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Europe is waking up.

>Britain yes

You mean "England yes"
The rest of the UK is still very much white and christian

South wales is fucking paki central

we need to accelerate brexit before there's any contagion to the eu

Half of those Muslims are White British anyway.


And T.May's head will be on a spike in 2020

Serves them right, they fought two world wars for this beautiful genocide of their own people and culture.

literally all of those are paki containment zones anyway

>Delay Brexit for 10 Goddamn years, import so many Muslims that you can repel it

I'm so fucking ready to see videos of politicians being executed in the streets. It's the only way these self serving traitorous fucks will ever pretend to have your best interests in mind again.

What do you mean? Its too late.


While Scots tell us we should be more "diverse" and keep voting for parties who want to wreck our borders and demographics. Easy to say when they're not shitting in your garden.

>muh empire
>muh royalty
>muh Falklands
All for what?
To become a breeding farm for Muslims?

and still more important than you and your fellow Argie shitskins will ever be

Brexit came too late.

Until you and all of europe are fucking Muslim states under sharia law and the Goddamn latin countries off your continent surpass you for it.

Maybe to the EU vampires

I said more important than you.

Which I realise isn't much of an achievement given your country's perpetual state of irrelevance

This. Then Germany and France. Then EU.

Argie wins this one
ACCELERATE the destruction of white europe.

What's the problem? Britfags should be able to practice whatever religion they want - it's called FREEDOM.

Germany and France are much bigger problems for the EU

They'll be the ones to sink it


god save the queen, and kill all the sand niggers

>t. A bitter Argie

Don't you have anything better to do than cry online over the Falklands? lmao, they were claimed in the 19th century and then you were told to BTFO in the 80s. I'd love if Argentina tried AGAIN.

Why even talk about it anymore.
Everybody knows Britain France and Germany are condemned.
Except if genocide, nothing can stop it.

fuck you

You mean they made everyone else fight and after the war the UK wasn't the hegemony it used to be so the jews abandoned them.


At least we ain't being taken over by Mohammed's followers

Once Europe burns under Islamic fire,we will take to the sea's and do the same your elders did
T.cuck who rides on other men's achievements
Go work son you can pay Ahmed's welfare

>tfw you're from Rochdale

Muslim king when? Come on England it's 2017. It's time.

Voting is haram.

This, just off yourself you worthless fucking anglos, the only thing left you could possibly do that wasn't a full cuck manuvere is to remove your broken genetics from the Earth.

Well I'm an engineer myself, and I live in a 99% white area.

So what were u saying anyway m8?

>60% white
>8 years of nigger leader
wew lad

UK really is a caliphate

Picture is complete bollocks because this is literally the mayor of sheffield. Didn't even bother checking others, but Luton is probably right.

Britain deserves this 100percent for not letting Germany win the either world war

Only BNP can fix this and they're nothing more than a dead meme thanks to UKIP

>Twinned with St Quentin

Both infamous war zones, then

Islam is a theology, pretty sure UK believes in seperation of church and state

BNP image is forever scarred. Britain needs a rebranded nationalist party. UKIP are a good start.


lā ilāha illā allāh

>60% White
>in a population of 300 million

Oh wow it's fucking nothing. Plus after 8 years of Trump it will be 75%+

>Almost 200,000,000 whites in America
>Less than 52,000,000 whites in all of your leaky island

Just fuck off Ahmed, the 60% bullshit you cling to like a wet whore will matter to exactly nothing when there are none of you worthless fucks left.

It's what they get for their allegiance to the Rostchilds

The cities are lost. They were worrhless anyway. Just nuke them.

>tfw you'll see a Muslim prime minister of the UK in your lifetime

>mayor of sheffield.

mayor of oldham

It's absolutely not fine. Whatsoever. My point, however; is that the constituency that I live in is

.8% declared themselves to be Christian, 8.7% stated that they had "no religion," and 7.0% made no religious claims at all. Those stating their religions as Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, Islam or Sikh amounted to 0.5%

(I actually just looked it up). I can't find ethnicities for my county though.

But hey, how cool is that? Sup Forumslocks like to imagine that every other country has innumerable roaches coming out of the woodwork, and while that is largely true in a lot of cities, me in my immediate area has NO muslim problem. I have never seen a muslim in my town.

we're coming for the towns and villages as well! we will not rest until every brit surrenders to islam and follows the sharia allahu akbhar!

you seem upset

>tfw when live in comfy valleys away from all that shit

>u mad?

Hi Leddit.

>muslim king and queen

>mayor of oldham

mayor of birmingham

What is voting?

Weather brexit happens or not, Tories will be out in 2020 anyway, and Labour is literally being killed by a deluded old Stalinist

>le leddit meme

>mayor of birmingham

mayor of rochdale

I do like Argentina and all.

You're a white country, and probably one of the last bases of white man IF the kikes win.

But seriously, right now, you're importance is nill.

What happened to Scotland?

I remember the debate about banning Donald Trump from the UK and watching two ladies from Scotland get absolutely triggered at the mere thought that someone would like to not ban Trump from entering the UK.

Always see memes about insane lefties on here, but this is an actual politician. It blew my mind.

>Tfw 97.5% white area
Feels good man

>you're a white country

Aren't you run by Muslims?

why so heated Tyrone? You think having 200,000,000 is going to count for much when there are 250,000,000 non-whites running around everywhere?

Oh, and white birth rates are at 1.8, so your white population is going to start trending down very soon anyway

Fuck your mayors have awesome outfits

>Living on a leaky island that wants to destroy all whites
>Claiming u mad? When someone calls it out


>u mad?
>Drowning in rapeugee semen

Anglos sure are horrible.

same here son

You burgers are fucking retards.

Can you not into common sense?

Your gene pool is 60% Caucasian (not even white specifically).

Brazil is the second most white populated country behind you. Are they fucking white really? no They're 43% white.

In your retarded logic, you're more of a muslim country than UK, because you're country has more muslims by the millions.

Also, Trump shabbos goy isn't going to do shit to put your country at '''75%''' white.

What the fuck is he going to do to acheive that?

You're going to be a pic country in 2049. If you're a stromfag, then go move to a white nation near the baltics, if not, then get over it.

Fucking losers.

t. "white" hispanic

m8, there's a 13% chance of your white daughter getting backed, and a 17% chance of her hooking up with some amerindian spic.

neck yourself

care to argue against the actual data? Whites in the US are set to not only become a minority, but their actual number is set to decrease. Even more so as interracial couples continue to rise

The US as it was last century will never be seen again



Allow muslims to completly take over England. Just let em all in, FUCK IT. However, slowly let real brits leave to Ireland.

Finally, once all the wrong people are in England and all the right people are in Ireland, let that whole fucking Island sink under their weight.

Congrats, you got rid of Muslims AND Scots in one go and you get to live with your IRA bros at the same time.

>he insults other countries for rapufugees
>doesn't realise that his own women are getting raped in nigger ghettos (if they isn't hooking up with on already)

Also, hardly any rapugees cam here. We're not all Germany you fat fuck.

Kek, keep making shit up about me to feel better about your "country", I got plenty.

The white birthrate in the US has dropped due to millennials, christians have higher birthrates than anyone right now. The liberals are the ones dying out, we'll still have more whites than you ever will.

you also have more niggers

Why you're doing you're little rants on some shitty website Ahmed is fucking his 4th wife and your government is paying for it. But hey you should shout at me about the emu war xD.

Subhumans don't even live in enough of America to commit the mass rapes they do in the EU.


that nigger would be so dead here

You really need to open your eyes and realize you're a goddamn failed state in comparison to the US.

Muslim countries are typically run by muslims duh

Then your chimps would chimp out and burn down another city and kill more cops.

funny, your island has 50 million people.
we have 3 times as many white people than you at muh 60%

No you dumb fag, white in general are dying out in your country.

Have you heard of voting? We're electing in some based people in 2020. Meanwhile you're getting cucked by republicucks once again.

Oh and you're dying out. Did I mention that?

problem with muslims is their ghettos vote for whomever is muslim, most people don't bother to vote in small local elections or attend meetings to do so and quickly muslims rule the majority of the council. Everything from schools, to alcohol licensing, stret marches, planning, non serious crimes atart to come under their control.

It's supposed to be locals with some spare time or interest making fair decisions on planning and budget but once you have muslims they vote in blocks which you just can't beat.

don't look at mormon or christian birthrates if you want to keep that mental bubble afloat

Our chimps and contained to cities filled with chimps.

Do you not understand why liberalism is so rampant in my country? It's becuase they didn't grow up around niggers, period. Most US states have a TINY black population and any state that doesn't votes blood fucking red.

>hiding in the valleys while everything gets taken over

They have a good pool of fertile men in you capital
Unless you guys genocide them(won't happen) then its a slow but steady march into Balkan tier
Good riddance

>making more shit up to take the pressure off your arab state

Trump won.

Waving a knife around and chasing the cops?
You'd be hard pressed to find a chimpout for that.

again, more whites is less relevant than % of whites. You seem to be deluded in how bad your country already is.

This is the last century of white countries. US and France will have fallen by 2050, UK and Germany a decade or two later. Sweden too. After that, the smaller white countries in EU will fall one by one. Russia will hold out for a while. Australia and New Zealand will probably be ok for a good while yet.

it's over mate, Trump can't turn it around

Nah. Letting a sand burner be king / queen is a level of cuckery even Europe has not yet reached.

That census is from 2001, but you knew that and omitted it.

are your rare?

>paddys making fake images to bait brits on Sup Forums

Follow the next rainbow.