Tfw when almost all of Europe is in ISIS's list of official enemies even fucking Kosovo

>tfw when almost all of Europe is in ISIS's list of official enemies even fucking Kosovo
>tfw Bulgaria isn't in it
>tfw no threat of being moderately enriched with peace

Doesn't Bulgaria have one of the largest muslim populations in Europe?

Yeah, but:
1. Our muslims are mainly Pomaks who are basically Europeans who were converted during roach times and aren't even real muslims (they drink and eat pork)
2. Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia are all muslim but are still on the list.

Isn't Bulgaria just a breakaway rural part of the byzantines?

Also pic related is a Pomak.

You only get on the list if you openly are at war with ISIS like the coalition.

Eg. They had no problem with Japan until Japan pledged $500 million to fight ISIS.

>they drink and eat pork

ouch, why do you think they do that? You're country is one giant sleeper cell waiting to go off

yeah but you live in Bulgaria

They're just Balkanized Turks.

That's because you're already infected.

no mang they just work on their vegetable gardens in their isolated segregated villages


ISIS is a Bulgarian false flag.

We're on to you.

>isolating muzzies

fucking hell m8

Idk desu, the last time we had a terrorist attack was in 2012 and it was targeted against a Jewish tourist group, so...

you are right, I should invite them to live in my house

His country is so infested with terrorists that he can only find peace via baiting on Sup Forums, desu.

>he had terrorist attacks in the current millennium
My condolences.

>not bad for a country that is "infected"

tfw to irrelevant for isis

>town rapist

>even fucking kosovo

Anyway, I secretly pray for happenings in Romania. Such is life here.

That's Moldova mate.

its the same thing though

>Yeah, but:

william put your black hat back on you're creeping me out
