What if abos are the true white people?

what if abos are the true white people?

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we are


>what if abos are the true white people?

Seeing how Anglos aren't white, abos are the closest thing to whites that Australia has.

finally a Canadian with some common sense


>Seeing how Anglos aren't white
They look Hwhite to me.

Yes, definitely

Nothing like "scraping the bottom of the dumpster" tier threads at 4:00am

Nazi Dreamtime

The title of the book derives from the bizarre situation whereby a strange collection of Australian extremist right- wing, ultra-nationalists, some of whom were ardent admirers of Adolf Hitler and the German Nazi Party, became strong advocates and supporters of the Aboriginal rights movement of the 1930s.

Furthermore, their romanticised notion of Aboriginal people derived from their belief that Aboriginal people were the original Aryan race


i'm also eating cottage cheese with sriracha sauce right out of the carton

Anything would be white to you, abdullah

I can certainly see how being surrounded by Somalians all day would skew your perception of whiteness.

well now


They're right, you know.

leafs. every fucking time.

if you live in darwin this is what they all look like.

PEOPLE listen every abo looks like that or worse in Darwin except mix race girls who are stunning on another level.

look at the men on the left

they are full aboriginal and look like greek statues

abos are the blackest whites

When I see posts like this, I understand why most leaf posts are discredited immediately.


fucking canadian shit posters....GUH. day of teh rake

*in before whites not a color.

So what color is her skin, you fucking canadian moron. Fuck you make the education system in your country look fucking stupid.

This guy gets it

>has a muscled body
>bust be duh masterrace!!11111!!!

hey an actual rare flag

holy SHIT I just realized your flag is modeled after a fucking leprochan

why do you spell shit wrong?
what country colonized you?
is this a proxy?

whiteness is about what's inside, not what's outside

I have met many aboriginals AMA