Guns are pathetic

>be amerifat
>see Tyrone on the street
>N-no... please Tyrone my wife isn't home yet
>shoots and kills Tyrone from 20 yards away
>the beta nu-male is victorious

meanwhile in Sweden

>Sven drinks milk everyday
>Sven meets Muhammed and his crew
>activate his inner viking, beat the shit out of Muhammed
>the alpha male is victorious

Natural selection. Americans are pathetic that needs firearms to defend themselves.

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thats a pellet gun you moron

when you say "beat the shit out of mohammad" are you referring to prepping the bull?

Pictures of real guns are illegal in sweden

Why would you brag about beating off mohammad?

>meanwhile in Sweden
>Sven drinks Jizzum everyday
>Sven meets Muhammed and his crew
>Gets the shit beat out of him by Muhammed
>Muhammad grooms Sven's daughter.
>The Religion of Peace is victorious

Americucks just can't deal with Germanic superiority.

Oh lookie here, seems like the amerifat has crawled out without a gun to defend himself. TASTE THIS


Wow, you're a douche bag. No wonder Muhammed has been welcomed in your country

Why are you obsessed with guns?

you should spend more time having National pride.

Tyrones have guns though.

>No wonder Muhammed has been welcomed in your country



We have righted the ship with Trump. What has Sweden done? They are taking down their neighbors with them.

the dude in the gif is norweigan tho.

>Sven drinks milk every day
Enjoy your estrogen, man titted cuck

>tfw you live in Colorado and saw more fat fucks on your trip through Western Europe than you do at home
get off your high horse. most of Europe is just America Jr. who gets our leftover scraps and handed-down trends.

Hardly any difference

Guns are a reality in America, niggers have lots of them, so white people need lots of them too. In Sweden, getting raped by niggers is a reality, and you can't rape them back because that's gay.

I guess the moral of the story is enjoy being raped, faggot

The new face of Sweden is to claim the invader as an actual Swede, himself as an impostor, and to sit fetal style in a corner crying.

Glad we don't have it m8. After seeing you guys flock to Merkel yet again I am convinced that your "superiority" is a double-sided knife.

>meanwhile in Sweden

Rape them like this. Literally impale them. Abduct them and impale them in a public square in the night. Send that message.

>Sven fighting hard to retake shittiest Sup Forums posting country from leafs