Why did the US kill Saddam Sup Forums?

Why did the US kill Saddam Sup Forums?

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Because W was butthurt he cucked his daddy

Saddam didn't wanna be a puppet anymore.

something something gold reserves.

>hated Jews
>hated wahhabists islamists in Saoudi Arabia
was he dare I say it... /ourguy/ ?

Yep, he stashed his WMD in her nuclear silo

Wanted to get rid of the petrodollar.
False flag for 911.
Unfinished business.
>bankers wars

Now that I look back at those wars after ODing on redpills....

Fuck the people running the American shitshow
If you fuckers just stayed home and minded you own business,the world wouldn't be half as shitty

But now, long live the the personal army of Israel
The us air force works for Isis,for ISIS

He reminds me of Stalin him

Would easily mistake him for a commie aswell

He wanted to sell oil in Euros instead of Dollars which had been agreed upon as the only international reserve currency oil could be traded for since the creation of the petrodollar in 1973.

Because oil and Israel

Bush and the his Saudi buddies wanted to get their clutches on the Middle East and share control of the all the oil available there. Besides Saddam knew too much and became a liability. He had to go. The rest is history.

>genocidal dictator and a brutal sadist
>planed to build a nuclear weapon, making him a big threat for the west
>his country is rich with natural resources

Unfortunately it didn't all go as well as we planned...

When you give money to the families of suicide bombers & talk mad shit, expect to get stole on.

fun fact: saddam wanted to trade off oil in euro-currency

He was too white and Dubya wad jelly

>planed to build a nuclear weapon
90% sure that was bullshit spun by W and Rumsfeld to drum up popular support for the invasion

Same reason we killed gaddafi, petro dollar/gold dinar. And they were ethno nationalist socialists

>ME countries are sick of the Petrodollar
>will change to Euro
>gets removed

(((US))) policy 101

petrodollar, military-industrial complex and yadda yadda yadda
if you guys don't have a war every decade, it would be you that would be an average third world shithole
you should thank your government for doing whatever it takes so you can live in a beautiful big suburb house without having to really work that hard in your life

you're eternally blue pilled tho, that's the drawback

That was Gaddafi. Pretty sure Saddam was pricing oil in Dinars before the US occupation of Iraq, because the first thing the Americans did when they occupied Iraq was changed the pricing from Dinars back to USD.

Jews and capitalists thrive on shittiness. Shittiness prevents the Jews from being recognised and protects Israel as a stable country in a sea of fuckery. Capitalists like shittiness because shittiness far away makes them the only producers, because they exist somewhere it's safe to do business, and because shittiness gives them problems to fix. (Everything from tanks to sell, to pills for soldiers with PTSD, to news coverage of gripping war for ads.) The whole point of the Keynesean economic model is that shittiness drives people to fix shittiness and gets the sludge of shitty sub-par decisions moving and deferred.

Well ur a gay.

ty for that
was almost too weird that i didnt get one of those today so far

The us Airforce is the airborne military wing of the one world government headed by this woman.

Who is propbably on her deathbed. Which is a good thing since she probably has a hit out on Trump. Her minion currently in power in the US are trying everything just short of assignation to get rid of him. But then the TSA did shut down for 90 minutes. I wonder what wicked thing this way comes?


My question is will it be SAS, MI6 or MOSSAD the tries to assasinate trump? Or will it be one of the us alphabets on orders from the queen. The queen in bed is a good alibi for a major Habbening.

The Queen ain't shit when George Soros is still lose

I wonder if George Soros isn't actually working for the queen.

The Ziggurat.


Probably not,the queen is just a over glorified celebrity, just like the pope

What if George Soros is actually the queen doing a Victor Vitoria thing?

more like the queen works for Soros
he's 55 times wealthier than the whole british crown you know

The real reason the US took out Saddam is because he was paying the families of suicide bombers who blew their load on Israel tens of thousands of dollars.

Can't have that, can we.


"Muh petrodollar"

Either way the US has been taking orders from the Kings and queen of England since the Federal Reserve was established.

Remember: all wars are banker's wars.

He began a war with Iran, gassed the Kurds, invaded Kuwait and was going to invade Saudi Arabia. He was a loose cannon and got what he deserved.

these memes get funnier every time

>pawn in game of life

>to destabalize the middle east by replacing there gov with an inificiant one
>access to oil
>set stage for more proxy wars with russia

>He began a war with Iran, gassed the Kurds, invaded Kuwait and was going to invade Saudi Arabia
Why is this any of your business? A man has to have some hobbies, jeez

the dollar

Soros is working for KGB / Esoteric Nazi.

He doesn't believe any of the bullshit he funds. He knows the reactionary movement will unite the world, when the people see cities burning from BLM.

He tricked the left.

Still not 100% sure.

I don't believe that Soros is working for X orY. I think Soros is just an old man who enjoys fucking with the world.

Put him in a curly wig and it's the queen of England!

The entire planet is run by gangsters. I get awestruck thinking about it sometimes. Pic non related

Just doing my job. In all seriousness, my sister visited and it sounds pretty nice.

Wanted to sell his oil in Euros. Easiest way to get yourself killed.

Of course this would make Charles the love child of Phillip and George!

>headed by this woman.
this woman doesn't run shit

Israel told them to.

The Middle East would be in a much better place now if he were still alive. There would have been no war in Iraq, which wasted the lives of thousands of US soldiers.

We're sure you do, nigger, we're sure you do.

lol his Baath Party where Nationalist and Economically moderate socialists.

Sadam NatSoc Confirmed?

Unlucky pawn to get crushed so that the neocons in power could avoid holding Saudi Arabia and Israel accountable for 9/11

This, these countries(and afghanistan) don't belong to the IMF and wanted independence from the banking system the rest of the world is a slave to.

That's a no-no, and hence they had to go.

You keep saying that but things start to make sense if you look at the world this way.

Islamic invasion of Europe.
The coming economic collapse.

Just the lastest installments in the last hundred years for the British monarchy fucking with the world.


he is not american puppet

Because amerilards are little bitches for their Jewish masters.


It's the same reason we went after Gaddafi in Libya, who wanted to trade oil with his own gold-backed currency, the Dinar.

Check out Storm Clouds Gathering on youtube for more.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

Not even remotely close. She is the richest person in the world by orders of magnitude if you take land and assets into account. She personally owns 1/6th of all the land in the world.

>Sup Forums - Politically Incorre

Called you a nigger
>I am trained in gorilla warfare
You primal apes.