Do you believe in separation of church and state...

Do you believe in separation of church and state? Sup Forums seems to be in its edgy right wing phase right now so I imagine you'd be cool with public schools teaching creationism and whatnot.

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Canaanites have and will always run society unless the people over throw them

Separation of school and state sounds like a splendid idea.

>public schools

Separation of church and state was a christian concept though up for the benefit of christians.

This came up in the American colonies in the wake of political corruption of the church in Europe. It exists just as much to keep politics out of religion as it does to keep religion out of politics.

We're already seeing the effects of violating it for decades in the decline and general public hatred of christianity today.

Christianity has some big issues. Personally I think WLP had a good idea with Cosmotheism

amazing how ur so verbose about something u know naught of. all the founding fathers said was the usa will have no official religion. in the 50's the democrat lawer for the kkk got appointed to the supreme court and he wrote the seperation decision. he was mad cause county school busses dropped kids off at catholic school, cause kkk hates catholics. think his name was otis. so all you libs are loyal followers of kkk ideas for ur views. hahahahah

Christ teaches the only true morality and justice system, if there's a problem it's with you not with Christianity

>public schools
Public schools are shit. Sending your child there is akin to child abuse.

smart man. the next district from me only has like 20 or 30 white girls and every one of them got hooked on heroin then the nigs get them to go to the clubs and try to get white girls from better neighborhoods hooked on dope. diversity in full effect.

>he thinks they teach creationism outside protestantcuck american chruches

>edgy right wing phase right now
>right now

Yes, because church can be heavily corrupted and politicized, just look at Orthodox Churches in Eastern Europe. Besides, no church is safe from leftist degeneracy, just look at the current pope.

I believe in the separation between that girls titties

I believe in teaching children facts and the ability to critically think for themselves, what people thought 2000 years ago is irrelevant and based on nothing but stories from desert goat herders.

I believe in what the founding fathers intended. State separate from church in law but not in spirit. This is a Christian nation and it must remain as such. Otherwise we lose a strong part of our national identity and the foundation behind our Natural Rights from god which are clarified in the constitution.

> church
> teaching creationism
> same thing

You're a fucking dumbass

Public school system needs to be abolished.
If you don't give enough of a shit to raise your kid right, then fuck you.

If we had to educate our own kids, we wouldn't be so quick to pick stupid whores, women would stay home, and teachers would actually be worth a shit and earn what they're really worth as tutors an private instructors.


Stop letting desert churches brainwash your children.


Give me more of this whore

There is no separation of Church and State.
>"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof."

And that there shall be no relgious test to gain access to America.

That's it. The coined term of separation of church and state, came from not the Constitution, but from a letter from Thomas Jefferson to Danbury Baptist Association, paraphrasing Roger Williams, founder of the first Baptist Church in America, as to that the goverment would not interfere in Church business.

It's amazing Athiests have to create their own fictional narrative that all the founding fathers were closet Athiests, or twist and manipulate words to avoid the original intentions of such legislation.

That being, all the various Christian denominations could exist within the United States without favouritism from State power.