My piss is completely clear

My piss is completely clear

What does this mean?

you're drinking a lot of water, nothing to worry about.

It means you're kidneys can't prosess everything, which is likely due to drinking contaminated water. I would suggest buying a waterfilter from infowars.

you're drinking too much water, slow down

you want it barely yellow

You're going to die

Clear means you're well hydrated. If it becomes super dark, go to a doctor.

Nigger AIDS

what this fag said. excess water in body prob due to drinking more than 2L a day. no sweat

It means you actually finally had a day that you spent not being dehydrated.

Protip: maybe you need more salt too.

you got super ebola and zika virus
t.real doctor user

Something is definitely wrong, ausbro. The yellow should be getting out, you're full.

Your transition from abhorrent autiste into full-blown robot is nearly complete

You'll be dead in three days

Your fine.

No I'm not

You either drink too much water or have diabetes symptoms OP. Git checkd.

How often do you piss a day?

Wait its probably all the vb.

Good job OP you're well hydrated. Guzzling all of that cum must have finally paid off.

Do I stop taking tyrosine? I can't stop taking the magnesium blend, or the vitamin c powder, or vitamin d pills or thyroxine

>Drinking much water is bad

Hey cunt, I'm sorry to say your gonna die within 24 hours. Remember that thread that said if you didn't post you would die?