Brit/pol - For God and Ulster edition


>Sharia May's New Year Message - Hapless PM quotes Jo Cox as she vows to fight for Remainers in Europe

>Comrade Corbyn's New Year Message - Hapless Leader of the Opposition says that getting an EU deal where only the bankers and bonuses benefit isn't good enough

>Tim Farron's New Year Message - Milkman says that 2016 was the 'Year of the Unexpected'

>Nuttall's New Year Message - "2017 could be even bigger"

>Russian hackers have fingers in Tory pie, claims May - PM vows to crack down on party funding by pro-Putin oligarchs

>"The Conservatives are taking the piss out of the honours system", claims Corbyn

>Terminal decline and the madness that follows - UKIP hosts Spanish New Year party with Lembit Öpik

>The Queen is STILL deeply unwell. Be ready

>The absolute STATE of post-Christian Britain

Other urls found in this thread:

>BREAKING: Britain's ambassador to the EU QUITS - just weeks before Theresa May is set to start Brexit talks

>God and Ulster

The one place on earth that Christian life is not evident be they Roman Catholic or protestant.

Don't blame ulster on God.


If Sharia May had any balls she'd ask Farage to step in

Why did I have to get interested in politics?
I feel like I've been made aware of some sort of Lovecraftian horror.
I just want to go back to sleep.

someone post the meme soap

This tbqh. This prick has timed his irrelevant resignation (start of the news cycle, right before negotiations) to harm the Brexit cause. Fuck him and his irrelevant post.


It's not a meme it's just DKNY being a fucking faggot
Don't encourage him


What fucks me off is that he's got a knighthood. For what?! When the going got tough and he had to maybe put the UK ahead of his own personal beliefs, he fucked off! Some 'knight'.

I've always wondered if you knew that she's a lesbian who is disgusted by men.

tories better in the bedroom, END THIS KEKSERVATIVE MEME

You're thinking of Ellen Page
Stewart is just a talentless druggie slag

Stewart is currently munching on carpet m8

are shitty soccer teams a part of your identity as well mr orange monkey?

>that comment section

What happened in Huddersfield?

No idea m8


Also hoping for posts about this
Riots incoming?

Considering it was a preplanned bust on six pakis in an Audi I'm guessing drug dealers

Guy who got shot probably tried to drive away or run down an officer

Conjecture though, don't think any details have been released and any witnesses in that kind of operation aren't going to know exactly what's going on

Some paki got shot, deus vult

Cars were unmarked, guy was a drug dealer Probably pulled a gun thinking it was gangland enemies.

No reason yet given for his reignation, it may well be for private reasons, or it could be because he was appointed by David Cameron, most likely because both of them are europhiles, something which isn't congruous with leading negotiations against that organisation.

Everyone settle down.

The media will try and paint this as brexit being in disarray. But in the end it doesn't matter. The EU will fall at some point anyway, it could be analogous to the EU being the Titanic, the iceberg being the reality that nation state democracy conquers all, and Britain is a passenger that can see we are about to hit the titanic, no matter how bad we exit the ship before it hits the iceberg, whether we are in a lifeboat or just have a flotation aid on, the fact is that we are in a much better position than any of the other passengers.


>Everyone settle down.
>literally nobody gives two shits about this nonentity and the nonevent of his resignation
Tripcunts: not even once

Why does he even post that, is it to be funny?

>Went to look him up in wikipedia
>Page already altered to say he resigned

Christ these people work fast

It's the most popular story on BBC. Their article is actually fairly balanced for a change:

>was due to leave during 2017 anyway
>Sir Ivan is a veteran civil servant whose previous roles include private secretary to ex-chancellor Ken Clarke, principle private secretary to ex-PM Tony Blair and Mr Cameron's Europe adviser.
>He was criticised in some quarters for "pessimism" over Brexit after his advice to ministers on the negotiating timescale was reported.
>UKIP donor and Leave.EU chairman Arron Banks said Sir Ivan was "yet another of the establishment's pro-EU old guard" and welcomed his resignation.

Good riddance.

Check these other top stories though mind.

Wikipedia is pretty weird when it comes to real time news, when May took over from Cameron they changed everything on there to say that the office of Prime Minister was vacant for the time between Camerons official resignation and May meeting the Queen.

I hate post-Christian Britain. I am going to secure my salvation and get baptised though. I expect persecution from the Godless heathens, Muslims and Satanists but I will be saved.

The fact that he was due to leave office this year makes it pretty clear to any rational person that his resignation was timed deliberately to create the idea that Brexit is in chaos.

Just strange how weirdly fast they are at times, would make you think it's computer automated

>Germany see strong sales of Mein Kampf

I thought that was banned over there

Not banned, the copyright was owned by the government and they decided it wasn't allowed to be printed

Copyright has now expired so anyone can reprint and distribute it

It's not really as big a deal as you might think, especially since the version they're talking about in the article is an (((editorialised))) version with annotations in the margins about how bad and ebil and wrong it all is

Not anymore. Banning it just gives an impression of "we don't bwant you to.this super secret info goy" it gives the impression that history isn't what we think it is.

The rangers are trash.

i think they have a 'special version' of the book where everything Hitler says is countered by some modern historian.

Ah alright, didn't know about the government owning it

Still even if it is edited with annotations etc, people will be buying it more to see Hitlers opinions and views on everything than some modern historian

>Her Majesty is on her death bed RIGHT NOW

Hold me lads

Looking forward to the day off desu.

She's dead lads

Knighthoods are meaningless. Just a gesture by the establishment to reward good boys.

Btw, has Jimmy Saville's one been rescinded yet?

do bookies take bets on queen death announcement date

Exactly, He had nothing to lose.

Bit pointless since she's never going to die

No, because he's dead. When you die you stop being a knight so it's impossible to rescind it.

>Bradford Bulls getting liquidated
kek, leaguefags btfo

That would be fairly tasteless. You can probably find a foreign one that will do it though.

>George VI died age 56
>Queen Mum died age 101

Hard to tell how long she will last.

She probably is to be fair.

I work on a RAF base and it's my first night back at work today, so I'll see if there's any mention of it.

Chimp out incoming.

>He was a good boy
>he was going to be a doctor
>he never hurt anyone
>he was a family man
>he was an innocent man murdered by the state because of brexit
>the police are racist etc etc etc

Nah, there's some retards in Britain.but this isn't as retarded as America.

Someone say "Russian Hackers"?

Who plays Rugby League apart from Aussies and northerners?

If it were a black yoof then the chimpout would be more likely.

Unfortunately it's winter, not even the subhuman underclass chimps out in the winter

That being said, I'd love to see another round of 2011-style riots, wonder how people would react these days

What is the London riots?

its inevitable mate, even if it's as plain as day they are criminals that deserved to die there will be repercussions, some lefty cunts on tv will repeat the same old shit, "community leaders" will start a fucking riot, and all the paki and black scum will go on the rampage because they are inherently criminal.

Which anons have a comfy local pub here? Pic related is where I'm at now.

Looks nice. Do they have a wood fire inside? The nearest pub to me is fucking disgusting and I'll never go there.

Nice, I'll be over in a bit mate

They do, but its currently not lit for whatever reason because i'm fucking frezing. Pic related is the view which makes it.

The butch woman serving drinks will protect me from crazy anons.

Who should I vote for lads?

Who /based shouty pagen/ here?

Looks very comfy mate.



>babbys first post
tories you dumb scum

>mfw dundee
>mfw snp control on all three levels of government


The royal family is probably running around like headless chickens, and Anne stupidly made an announcement that Liz was feeling better so now they have to delay actually telling the truth for even longer.


>telling people to vote tory
top yourselves

>butch woman serving drinks

p-post pics

>I'd love to see another round of 2011-style riots
God damn yes please. I'd love to join in this time. Was young in 2011

Tories and Jews are superior.

What's wrong with it mate? You really should be supporting your local...

Take her fucking Jewbook mate. Name: "Alison Newburn Boathouse"

s-shes's not dead lads
not dead

Coming to YOUR council in May!

I like this instead

Multivariable calculus, Israel Institute of Technology

look at his fucking political stance you daft tossers. what else do you expect him to belong to?

Don't. You deserve to be the new king. Just marry the queen

Phwoar, wish my local barmaids looked like that

>Alison Newburn Boathouse
She looks like she'd be a decent shag. That Brad Conroy chap's a big cunt

I didn't say it was a good idea to vote Tory. It's the party he's most aligned to based on the compass he posted: Centre right and authoritarian.

It's just full of hooligans and not very welcoming. There are several other pubs within walking distance which I enjoy going to, I just don't want to go to that particular one.

Their entire family are pretty famous here. Bunch of rough cunts.

Look at this cunt who got his eye gouged out

The National is owned by Newsquest, an English company.

Fuck Scotland.
Fuck Ireland.
Wales are loyal.
It was the English Empire.

Fuck anything else
The English are the superior race.

>tfw the shtf and you're drafted to defend people like Owen Jones.

Pretty much just a gyppo but fair play to him; can tell a story well.

That's fair. There's a couple near me like that, I go in now and then but quickly remember why I don't bother usually.

>A man who died in a police shooting during an operation on a motorway slip road has been named as Yassar Yaqub.

Quelle surprise

>A man
>Yassar Yaqub


Pick one

After a lifetime of his family terrorising people and although probably not him (any more), his sons and nephews are still burgling houses and he's talking about "living a quiet life" and thinks everybody is against him.

Not sure if hes a gyppo but if he isn't, he's certainly not much better than those subhuman pieces of trash.




Fuck off Archibald.




They read Sup Forums ?