Reminder that Asian IQ are one standard deviation above whites and the relative superiority of us to whites is the same...

Reminder that Asian IQ are one standard deviation above whites and the relative superiority of us to whites is the same as whites to retards.

Have a nice day.

Other urls found in this thread:

Not so fast you fucking slope

>this thread again
>east asians so smart meme

Germanic IQ 105 ties Japanese/SK IQ 106.

Chinese IQ including rural 103, white American IQ 103.

Taking the IQ of Shanghai as representative of Chinese IQ is like taking the IQ of Manhattan as the IQ of white Americans.

Lynn has the correlation between IQ measurements and educational attainment exams such as PISA at .917.


Chinese are also completely full of shit.

Chinese immigrants are right shifted for intelligence with nearly 50% (47) having bachelor's degrees. It is the same principle as how Indian Americans do well on testing and income put India has designated shitting streets.

Fuck, really need to get a copy pasta going at this point.
This'll be it desu senpai baka, tired of this meme.

>ties with 106
IQ differences in action

Lmao, I leave that in the pasta for retards like you to quibble about 1 pt discrepancy as proving "GOOK MASTERACE" rather than refuting the actual arguments.

Low hanging fruit for a low thinking gook.

Gas yourself friend, have a nice day.

Don't Jews have a higher avg in than whites too?

>comparing literal third world rice farmers with educated first worlders

Says all I need to know

too bad asians lack souls though...

>literally havent contributed to art and culture in 1000 years

japs dont count as they recieved honory white status years ago

Different types of intelligence, they're much better at memorizing just like jews are better verbally, whites are more rounded.
Also, we have morals so we don't eat dogs like a subhuman.

Everyone knows Jews got that IQ with Jewish tricks

Friendly reminder that you are uncreative as fuck and everything was invented by the White men.


You're literally shaking

I don't know why don't you fucking read something sometime instead of being a spoonfed mongoloid.

Jesus christ fuck /nu/pol

Oh look an arrogant as fuck asian, I have never seen that before.


>backwards Singapore

Fiat Tipo Keke

>comparing literal cornfarmers to educated Shanghai chinks

Says all I need to know.

But seriously you gooks that are trying are really mailing it and proving my point lmao

>stating facts
lol you thin skinned cumskins never failed me

Robotic ant people.

Although dog is delicious and there's nothing wrong with eating it


Reminder asians are soulless autist that tend to die as lonely virgins..
>B-but muh supreme IQ
Ok, Elliot.

despite that notable advantage your people have been unable to innovate, conquer, discover, enlighten and please your own women as good as us

I've met plenty of people with high iq's who haven't the slightest clue about how to live life happily and/or comfortably

Is a businessman who's earned lots of money and been successful less smart than someone with a higher iq living in moms basement researching stem cells on the internet?

>people arguing over who has a bigger iq

And this is why jews will always be smarter.

Medpacks are pretty subhuman too.

I mean, people just take this shit for granted based on US samples of right-shifted populations.

The average Indian shits curry into a highway ditch but because we took the good ones here people think they're a remarkable breed.

Same with chinks.

Yeah, no big surprise. The stupid ones died in the Holocaust.


why are so many people shitting at the same time

>mfw all my race ever invented was paper, the printing press, gunpowder, compass, malarial cure, fractional mathematics, agriculture, education system, paper currency, banking, sails and JPL

jesus i thought I worked in a cubicle farm. that's just obscene

Confirmed ITT there were never any stupid jews.


Confirmed Aussie shitposter lookin for every opportunity to bring up muh six gorrilian

testing facility for standardized tests. they riot when they can't cheat.

they'll be cooking dog for a hunan restaurant stateside soon enough don't worry

>off by one

communal poo hour

Reminder that Singapore is a shit hole and has nothing to do with Korea or Japan.

>asian people are superior to white people

yeah true except for the part where we built the whole world hahahahahahhahahahahahaha

little boy pee egg :DDDD

>Singapore is a shit hole

You're fucking kidding, aren't you? Not even Danskjavlar can be this retarded

Now your countries are getting overrun hahahahahahhahahahahahaha

Can't forget the six gorillian man.

Please save the pasta and do your own further research.

Asian IQ meme needs to die in 2017.
Slopes ain't shit, suck a dick east roaches

>post in butchered Swedish
You're literally only proving my point.
Your nation is full of cultists. Your economy blows. I could go on, but I don't really care to stay.

>7:27 AM Eastern Time
Good Morning Everyone

>facts and statistics aren't true when I don't like it

How is it like to live as a cumskin? Unable to think logically, being utterly controlled by your emotions, not easily getting into an Ivy League school?

your countries dont even have open door immigration and white dudes still own the women and got your people getting plastic surgery to look like us

god save the emperor if they ever let a white man live in asia hahahaha. it will be the fastest genocide in human history

>be white
>have morals so I don't cheat
>be asian
>have to wear a fucking box so I can't cheat
>still try to cheat anyway

How ironic, coming from you

*adjusts coke bottle glasses* WHITU PIGGU GO HOME

stealing this one

>says the Aussie, as he watches his wife getting fueled by an abo

Maybe if you didn't realize Asians are the superior race you would still be mixing with filthy whites, yes?

>>be white
>>have morals

Kono yaro.

We've had one bank theft in fifty years. Guess what ethnicity the robber was?

Drug trafficking, vandalism, assault. All cumskins.

Oh wow a muslim chink chimping out.
I would've never expected that!

Feel free to read a fucking book if your prophet allows them and refute my arguments.

>garbage can, not garbage cannot

exactly the sort of platitude I would expect from a chump named you-no-suckey

>so solly you-no-suckey, she-geta new guy, he white boy big dick, now he geta all da suckey

>have morals


Singapore isn't not full of cultists, retard, and its economy is better than Denmark

No country in the world has open door immigration. And the only Asian women who go for white men are, as has been mentioned on multiple threads, subhuman SJW tier.

maybe the chinks, but even then they have been irrelevant for hundreds of years before the white man showed them industry and technology. sea monkeys are literally subhumans though

Please do, educate yourself on the meme of Asian IQ and spread the word.

People just take this shit for granted.

I used to love smoking all the slopes on the tests in my classes and seeing them fume because they bought it too. ;^)

>triggered by facts, and nitpicks at images

Step up your shitpost game desu

>I've met plenty of people with high iq's
Everybody knows this.
IQ is a measure of potential not a guarantee of success.
A person with 150 IQ can be an autistic neet but an 80 iq will never be an engineer.

Here we see the American slipping further into his tantrum. He is brandishing his lack of geopolitical knowledge as a preventive white flag, asking the other party not to attack him for his stupidity.


>white American IQ 103

Nice try kid.

Shut it you weeb. If you're going to genocide then do it properly, failing is simply unfair on the genocidee.

just remember next time you kiss your girlfriend on the mouth a white dick has been in there and next time you at university crunching number a white man built that cirroculum

>Reminder that Asian IQ are one standard deviation above whites and the relative superiority of us to whites is the same as whites to retards.
Two standard deviations below the norm are generally considered retarded, retard.

Also if you are 3 or more standard deviations above the norm, you'll realize that everyone is retarded and IQ doesn't matter.

Next time you kiss yours, remember she sucked me off to pay the rent.

>ITT: Triggered whites try to mental gymnastics themselves around facts


Says the dog eater.

I didn't read anything in your post or click your image, lmao

I saw you were just spewing your assravaged feels in 3 words and didn't read further

>says the virgin

Love it when whites claim other races are cucks, when the most cucked countries are white

>Falling for the IQ meme
Next you're going to tell me No Child Left Behind was a good idea.

>you've yet to cite anything empirical beside how big your asshole is gaping right now

Lmao, I thought you fucking slits were supposed to be good at STEM??

And you are not? Typical cumskin.

Dogs are delicious, faggot. Also, they don't sell dog meat here

4-5 points isn't a standard deviation you fucking spastic. You've also won barely any Nobel prizes or fields medals despite vastly outnumbering Jews and Whites. Truly a pathetic ant-people.

Reminder that Japan/China/Korea are the only Gook countries that matter and nobody gives half a shit about fucking Singapore.

If having a high IQ is so good why is Albert Einstein dead?

i feel bad for asian men. because when a white dude cucks them they are genuinely getting cucked by a superior being not only physically (bigger dick, better looking) but a being that has over 2000 years of proof they dominate gooks in every single which way. weve beat you in countless wars. we lead the world

your women know this and so do you

Only an immoral degenerate would eat mans best friend unless he was starving to death and there was no other option.
It's tantamount to cannibalism.

If asians are so superior why cant I think of one recent asian philosopher, artist, composer, or scientist of importance? They're all white men, its as if genius is nonexistent in chink ants. Really makes you think.

Btw we fuck your women cuz Muh dik.

Too bad niggers and Muslims own your women. Guess you really celebrate race-mixing huh? Cuck

>be Asian
>be so smart people implement affirmative action to stop you from getting into good schools but it doesn't work anyway
>be white
>realize everything "whites" invented was actually Jewish
>cry yourself to sleep after jacking your pee pee off to Scarlet Johansson

You're right, that totally makes up for your babby penises.


Spot the liberal cuck

Kim Jong-il was all of those. He also didn't poop.

White man



Daily reminder that before refugees, Germany, Austria and Poland tied with the best Asian countries in IQ.

Anybody have a penis size infograph and Asian female outbreeding statistics to BTFO this chink?

Hi, I cited numbers and primary sources.

You just complained like a bitch. Have a good one.

Hah thanks for your tears man. That's what I'm here for, is to see you prove me right by sperging out like the mongoloid you are. :)

Post your white women outbreeding statistic first

Unless you are counting middle easterners and Europeans(fractional mathematics) I don't think you can lay claim to all those inventions.

>They all had to emigrate to USA to do anything significant

Because Laozi solved philosophy and Jewish tricks.

I was being serious, it literally makes up for your babby penises. Your IQ is high enough to understand that, right?

That disprove your point
>primary sources


>Muh IQ
>Have IQ less than 3 standard deviations above the norm
Retard, kys

No they didn't. You tied with rice farmers.

Because he was a kike who needed to be gassed, duh.

Can you even see your dick, fatty?

[spoiler] I'm actually white [/spoiler]