarded Trump supporters think sand will turn to glass of you heat it by bombing it.

It will be Dianne Sykes.

Thanks dad

I mean, he's already given his list, it's been out for months. All that's left is to pick one, and from what I hear, Republicans would be pretty happy with any of them.

Mobile friendly strim?

Because it's a cancer on the world.

Well. Maybe we can keep that big clock tower building. That's pretty cool.

Good. I needed an excuse to turn off joe

>Implying the POTUS doesnt influence the world on a big scale.

Sigh..... A fucking Trump supporter


>And the ones behind those "big city leftists" are fucking Jews.

Actually they're mostly single white women, retard. There are 5.5 million Jews in the whole US, that isn't enough to just "kike magic" their way into influential ideas. They're close knit like any minority group, but not as monolithic as blacks.

>Netanyahu couldn't give two fucks about that shit (from what I've seen).

All the more reason to support him.

We can turn it into a Disneyland

Glassing is a sorta sci-fi term for orbital bombardment or similar destruction if I recall


I agree, many Republicans will be happy with all of them.

But why isn't this a discussion point? Whatsoever?

It seems typical of the media to dissect every single pick on his list. It seems out of character. I don't know why they're not fucking with it yet.

Assange lives!

see the glass when we nuke ur arab ass abdul.

The wizard has saved more gifts for 2017

>Actually they're mostly single white women, retard

Who do you think you're fooling here m8?

>All the more reason to support him.

I only would if it was steady and our goals of anti globalism and the destruction of leftism/marxism was achieved. Then I would say he's a good ally.

its ok tulip, many of us felt the same way when Obama was elected, and , unfortunatley we now have ISIS and religion of peace, so things couldn't get much worse for western global civilisation



>anonymous tips

don't they mean Russians?

Honestly they do have a lot of great architecture. Just a shame it's in a hellhole.

The huge clocktower near Mecca is very impressive. Trump is probably jelly with all that gold too.

Nobody want to talk about Supreme Court picks? aight

Wow you're a tough guy. Luckily you will never nuke anyone ever again.
The majority of your country voted for the democrats. The majority of your country is still rational.

>muh (((ethics)))

we don't know who he's picking yet, so there's not much to discuss.

Remember this?

Ted Cruz. It will happen.

if you guys had a ballot in front of you with tulsi gabbard vs paul ryan would you pull the trigger and go dem?

UN is a joke

But that's my question. Why hasn't he floated some names yet?

Why hasn't the media obsessed over it yet?

I fully understand that Trump is going for a "shut the fuck up until you're inaugurated" position, but why isn't the media picking up on it?

I personally find Arab architecture very bland and too conservative, except for their temples and holy sites. Persian architecture all around is bretty gud though.

It was a Democrat who authorized the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, toothpaste.

It depends on if Paul Ryan embraces Trumps GOP

This idea has potential: At very least can cause butthurt while being completely on topic and within the rules.

Not an "all hands on deck" situation but keep an eye on it.

Shills jumped right in on it to try to discredit it so you know that's good

Yeah, probably. But I would have to sandpaper that face.

The fact that these same bastards are now going after Israel and Netanyahu is what's made me rethink my position on both.

Yeah Persian stuff is good. Not my favorite kind. I'm more of a Greek & Roman type.

>tfw california

It was also the democratic party that still wanted slavery. Things change. Germany also killed 6 million jews. Now they are almost the most correct and nice people on this planet.