Why aren't you typing as fast as I do Sup Forums?

why aren't you typing as fast as I do Sup Forums?


show us your results

use typeracer not that german dhimmi web sight

i can do like 80-100

because im not a cuck who needs to type fast on an internet forum to forward my ideas to strangers

>needing more than 100 wpm for anything other than working in a courtroom

91 but the only word that matters is



>tfw 62 wpm

I got like 120 on that thing. I could her higher but I don't type correctly and idk how to fix it. I only use my right pointer finger(but my entire left hand)

you sure got a lot of practice writing asylum applications for refugees

That's damn fast, OP. Proper touch typing? Qwerty keyboard?

thanks, querty keyboard (use only 8 fingers)

I have been shit posting online for ~10 years

101 wpm
my wrists hurt

I'm not going to bother testing again but I average 160.

420 here

Only 82WPM, typing with 2 fingers like I learnt from watching dexters lab

My shitty wireless keyboard can't handle more than a few letters a second.

I also type only using my both index fingers.
I should get around to fixing this bad habit sometime.

Hey it could be worse. You could only type with your left hand because gaming habits mean that you can't let go of the mouse for any reason while the computer is on.


78 WPM

I never learned the correct way of typing. I still kind of use all my fingers, the middle finger and index used the mouse and then less and less as it goes on. I move my hands around too much to accomplish the typing.

Oh well, I say as long as you can type on a keyboard without ever looking at it, you're a decent enough typer to get the words out.

This $35 mechanical memeboard is nice to type on at least.

Posting from phone but ill give it a go

Inb4 fuck off phone fag
I have shit to do so no

>used the mouse
Used the most I meant. Starting to think I have minor dyslexia

KEK Hans with the savage retort.