He's 100% correct

He's 100% correct.

Sadly the rural and farmer retards won't see this.

No matter. They shall learn the hard way I suppose.

There are other ways to lower blood pressure.
There was only one way to stop Hillary.

Not even fake news. It's a liberal figurehead quoting fake news in a tweet. My cat's latest fart is more deserving of recognition.


These people are delusional Trump is a moderate

>not believing in God

Who seriously still does this in 2017?


>voting for a person is the same as running a blade across your neck and and dying

no, it's more like choosing to drink piss over eating shit

To argue that there is no such thing as God would be like inserting a banana into your anus to prove there is no god. ~ T. Black Science Nigger


Don't care what this faggot says

>the rural and farmer retards
what century did he mean by this?


The rural and farmer bunch is laughing their dick off everyday at you faggots' response to the Trump win. You and your candidate were BTFO worse than anyone in history and now your crying about it. Kek.

They voted for him because they knew it would make the left self destruct, and it has indeed.

Here's a fucking tip:
>when you talk massive shit and then get upset by the underdog, you need to just lay low, because being a sore loser just makes you look like an even bigger faggot than you already do.

>choosing an outsider businessman over a repeatedly proven to be corrupt, thieving, and lying political dynasty is suicide (((The Atlantic)))

He's not correct, it's a logical fallacy you faggot.

dawkins molests kids so

It works, so I don't see the problem. Blood pressure is a painful way to die.

>logical fallacy
>from an atheist

Color me surprised

why is Sup Forums there? You cunts annoy us

>current year

>callimg people retards
So this is the power of the tolerant left

I haven't had to shop food for weeks now, so much bait here just lying around.

Just when I think this guy is teetering on redpilled he crushes up and snorts like twenty bluepills

he's right you know

>"Analogies are not a part of reason." (Scott Adams)
Also using a quote to assert an opinion doesn't mean the opinion is more valid.

>that pic

>Chased moot of his own site
>Not with Sup Forums

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

I'd love to see you try to operate 1 piece of expensive equipment my dad owns properly. Problem is you've probably never worked a day in your life and with being a retard, you wouldn't be able to operate any of them without damaging property or hopping easements.

This. If Trump ran an identical campaign as a democrat the media would be sucking his dick nonstop, he'd be "the great centrist hero" uniting republicans and democrats alike

>"Not an argument" - Persuasion Man

This is a fine argument, toothpaste.

>Sup Forums is Sup Forums side

Good one. Whites are a minority on Sup Forums

>1 post by this ID

Sage and hide the shill

Why do retards care about this dumbass? Quoting The Atlantic is already bad enough.

>Good one. Whites are a minority on Sup Forums
I find it hard to believe that whites are a minority anywhere on this site, let alone Sup Forums

>Hillary won't run in 4 years
The only way to stop her is to give her what she wants. Otherwise she'll fight to the grave.

>BTFO worse than anyone in history
"Landslide victory" means 80% of the electoral college, Trump didn't get close to that but several other presidential elects have.
Winning the college and losing the electorate is very unusual and means the "winner" lacks the kind of resounding support you'd expect of a "winner"

Richard Dawkins is a huge idiot, his arguments against religion are beyond retarded.
Why do people even take time to listen what he says after seing his name?

The butthurt



Thanks for your opinion OP
Your mother will die in any case tonight in her sleep

>The rural and farmer bunch is laughing their dick off everyday
With all six of their remaining teeth


Wow just look at hilldawg's impenetrable "blue wall"

MFW mechanical solution to high blood pressure is actually still used by doctors around the world.

These people still don't realize THEY caused President Trump. People who knew Trump isn't the best candidate voted for him because of the Left and their nagging and intolerance, yet they completely fail to realize it. They created more and more Trump supporters with their bullshit and yet they ramble the fuck on, unaware, like an animal wondering thru the woods lost

>implying I don't want to cut the throat of big government

>It's Liberals fault half of Americans are dumb enough to vote for Trump

for a person championing reason he is pretty thick

I'm surprised he didn't use a GoT reference.

>To vote for Trump because the other candidate was worse...
Yes? And???

To be fair, they did have control of the government for the last eight years.

Which isn't very far. She seems far from healthy.
It's not that Trump is a shining beacon of healthy behavior and life, he's a fatass and aware of it, given his Diet Coke comments.
It's just that unlike her, he didn't have a blood clot in his brain.

Burns 5 atoms? Atoms burn now?

how come the Lead has not posted the "city people all voted for Hillary"ITT? seems hes slacking

Voting for Clinton as a white male was literally the equivalent of slitting my throat. STFU Dawkins and go shove back to shoving pond scum up your ass or whatever fag science you're into.

i think that's what happens when you turn them off

Born in Kenya, educated beyond his ability to grasp and worried about matters he can't and shouldn't be part of.

Sounds just like Obama.

>1 post by this id
>people aren't saging and hiding this shit

It's time to go back to the_donald

>Votes against elites
>expects to listen to an elitist tell them they are cutting their own throat
>elites always wrong
>expect to listen to them ever again

>These people still don't realize THEY caused President Trump
We realize it, we just can't internalize it, because it's astoundingly stupid to us. People who vote on policy and not on feels can't grok the anti-SJW crowd voting against their actual interests and values to avenge eight years of butthurt at the hands of liberals. It's so antithetical to our version of reason that we can "know" it but never truly understand it.

I personally like Richard "Pokemon Master" Dawkins, especially his thesis on how Pokemon attacks spread in the wild

what a wonderful opinion he's sporting. My opinion is that he's a faggot.

So I guess you like the idea of open borders with South America and war with Russia?
Do you happen to have a big nose?

It's actually true though. When you have a ton of the people you normally vote for calling contemplating voting for the opposition deplorable and you are contemplating it. You would surely consider that an assault on your identity and be violently driven from them.

The line is "rural and suburban retards", retard.

City people all voted for Hillary.

Does Dawkins echo? (((The Atlantic))) certainly does
Oy fucking vey goyim

>Hillary won't run in 4 years
She won't since she'll be way the fuck too old to run (she would be 73 on inauguration day 2021. To put that in context, Trump will be 70 when he's sworn in, and he'll be the oldest first term president in American history). There's also the fact she barely survived THIS election
2008 was really her best hope for the white house until Yes We Can Mulatto Man ruined that for her.
Hillary Clinton will never be president.

I don't listen to militant cum guzzling atheist

Yes. There are people who never vote and wouldn't have even voted, don't even fucking like Trump. They voted purely to spite whiney fucking liberals, they hate them so much they voted just to spite then. Thus liberalism, in its infiite cries and projections, created President Trump. Sad they can't realize it it and come to terms with it. Many such cases

You two should go fuck boys together, sodomite.
We know why you godless fucks deny the Lord.

Richard " I was molested by a priest when I was little and it didn't affect me in the slightest" Dawkins. how can you take anything this man says seriously?

Should've supported Ron Paul when you had the chance, faggot.

Actually its more like cutting a thousand liberal cuckold throats to lower your blood pressure

>Cancerous melanoma desperately screaming "NO, I'm the throat! I'm the heart! Don't hurt me!"

This is why you lost faggot. You have literally no idea what you're talking about because you never tried to understand your opponent

Dorkins is not 100% correct about anything.

That's literally the best way to lower blood pressure



>if I grow my hair out long and get really into broadway theater I am now a female

>Sup Forums
>fucking hates all things political after GamerGate shat up the board, and crucify all things Sup Forums even if they agree with it

>Sup Forums
>Caring about any politics beside things that affect Sup Forums-related stuff

>Sup Forums
>Siding with Sup Forums and Sup Forums, ever
>implying they don't hate crossboarders in general and don't hate Sup Forums and Sup Forums with a burning passion

The most hilarious thing is how reddit is on the opposing side, as if Sup Forums and Sup Forums aren't THE MOST reddit boards on this website ever since GamerGate and the /r/TheDonald shutdown

Trying to understand stupidity is nigh impossible. The harder you try, the farther you get from understanding it

He and Obama were both born in Kenya, educated beyond their level and have zero right to speak on matters they know nothing about.

Dawkins is pretty bright when it comes to biology.
He's a fucking moron when it comes to politics.

>this kills atheism

8 Years faggot.

that image is fucking retarded.
Rei a better

According to his analogy and the fact that someone had to win the election, It's more like cutting your throat if someone is going to cut your throat either way. That's only if you agree with his cynicism.

A lot of people voted for Trump based on his conservative ideals and the people he'd appoint, not just to spite Hillary.

>The rural and farmer bunch is laughing their dick off everyday at you faggots' response to the Trump win. You and your candidate were BTFO worse than anyone in history and now your crying about it. Kek.

Only in the mind of sheltered teenagers living on daddy's dole at whatever Tier 3 college you got into is this a relevant factor. People with actual challenges in life do not think political ideologies first and foremost, they have tad more tangible problems to account for and to tackle.

>They voted for him because they knew it would make the left self destruct, and it has indeed.

No, you retard, they did not. They voted for him because he is the last straw they can hold onto before having to face the economic reality that they are going to remain as poor and as miserable as they are now and that manufacturing jobs won't come back from countries where workers get $150 a month, just because they demand it angrily enough.

>Sup Forums
Maybe in 2014. Moot neutered them a while back.

People will forever be able to pretend that Hillary wouldn't have been the worst President in history because it never happened.

Yeah maybe she'll win on her 3rd try...

not him.

I was one of them

Dorkins the Dumbass

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

HRC literally wanted to punish the working class with refugees and illegals. KYS faggot.

I think of it the other way. Electing Clinton would have been like the continuation of a slow slide downward that would have been absolutely not fixable once shit finally hit the fan (in 5... 10... 15 years). Trump was kind of like cutting your arm off which was stuck to a sinking ship.

>Sadly the rural and farmer retards won't see this.
What is this meme?

Awww is mr. Taco sad he's about to be sent back

it's more like cutting clinton's throat for fun