When is the US going to take mental illnesses seriously?

When is the US going to take mental illnesses seriously?

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(((Who))) made this thread?

Mental illnesses are a meme, just like "global" "warming" and vaccines.

How are mental illnesses meme?

Mental illnesses, unless you're literally mentally retarded, are a joke.

Go take your good goyim pills for Autism, ADHD, depression, social anxiety and whatever new (((disease))) we find out next.
Don't learn how to deal with though life choices and your own character, my greatest ally.

after we send more mail bombs

You mean liberals as a mental illness?
> the last election

What we once called "being a pussy", we now call "post traumatic stress disorder". What we once called "being fucking stupid", we now call "ADHD". What we once called "being a whiner", we now call "depression". And the Jew feeds you drugs to keep you in control.

first world countries only, please

China isn't first world either

>age of consent is 14

degenerate gross culture, begone

Go back to the sweatshop and start assembling my new Lenovo laptop and Nike shoes, Wang. Maybe you'll even find a straydog on your way home to kill and eat.

meh. nice numbers tho.

Mental disorders are real, but like ADHD in the 90's and 00's, they are heavily misdiagnosed. You can literally walk into any therapist/psychiatrist's clinic in the US and state what mental illness you think you have. Most doctors will nod their head and give you any prescription you want. I almost got Xanax because I had trouble sleeping a few nights a week. Then they'll feed you what you want to hear in order to reinforce your delusions about being mentally ill.

I had depression problems in high school and college. I thought it was a form of suffering that needed to be treated. Went to therapy for almost a decade and took SSRIs most of the time. Nothing worked. Therapy was a waste of time and money. ($265/hr for therapist and ~$300 to talk to a psychiatrist for 15 minutes lolwat)

They had me on zoloft. 150mg. I was waking up dry heaving and unable to eat. When I told them this they said to me, "Would you rather feel sick or depressed?" The only med that seemed to work was an anti-anxiety called buspar and that's because it gave me a subtle euphoric high.

I weened myself off the meds (because they literally addict you to them) and started smoking pot. When I don't have pot, I drink. I have a bit of a problem but I'm working on it.

I'm not insane. I do have some depression problems, but I am totally capable of working them out myself.

The problem with this country is as soon as someone feels a little sad or a little confused, they think they have a mental disorder. Most people are going to self-diagnose (autism was trendy when I was in college for some fucking reason). No one is going to take them seriously.

>College kids diagnosing themselves with autism.

They used to take mental illness seriously before the 1900's, depression being one of them, however, nig pharma is never the answer. You gotta fix your own shit.

Love this painting

Shitposting aside, I do take meds for depression (Venlafaxine) and I feel like a completely new person now. But I guess it depends of the psychiatrist and the medecine - my brother also had depression and the treatment turned him into a zombie for some time.

I hear too many horror stories from the US though, about doctors prescribing whatever for any reason and overall being fucking awful at their job of making you feel better.

Good post, it's one of the issues of capitalistic healthcare that is build around prescribing as many pills as possible so that doctors earn more. As much as I hate government regulations, healthcare should be strictly regulated and controlled, like it is in Europe.

Mental Health is bad here; A friend sees a therapist who gets the resident MD to write whatever she wants. Friend accidentally charmed his way into an endpoint dose of Clonazepam when he mentioned he was trying to quit drinking. Now he just takes them when he drinks.

I don't know why.

never heard of this

my doctors were peddling the most popular depression meds that had super special pamphlets and commercials on tv

buspar totally worked for me but I only wake up most days with moderate anxiety which makes me go to the gym to work it out of my system asap so i don't think it's too bad

You're very ignorant about how medicine works.

Never, its too good for making money.

user's talking about how medicine is peddled, now whether it works or not.

the truth about mental illness and the pharmaceutical industry is that they have both become prominent due to the Jew

the Jew works against the family, the Jew works against friendship between gentiles, the Jew works against gentile leisure. and what does this do to the goy? it makes hm neurotic, it takes away the neuroprotective social factors that help make surviving in a harsh world a possibility

but if you feed a goy a bunch of medication
he won't notice that his family and friends are gone
he wont notice his own misery and desperation as he endures his enslavement
he will pay hundreds or thousands of dollars to the pharmacy jew per year to cure the problem that jewry has given him in the first place

cucked by his own mind, by our hooknosed friend, the jew

Holy fuck this is hilarious. Based Ecuador

Just throw their brains some chemicals. That'll solve all the problems.

What about psychopaths

I'm talking about practicing medicine, not pharmacology. "Licit" overprescription is due more to how drug research/lifetimes work and the fact that many MDs genuinely believe in drug-heavy lines of treatment. If user is complaining about illicit pill pushing then I'm sure even those deliberately pill-heavy MDs would be right there in his corner, also complaining.


Never. There is not one human being on this planet who has a perfectly functioning brain. Some of us have to work a little harder than others, but that's true of everything.

>humans were meant to experience grenade blasts and loss of all their friends at the age of 14
Alright, ww1 officer. What shall we do about these pussies? Shoot them for cowardice? Excellent methodology as always.

To be honest, from the time I've spent in the US, I'd say healthcare is awful to begin with. Besides being expensive as fuck, a visit to the doctor comes down to the physician quickly looking at you then prescribing whatever might possibly work, without mentionning other treatments or even side effects.

What we now call a "psychopath" used to be a "hero".

Name one "hero" that wasn't an absolute dick.

we don't have that many chinese immigrants in canada. but it's still too many, they actively make our country worse in many disgusting ways (barely able to maintain basic hygiene, lay their fish out in the sun in front of their stores, rude as fuck, their language just sounds like drunk slurring)

but at least i don't live in a country like ecuador, where immigrants would actually make it less degenerate

That's what people want, bottom line they don't want to leave a visit "empty handed," and most could care less about the nuts and bolts of treatment.

You mean start treating liberals in hospitals?

>What we now call a "psychopath" used to be a "hero".
Only the humanists do that.
>War in the Vendee
>muh political prisoners
In modern times, an hero is what you think heroes are.

Explain all the gender bending? That's a mental illness

I've been having hallucinations since the 3rd grade and can't get any help because all the doctors are now "specialists" in meme illnesses whose only job is to sell pills for their sponsors.

they do and thats the problem

I was on Paxil for depression and anxiety for a little over a month, I think it's a generic Valium. It took away the depression and the anxiety, but it took away everything else as well, including my ability to care about important shit. Like you described, a zombie.

In the end it was personal issues causing both, so a couple weeks off the medicine I had a short falling out with my parents, quit my job and found something similar so I could get my head in the right place again. The anxiety is still there, but I use it as a tool to get things done, and I don't worry about things that I can't change right now. I can't say I've never felt better, but living outside the haze of both the antidepressants and the leftist Jew has been the best thing to happen to me in my adult life.