Former neo-nazi explains how to defeat the alt-right
pol actually btfo for real this time

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Lad, you can royally fuck off if you think I'm reading all that shit.

the third paragraph is the only one worth reading for a laugh

Neonazi fags are just that. Why would you care about some fringe controlled opposition? Basic math defeats their arguments.

>controlled opposition details how to kill controlled opposition

Ah, so it is a false flag.

>believing that African-Americans commit a higher proportion of crime


>crashes into red button at 1,488 miles per hour

OP, admit it. You wrote all this.

Stopped reading at "Those guys agree that lbierals are right at virtually all issues".

Hah, this is like a goodnights story for antifa babies. Tidal wave is already on the move, and nothing can be done to stop it.

Lol which one of you fags wrote this?

>hey guys I am totally like you
>yea I was totally like you
>now have this giant tl;dr of a badly constructed straw man

sage and how about you just educate yourself on actual racial realism

So, they're gonna try and be "as obnoxious as teh alt-right trolls xDD" without the spirit to pull it off and just as bound by their dogma as all leftists are? Sperg out as they usually do, just in a different way?

It'll be fun seeing them crash and burn.

i just leave the bubble every now and then

>durrr hurr give me money hurrr durrr this chart is totally fabricated
>hurrr durrr africa has tons of original IP's, original manufacturing, cars and phones as well!

>falsely believing that African-Americans commit the proportionally largest percentage of time

Redpill me on this Sup Forums. Has /ourguy/ discovered the truth?


Why is this so long? All he needed to say is that coercion is not based in truth, and thus authority is an illusion.

>I was put on this plane against my will and don't like where it's headed and I'd rather risk crashing than let it stay on its current course


someone wrote this novel hahahaha I cant believe the autism it must have taken to write this yuuuuge wall of text! cba to read this but I bet its full of shit as well. at least he got some of that nazi gold ;^)

>We will create websites, we will counter meme them. We will spread our knowledge to as many websites as possible, YouTube, funnyJunk, 9gag, Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, etc. We will debunk their lies, and when they try to concern troll, respond with stuff like "do facts trigger you?" and generally make them look like the SJWs they hate. If they call you cucks, anti-white, etc just respond with "So citing facts is anti-white/cuck/etc?" Appeal to both emotion and fact, but mostly to facts that can ride on a wave of emotion and spread like a contagion.

Sup Forums literally on suicide watch

Liberals really do lack empathy, they really can't even understand their opposites' mindset enough to write a proper false flag.

>I was a neo- nazi
>we didn't want people to be white supremacists
stopped reading
dis nigga fake.

>mfw people don't realize this rebbit post is all a ruse

>If they call you cucks, anti-white, etc just respond with "So citing facts is anti-white/cuck/etc?"

>fellow comrade
Commie talk, abort.

Oh god this is sad. These idiots need to leave their parents' basements every now and then

>There are those at the complete apex of WN society. Those guys agree that liberals are correct on virtually all issues.

Stopped reading there, obvious liberal larping as an ex neo nazi.

Im seriously not reading all that shit.

Can some one sum it up please?

>One word: mockery.
Fun fact: satire and belittlement was a #1 weapon against Hitler. The left's mistake is consistently feeding into the right's grandiosity. Leftists' reactions portray the right as abhorrent yet formidable, which is the exact type of validation these degenerate rejects seek. You may have noticed that most of their responses revolve around desperate self-aggrandizement as opposed to self-victimization. The mainstream media also contributed to portraying the fringe as bigger/more frightening than it is - that's a huge mistake as it 1) feeds into their compensatory delusions of grandeur 2) allows their opinion to come across as more widespread.

Bring it. I look forward to their blind fumble into my playground.

>We never expected to get this far with our ideology
Except we did because we view history according to a Spenglerian, cyclical interpretation (the swinging pendulum). Faggot LARPer typing out his delusions from his AIDS deathbed.

Sounds like he was just a retarded libfag after all.
He misses a lot of points entirely and has fallen for kike lies.
Good luck faggot. We're better than you.

I'm not convinced thos isn't a clever ruse. Now that the pendulum is shifting again, those that lean left have a lot more in common with your typical Sup Forumsack, namely a disliking of Israel. I project an amplification of this sentiment, unless Israel's online PR team does phenomenal through Trump. Send in the libs and they will walk away in favor of protecting the 1st and 2nd amendments.

Yes, also he later implies alt-right is evil because muh racism and sexism. An ex-neonazi would never use argument like that.

Large text does not make meaningful text.

he is wrong in most aspects of this paper, and you cant ell it was written by a former liberal who has taken a skeptic eye towards the alt-right.

its crap.

>"the problem with our liberal friends is not that they are dumb, it is that they know so much that is not true." - look it up yourself half-wit.

he's dropping quite a few subtle redpills there. very subtle.

good job, lads.

This fag calls the founding fathers racists and sexists. Baka

>he's dropping quite a few subtle redpills there. very subtle.

Legit on accident though. This is clearly /leftypol/ trying to recruit leddit because their raids have been failing miserably. That also explains how they're partially familiar with our maymays

give me one good reason i should read a long plebit post and not just tell you to gtfo back to plebit

ill give you 3 minutes

I think so too. Mockery is a remarkable weapon, it lowers the degree of seriousness, it is deweaponizing.
But the biggest contributing factor is indeed way overblown portrayals of all this.

>There are people who ironically think the Right movement has a hierarchy, let alone leaders
Self proclaimed poster boys are nothing more than that, poster boys.

So it was even more effective fighting hitler than tanks and planes?

I don't think it was.
It is also very hard to quantify psychological warfare compared to physical warfare.

Except for the fact that most of us here are immunized to mockery, and were mocked constantly trough out the election. We mock each other here harder then left could ever hope for.
I don't see what can be said about us that would demean us?

I think we're in a weird or maybe even advantageous position because we have been, as you said, immunized.

>Sup Forums is one ideology

The kikes put some effort into this one.

I posted this last night and it got bumped after 340 replies. glad to see its back, i didnt want to samefag it.

In what way don't blacks commit more crime?

hell, an ex-neo nazi practically just goes into being a jaded libertarian. the 1488 m/h into the red button made me kek tho.

The post is from a user called Obama did noting wrong. Don't take their bait.

Not a very in depth and intelligent analysis likley just a larping teenager member of antifa. Three levels/ ranks of WN, haha, he seems to be some kind of autist too.

They really want to be murdered.

This actually seems more like an attempt to bait leftists to come searching for facts and actually becomming i the only one getting this vibe?
Sure, the ultra lefts won't be convinced, they are lost anyway, but this could actually get some people, who were just in the left for the virtue signaling, to the right side, while at the same time make the rest even more obnoxious and therefore unattractive for most people

Well, let's look at it more critically:

Everything he describes about the "alt-right" is pretty much 100% wrong, which means leftist understanding of the "alt-right" is compromised and they remain ignorant and unable to effectively attack it
He goes to great lengths to stroke leftist egos with flattery and praise, something that would set off immediate alarms on Sup Forums but to which liberals just eat up
Meanwhile he creates talking points about white genocide, demographic replacement, 'racist' crime stats, and so forth. Setting up liberals for getting BTFO by the facts when they try to argue against these things
And then he throws a touch of crazy into his post so that when a liberal goes and re-reads it all again, he sees how unhinged the guy really is, and he questions his own belief in liberal/SJW indoctrination

That's what the fuck I'm trying to figure out


Implying our movement revolves around statistics and not rational self interest.

This piece was obviously written by Someone trying to redpill normies or to draw in people interested in the alt-right.

His steps to combat the alt-right are a joke (write a blog, talk to friends, call your congressman). But he did manage to summarize some of the important Sup Forums psyops campaigns. He's given normies an instruction manual ffs.

His thread is actually an ironic, reverse psyop campaign all on its own.

Implying there is any movement.

It's a movement but it isn't centralized.

>When this causes them to actually look up facts and either go into denial or take the red-pill.

reminder that the leftypol board died on 8ch and they had to make their own website

The left is having an identity crisis. Their movement needs to die and be reborn as something else before they can even think of competing again.


Is it the .pl shebang?

this is clearly some leftie pretending to be like us

Fake as absolute fuck.
Literally derp level stupidity, but worse still are those who believe him