How will libs turn this against him?

How will libs turn this against him?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Trump follows @smergencykittens on Twitter but not Manafort, Conway, Miller, Bannon, Ben, Sheriff Clarke, Ted Nugent, or Nige

He's turned his back on his friends

How long until turns his back on America?

>Drumpf hates doggos.

cats a shit.

>How will libs turn this against him?

Hopefully like pic related :^)

Trump has a dog you dummy.

>Trump has a dog

But enough about Melania!

>Trump likes cats on Twitter
>wtf i hate cats now

Grab em' by tbe pussy!

We should spread some shit about killing cats because trump likes them and get libtards to fall for it

t. german humor™

>Swiss cuisine

t. german bantz™

to br fair they taste good my dude

What about horse cock though, does it taste good too?

lol I can do this too

no european country has more furries in it than germany. take a guess which one has the most bestiality

Apparently we'd do anything to make Swiss expats feel at home.

underrated post

>Germany will do anything to make foreigners feel at home

This seems to be a recurring theme these past couple of years.

yes, I am well aware of your reputation for welcoming all kinds of expats en masse

I was ok with the rapes, but indulging imported Swiss degeneracy is where I draw the line.

>I am well aware of your reputation for welcoming all kinds of expats en masse

Well looks like we'll have a lot in common soon :^)


I forgot, in germany it is degenerate to not be a self loathing socialist cuck

>Trump liked animals

>Hitler liked animals


CNN-Why is PE Trump stalking kittens? Is he the reason its an emergency? Is he eating them? Find out at the top of the hour

>$300/hour to bang a 6/10 hooker once
>$300/week to house and feed a white trash wife who'll wind up fat and/or pregnant and spend most of her life on the rag
>$300/month to house and feed a horse, and if he ever starts bitching you can just "accidentally" break his leg and legally shoot him to put him out of his misery.

Doesn't sound so bad to me.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

haha shows how retarded you are, grasping at straws. that article is from september and the proposed law nothing more than that: one of countless propositions which has obviously never been seriously considered. the actual realization is much stricter

but not that a german would ever understand how democracy works


Media probably went through everything to find dirt on the owner of that Twitter



Let me guess. They feel lonely.

Well... Nobody yet prohibited single mothers from raising children because of that.

it's because they try to fuck the gold fishes stupid