1.your country

1.your country
2.do you hate it?

2.of course. Why not?

Surrender all your women to us superior white men. We will breed them for you

>of fucking course I do

ok but I already give it to african and arabic guys.

Can you take it?


Strangely enough i can't bring myself to hating this shithole.




>God's country
>i love this country, its pretty good

if you dont love it, leave



When will this meme end? Stop copying our shit faggot

Japan is amazing! what is wrong with you?

1. America
2. Let's put it this way, I would dodge the draft so I don't have to fight for this generation of losers. We have amazing history, but our future is bleak. Men aren't men any more, they're slugs.

>thinking Japan is amazing.

America is better than Japan every category.

1. Flag
2. Sometimes

spank me daddy, ive been a bad boy

1. Panama
2. meh, could be better

> mfw no based Arnulfo Arias making Panama white

1. German
2. oh fuck no

nah actually i fucking hate it

I fucking love this country, its the people I dont like


It depends if Marine is elected or not

isn't Fillon a bit based?

Anonymous Proxy
Sometimes, but there are a lot of sexy women looking for a friend here

good, thanks to your religion of peace flooding in it's finished anyways

> Anonymous Proxy
> burger flag


1. Turkey
2. Lovin it

>Japanese humour



1. Croatia.
2. It's not that I hate it, it's just a shithole and I don't care if it burns to the ground

Is this what we call the Stockholm syndrome?

No, he is a eurocuck and he loves muslims, his spokeman said that there is no link between immigration and terrorism.

>Of course I hate this cuck country fml

>Why do we need to state our countries when we have flags on this board?
>No. In spite of this place's problems this is still the place I was born and raised in

1. USA (NYC)
2. :)

1. see flag, asshole
2. no but I hate the people and the culture.

Prove that you're a nip, not some LARPing English tutor weeb.

2.No, I acually don't, I do however dislike the way Sweden is governed, how most politicians are obsessed with taking power from the smaller municipalities, the way want to centralize everything to Stockholm.
The whole cuck-meme is nothing but a meme, most shit in Sweden is because of ignorant politicians wants good-boy-points by pandering to the upper class inner city media that tells everyone that everything and everyone is great..



is Japanese passport enough to prove I am actual nip?

I'm actually pretty ok with it. now, il there are more jobs...

And yet you voted them... nice one.

This but my flag. Shit's depressing.

Post your face and timestamp.

You shouldn't. In fact you should take it back:


I don't hate America, I just hate what it's becoming. This country used to be a beautiful, amazing place to live in, and I don't know why the left is so damn determined to destroy that.

You're not really a nip, most of the tools on here with that flag are expats from western countries.

Japanese do not post personal info in internet

Chon go home.

It's garbage tier and I hate it. The fact that Ukraine exists is a spit in the face of reason. The fact that it could still be worse is horrid.

1. United States of America
2. Not a fucking chance in hell (any other country)

2.Don`t care, really.

I chuckled.


Yes, I do. the idea of America is beautiful, but in practice it's the saddest shit ever. It's so sad to think about what it will look like in decades, if you think it's pathetic now.

first we remove kebab (f.e. Ełk)
then we remove the ukrainians
get out before it's too late

2.All that I want is a fucking country where I can walk at night without looking over my shoulder every twelve goddamn seconds. Helllp meee.

Woah, what is that rare flag


1.czech rep.
2. I love my country. Safe & white, lets keep it this way

Why do you hate japan?


Japanese does.You fucking English teacher.

>country? No | government? Yes

Australia because the country is cucked and Abo's are fuckin retarded

also the future of this country will be worse then the US and it will burn its self to the ground!

the fight for a Future is in Europe where my blood like has come from!

Show penis/pussy


why the brown highlights?


>if you dont love it, leave

lol ok wanker pic related

>no timestamp
post stamped asscheek (left)

You look pretty based

1. Flag
2. Yes. The amount of Potential we could have if we stop fucking whining and start working is a fucking wonder. If we only have the same type of unity we do when Storms comes or fheir is a festival...good lord

Why the fuck are you fags hating on eachother? You literally agreed all on the same thing retard

It's been a long time since you posted, I thought you committed sudoku.

I don't like English teacher either but you know damn well Japanese doesn't.

Not sure whether male or female...

yes i hate it i feel like german in a cage among subhuman slavs

Have you cured your autism?


1. Hungary
2. No. It's pretty comfy here.

>Actually is illegal chinese immigrant in nipland
Kill yourself flthy gook. You are no true 日本人。死ね~

*hesitant boner

I tried to hate it but i couldn't

it should be pretty easy to hate you are country

Magical japanland didn't turn out to be like your autism cartoons, huh English teacher?

You were born 78 years too late

Gen Z (1995-2010) is the most socially conservative gen since the one that fought WW2. There's hope user.

culturally its ok and people can be pretty friendly here, but politically were keked as fuck, we have no right wing

the love it or leave bs

Japan is fucking ugly. It lacks historical architecture, the apartments are too small, and the disgusting postmodernist buildings will definitely give you depression and/or eye cancer.

you are an idiot

the czech republic is amazing and has amazing laws and amazing people

pussyass pepik
smaticku na paticku

>It lacks historical architecture

shut the fuck up bydlo

It's a beautiful place, it's just too bad it's full of leafs


>not better than the shitskin-infested america



I hate what is had become.

There's more to Japan than Tokyo.

Your cities were completely fucked up in WWII. The historical wooden buildings all perished in the American firebombings. Name 1 Japanese city, that has a historical city center like most European cities, and isn't filled with commiebox-tier buildings. There are a few lonely buildings (temples, castles) that survived the bloody XX. century and the demolition mania, but that's all.