Brace yourselves, burgers. The poos are wiping back now!

Other urls found in this thread:

This shit has been going on from years.

>Hello this is Steve from Microsoft technical support(In a thick Indian accent)

We've all gotten these calls.

Dumb Amerifats don't realise that the IRS never calls anyone. Kek

It's easy to spot a tatti, even with a voice synthesizer.

Superpower by 2030 guys.




>Pawan POOjary
You cant make this shit up

>where are muh roads?

Literally poo in loo

>You cant make this shit up
Someone pooed out Poojary

>The key to the whole thing, Mr. Dubey decided, was a psychological fact: Americans fear their state.

Is this true?

Reminder that there are robots that talk to these scammers and waste their time. If someone wants the number to this bot let me know

Reminds me of the one about the politician, Madam Poonan, who fell into an open sewer while on tour of a town.

>mfw my job is, among other things like removing viruses and shit from peoples computers, fixing computers up after people fall for this shit
>mfw one of these chucklefucks calls me on our business line

What's with the rubble?

Why the fuck is India such a filthy, dirty mess? You have 1 billion people and you can't figure your shit out?

like fucking pootery


But this has been going on for the better part of a decade-

Oh right, journalists were all on vacation for the last eight years.

lmfao oh sweet poos in loos

Holy fucking kek and if they're stupid enough to get scammed, let them.