France, NO!

>The far-right National Front party made huge gains in French regional elections and could be a sign of a more pro-Israel Europe.

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Well yea. Why wouldn't the right-wing support a right ethno-nationalist country?

Don't get too happy, its just a convenient place to shoah the Jews and not have to kill them.


but muh ebil zionists

this is a kike psy op. no one is voting for FN because they are "pro-israel", do FN ever even mention or talk about israel? no one cares about kikeland.

That reminded me of the most hilarious thing Bibi did this year.

also pic related.

this.. you kikes need to stop pretending to be on our side. no one is buying it.

Reminder Israel is like a reserve for retarded and harmless jews.
You can support Israel existence and still fight against diaspora banker / media owner jews.

>pro israel

trying to fit in before the shit hits the fan? i see

Israel never contributed nor wanted what is currently happening to the west.

>le ebin expert meme

Le Pen was one of the few members of parliament who voted against boycotting the west bank, and has one of the most pro-Israel track-records in Europe

>powerful pro-Israel lobby which siphons funds from the US and pushes pro-Israel laws at the expense of everyone else

Israel never asked for the """aid""" though.

Oy voy good news!

As much as I don't like Israel, it might be politically necessary for Le Pen to put on a "pro-israel" tag.

Sadly, "right wing" cucks love anything that has Israeli influence on it. Politically, having those cucks on Le Pen's side might help her appeal to a larger base and help.

they can think and say whatever they want as long as they back us

>israel formed by zionist kikes in the west
>zionist kikes in the west give funding to their new project
Fuck off, yid

I don't give a fuck about her opinions on Israel, as long as she CLOSE the fucking borders, get France out of europe, and reintroduce the death penalty.

Make France Vichy Again!

We never asked for it, not will be mad if you stopped.

Only a retard would run for elections while openly being anti-semite tbqh, at least FN doesn't suck muslim dick.

By the way, OP is probably a Canadian with proxy.


hopefully all the jews in Europe will go to Israel when that happens

This. Being openly anti-israel is pretty much political suicide in the west unless you're a nigger in his last 30 days of office.


This. Israel is the true ally of Sup Forums and the white race.

the kind of nationalism kikes like, greater Israel ahead by the sign of things sadly.

wow an unnamed expert. this must be true

Where is the jew? I can't see any jew.

funny thing is, if poltards read the comments they'd see how based most of them are

just a few cucks

Isn't Israel dying in the future because liberal Jews don't breed and the orthodox Jews don't work or serve in the military?

>create Jewish state
>state gets destroyed by actually religious Jews who won't contribute to it because it isn't created by God himself


Le Pen over Filion!

we know your behind this ivan

>oy vey we Israelites are the rights true ally, just look at that Gay, Inter-racial fetishist Milo over there, looks at his anti-feminist views. A true ally.

>a more pro-Israel Europe
I am for everything that can make arabs upset


If Jews were never kicked out of the Levant and travelled to Europe would we still hate them?

>This whole thread

Not a fan of jews but I'm pro-Israel just because leftists are so butthurt about the palestinians getting rekt

You forgot your proxy, senpai.

wtf why would you want even "more" jews in Europe?

fuck's sake

It's easier to tell people that you support israel, otherwise the media will constantly compare you to hitler




what I don't understand is that Fillon is an austerity cuck, yet people call him "conservative"

How is selling you country out to jewish banks "conservative" again?

If that happened (they didn't get expelled during the Roman period) they would have pretty much disappeared entirely during the Islamic period instead, like many Jewish communities did in the Arab world. Judaism would be on the same level as Zoroastrianism, or paganism. A minor religion with membership in the tens of thousands, though it would still attract white leftists rebelling against the christian-cis-white-bacon eating-patriarchy.

Economically liberal, socially conservative.

t. baathist syrian refugee

A lot of Jewish communities actually survived in the Arab world well into the 20th Century, and only disappeared after the founding of Israel increased religious tensions while simultaneously giving them a state to move to. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Jews actually fared better in the long-run.
