ISIS executes a Wizard

The Islamic State terrorist organization has purportedly issued a photo report showing the execution of a "wizard" in Syria.

In the report, an ISIS executioner can be seen executing a man accused of "magic" in Syria's Yarmouk refugee camp.

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Why didn't he use his magic powers against them?

Fuck ISIS.

They contained his magic using the holy verse from the koran and sacrificed 2 virgin females in accordance to shari'ah

Do you even Islam?

34 year old virgin here.
This is getting personal now that they are coming after my people. I will not stand by while they do this.
I'm going to masturbate to some Vietnamese cartoon girls and then cast a spell on them.

/r9k/ is going to lose their shit when they see this.

Accused of Magic, WTF

Does anyone else see the fucking orange bearded leprechaun in the background, or am I just seeing shit.

that kid on the right is so looking forward to it

i bet he'll grow up just fine

dont forget the nigger

Are u that dumb? The perpetrators always accuse their victims of that which they are guilty of.

>which means
ISIS are Wizards

>Also how would u escape a wizard who claims u are a wizard?
U can't dummy

Why is ISIS still a thing, and what's Russia doing?

>ISIS executes a Wizard

Use the word sorcerer. I thought they were executing 30+ NEETs.

>usa asking this

You're really that clueless?

Isis is a multi-ethnic state? so tolerant

they missed this one

When DnD gets serious.


Can't imagine being a virgin at that age. Sad!

His final trick was switching places with the dude being btfo, this is actually the wizard

they missed the leprechaun in the background

Swedish Isis member?


magic doesn't exist, like moderate muslims

Execute order 66.

>mfw isis declares war on Sup Forums boards 1 by 1
Also that black dude in the back is either kanye or luke cage

>My Mass confusion spell worked perfectly

You´re a wizard Harry

Fucking lel

>discover a real wizard
>kill him
kanye on the left

I see he finally made the move.

>Orangutan Wizard rolls natural 20 disguise check


>this isn't moria

ISIS Snap Chats?

theres some ethnic group in the middle east that is red headed. some sort of migratory group from europe thousands of years ago

That's the real wizard!
>headline should read
Man executed for being wizard by ISIS, framed by leprechaun!


You really think these guys are ginger beards?

It´s a fucking hair dye in honor of Muhammed

Dude's wearing an apron. Womans wear=cross dresser=haram=death

They should execute the leprechaun in the back too, fucking Isis potato nigger.

wow yurop really needs to import more of these what could go wrong

*smacks lips*
*head chopped off*

This is what I uniroincally thought at first too. That they were going after that type of wizard. Either way thank fuck I'm not one of you guys.

The real wizard is from travelocity

Except for one in your pic and the one in OP's are natural red

To me it looked like a leprechaun to me. Everyone who saw a leprechaun say ay. Ay :^D

How would you know? He might have just dyed it

Being this fucking ignorant...

>haha he's just a troll
>haha his vest really look like the real thing haha
>haha ebin troll he's really screaming allahu akbar
>haha the absolute madman he actually detonated it

This will literally be my thought process when he abandons the trans gimmick and goes full muslim to stay relevant.

>exercise such self-control that you make it 30 years without sex
>ISIS comes and beheads you before you can even begin to realize and enjoy your wizard powers


And my axe!


Was just searching for a pic of the troll from Labrynth

He accidentally got quints. Serves him right.


40 year old wizard - I shall join you. Not in the masturbation part, however. I stopped that a long time ago and now channel my powers inward to increase them exponentially.

Soon they will be unleashed and our enemies torn asunder.

What do you attribute being a 40 year old virgin too?

Holy fuck they have leprechaun technology?

That Dr. Zaius


Fact: if you get kidnapped and executed for being a wizard then you are a bad wizard.


I'm sure you hear this all the time but you need to get laid, bruh.



He will immigrate into germany

red beard is a pashtun symbol that you are a bachelor

and ISIS really does seem to attract the most ugly looking muslim types, probably because they feel the need to compensate their looks the hardest by being ultra religious

really sad to see pol infested with dumb slavs lately

I am a wizard

Not if he´s a Paki, then he will come to you!

You are supposed to execute fucking wizards. They do it in England too.




Circassians? I think their stereotype was that they had red hair

gay as fuck

>nigger on the left
>bright around ginger beard in the middle

who knew sandniggers were so diverse?


That's just your average brits living authentic brit culture.

Not a real ginger, sandniggers paint their beard with henne.

Is that London ? looks like London.

Fucking hell how many gene defects are required to become an Islamist?

THEYE EXECUTING MEIN PEOPLE. Cant they leave us sufis alone


5 more years and I will join the ranks of wizards. Can't wait.


If he was a wizard wouldn't he use magic to not get beheaded?

This just in: ISIS declares war against hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardy

Jesus these fucks are from the dark ages



mohammed was described as a redhead in the quran

I think it is about time we cast a curse over the middle east, wizard associates.

meme magic can't be beahededed


Wizard apprentice here. I'm curious what Sup Forums thinks about us wizards who post here. Not everyone of us are neets even if perhaps the majority is. We focus are potent energy on enjoying ourselfes while we try to live somewhat comfortable lives without having to deal with society taking much of our energies . Life outside is hell for us and as you can see even isis is targeting one of us, but they are still not worse than normie scum.

Don't care. Stop posting Clickbait

What a shit wizard, probably forgot his wand somewhere

>point of no return
>50% of people entering college around that age
>all the potential pussy in college

are you fucking retarded topkek