When I say OY

When I say OY
You say VEY





Did anyone else notice how they have her hair tied up to look like the hair of a black girl?



you disliked it because your ugly face will never get a girl.

feels bad, doesn't it, bud?

Spoken like a true kike


>feels bad, doesn't it, bud?
Bestiality is worse.

That's right goyim it's super Chad to get cucked and race mixing is way totally rad
Only a LOSER would disagree

>Black M

Racist piece of shit who's now like "muh multiculturalism", "muh Africa", "I'm as French as you are" and shit. Surely one of (((their))) pawns, whether he's aware of it or not.

Piece of shit previously sung as part of a band called "Sexion D'assaut", "I feel guilty when I see what this country of kouffars has done to you".

Piece of shit was once chosen to perform at Verdun on the site of the WW1 memorial, which faced one of the biggest uproars in recent memory of French people.

When the day of the rope comes, he'll be among the first to hang.


That's OJ and Nicole as children. Show them all grown up.

I will use our plentiful canadian lumber to construct the gallows, Pierre

C`mon niggers, hit the dislike button.

WTF is this shit?
Sexualizing children?
Goddamn it! Day of the rope.

t. Schlomo Goldbergsteinisky

First thing I noticed.

I remeber that. It was quite shitstorm in french news, everybody on campus in Bordeaux where I was studying then was talking about it. (not surprisingly a lot of disgusting leftists were pro-Black M.)


I thought it was because she was a mix breed.

My eyes went straight to the hair.

Holy fuck that type of hair is disgusting. Ruined a perfectly cute white girl.

>blacked and pedo