Gov helps fat people lose weight

Should the government help you lose weight by taxing sugar drinks and unhealthy beverages?

Philly seems to think so:

On my Christmas trip to Hawaii, I met a dude from New Zealand who told me the gov increased sales tax on cigs to the point it cost about $30 a pack to smoke.

His mother quit smoking, because she couldn't afford it, after smoking her entire adult life.

Maybe daddy gov knows best?

You can't seem to control your own fat ass, so why not let the gov help you?

Most people have no self control.

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Tax the fatties more and tax me less pls

Also charge them higher healthcare costs so mine are lower

There's a sugar tax coming to the UK in 2018

It does make sense to tax people with a higher probability of health problems; ie: fat people with diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.

You have the right to destroy your body, but you should have to pay more for health care costs vs people who live a healthy lifestyle.

The gov always doing the best4ya, you were fat? Now fat and poor!

no fuck off stop taxing shit

I'm thin and i like chocolate and this pisses me off

You won't be fat for too long if you're poor!

Seems like the gov really DOES know what it's doing.


did you fight a war over this? what was the tax rate you fought over ? 5 percent? or was it 7?

>next USA taxes windows,tv tax, not sharai law tax, accusting muslim or rape tax,the white male tax

should there be a tax on using the internet too much? it destroys your body and your mind

I just hope Pepsi doesn't increase the price of Pepsi Max

>should there be a tax on using the internet too much?

I'lll be honest, if there was a tax for using the internet too much, I would pay it.

Fuck it.

I have nothing else going on in my life.

My life IS the internet.

This. Give tax credits for losing weight as well and we are good to go.

Kinda pointless.
Most people that drink sugar water all day, are on food stamps. So why give free $ to buy sugar water, then tax it more?
I drink about 24 oz of soda a week, because I like my teeth. If you think a nanny state is the answer, eat a bullet, boot licker.
Heroin is illegal, yet more people died of it last year than were shot and killed. If you tax sugar, fat people will still be fat.

How about we prohibit the sale of alcohol too?

How about we start a war on drugs?

How about we take all your fucking guns?

The government is not gonna make people have self control, they can only take away the little control we do have over our lives.

is that a 50% tax on food?
how is this even legal?

>Give tax credits for losing weight as well and we are good to go.

That's actually a really great idea.

Tax breaks for good health habits, non-smoking, healthy weight, exercise, etc.

I guess your doctor can submit some kind of paperwork to show you are being healthy.

>how is this even legal?

The better question is how do these huge billion dollar soda companies not pay off or assassinate the politician doing this?

Actually, yes. As long as the government is paying for people's healthcare, it may as well take preventative measures to reduce the cost.

I get $1100 a month from the government and I drink soda all day every day. Shit's delicious.

>taxes are used to subsidize food
>foods are used to acquire taxes

They're just taking back their money they took from...oh fukit

>I get $1100 a month from the government and I drink soda all day every day.

Reported you to SSA and your local Disability office.

You lazy fucking welfare nigger.

>yfw 49% of the taxes are going to the prek program

>yfw the council decided, behind closed doors, weeks after the tax was voted in, that ~20% of the taxes will go to "new funding"

Good. Make the fat people pay extra for the burden on society they become with diabetes, heart disease, unhealthy kids.

SOMEONE has to pay for it. Why not the people whose fault it is?

>SOMEONE has to pay for it. Why not the people whose fault it is?

I agree, but at the same time, if you want a soda once in a while for a treat, you are willing to pay double?

Hello Satan. Thank you for your presence.

The tax isn't for health care. It was billed as a source of funding for pre-k programs, but now it seems that the majority of the money will be used to fund city pensions.

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

Sin tax is absolutely necessary in countries with socialized medicine.

is this the birth of an ebin new maymay?

Shout out to Morrell plaza I used to work at that bitch

Philly friend here.

I mostly like it. The money collected from taxes are mostly being used for education purposes. 50% goes for pre-kindergarten education and 10% goes to local community schools.

Since most of the city is lower middle class to poor people I hope it will encourage the poorer (and more likely to be unhealthy) people to eat better.

Particularly I hope it helps child obesity. GF is a former teacher/current education administrator & I've volunteered at her schools. I cannot tell you how common it is for a kid to have of of their 3 meals of the day be "a bag of hot cheetos and an Arizona iced tea".

Its slightly steep as a 2 liter soda is now $3.15 full price tax included.

I'm mostly a water drinker anyway, but where this shit does make me butthurt is with soda & prebottled coffee/energy drinks. I only drink them as tools for tough/long work days but I know people who drink multiple a day.

tl;dr- I hope its breddy gud

People are still going to buy sodas. Blacks are the worst when it comes to sugary drinks. They're infatuated with more sugar, have you ever tried sweet tea?

If our fucking garbage dem council actually cared about public health they would try more education programs target at the black community. But no, they don't give a shit. Instead they make fake virtuous taxes like this to give the illusion they care about the community so they can keep getting relected.

God forbid they tell black people that their lifestyle choices are unhealthy because that would piss them off.

Maybe you'll eat actual food instead of nutritionless chocolate so you look less like a gangly skeleton.

>Mfw fatasses cant buy their $1 two liters without going broke anymore

Opposite should be done.
Turn them into fuel to help productive society become more even more productive.

I aint paying shit for some fucking fatso with no willpower who will spread liberal agenda anything.

Why is this topic being shilled so hard?

This copypasta is starting to get overused now.

>Oreos contain over 30 g sugar per serving!
>I know! We cut the serving size in half! :^)

>Its slightly steep as a 2 liter soda is now $3.15 full price tax included

I was in California for the New Year, and I remember going to a local corner store and paying .50 cents for a can of soda.

It's a 1.00 dollar for a 2 liter.

You do have to pay .10 for plastic bags tho.

Fatty here, I want a sugar tax because it'll force companies to make products with less sugar.

>Why is this topic being shilled so hard?

This is a political forum and we are discussing government intervention in the financial & dietary lives of citizens.

How is that "shilling" you nigger queen?

Enjoy your "progress", brought to you by liberals.

The flyover states are laughing at you.

Also THIS!

I'm looking forward to see how major beverage companies respond. Even drinks that seem "healthy" are getting hit with it.

V8's fruit based juices are under the sugar tax, but their vegetable based juices are not.

Maybe we'll get some actually mass market non poison/non addictive products.

Laughing and bursting their belt buckles. Disgusting tubs of lard.

What the fuck kind of state of mind does it take to think that it's the proper realm of government to regulate what you should put into your body?

The fact that this is even considered a serious question by some people just proves we're doomed.

>Flyover states
>Food freedom

Enjoy your fatness fatty. 9 out of the top 10 states with longest life expectancy are blue.

...the other is Utah in at #10

Pretty sure I'm the only one posting it

God I hope obamacare gets repealed so these fat fucks get denied for preexisting conditions and die on the streets.

Fuck off statist scum

I'm a statist and I agree with your image.

>the henry kissinger visage
>being this much of an avant teen in 2017
lmao bud

Guess which Orwellian state is already entertaining this ridiculous interfering idea?!

This topic has been discussed several times a day only in the past few days. You're a spamming faggot.

yeah he sounds like some chump being paid to spamfuck the board with this stupid shit

"Statist" here, I also agree with your image.

Without statism you cannot enforce the desirable goals of a nationalist society. Without statism nationalism is self-defeating.

W-whats that big brother?

It's unhealthy for me? But I'm 130 lbs soaking wet with bricks in my pocket but alright you know best

What's that big brother? Overuse of internet and TV is bad? Alright big brother you know what's best.

What's that big brother? My favorite hobby of rock climbing is too dangerous. Alright, you know best.

What's that big brother? I'm not sleeping enough, alright you know what's best

What's that big brother? I'm sleeping too much know. alright you know whats best

What's that big brother? These immigrants from Syria will improve my life? Alright big brother, you know best.

that doesn't mean wasting lots of money trying to play social watchdog is effective or worthwhile
post war america wasn't thriving because of punitive health regulations

>This topic has been discussed several times a day only in the past few days

I just got back from a 2 month overseas vacation to my home in the states, and this is like the 2nd day back on Sup Forums.

Maybe you spend too much time here?

Go outside for one day at least, nigger.

But propel water has no sugar.

>But propel water has no sugar.

The receipt says "Propel Water Berry"

I don't know.

Either way, it's obviously being taxed, based on the receipt, so it must fall under some kind of taxable category as defined by daddy gov.

Diet cola drink vs a bowl of strawberries
Which has more sugar?

>Which has more sugar?

Trick question.

If you mean sugar added, than neither one has sugar added.

Strawberries have fructose, which is a type of sugar.

Diet drinks usually have an artificial sweetener.'re little thought experiment is not well thought out, friendo.

fruit has lots of sugar
diet soda has lots of fun Food Science™ and chemical additives going on in it
you shouldn't be consuming either of them

Increase soda tax
Cut income tax

Any country with socialized health care should tax individuals according to their BMI.

Fat people are an enormous liability to the health care system and they have no one to blame but themselves. When their personal actions cause them to require vastly more socialized healthcare, they should also be required to pay more for that healthcare.

If your BMI is supposed to be 20, but its 28, you're almost 2 sd outside the norm.
Your tax should thereby be 300% of a 20 BMI individual norm.

>falling for the soda jew

>you shouldn't eat fruit
flag checks out

So the government taxes the guy's mother to the point she was broke and couldn't even afford a pack of cigs, and you think that sounds like a good thing?

Why not just rob them and give them some food stamps?

I'm at work right now we have breaks n sheit

>Blaming others for their own failures
>Literally nobody forcing your to buy this shit

Yet liberals think you're helpless over your own urges, so instead of corporations profiting from your weakness the government profits.


Soda Tax just went into effect in a major US city on New Years. People are just now starting to see how it effects their lives.!page=product&id=85114C80-E10C-11DF-A102-FEFD45A4D471
>Propel Water
>C- grade

"Anything with artificial sweeteners on here always get a low grade. Makes it rather difficult for people looking for sugar free snacks and drinks."

Yeah, Mexico sure proofs your assertion. Wait, shit.

>So the government taxes the guy's mother to the point she was broke and couldn't even afford a pack of cigs

Your logic is literally retarded.

No one is "robbing" his mother of anything.

The incentive to quit becomes stronger when you would have to spend almost $900 a month on cigarettes, which is NOT a necessity for living your life, but instead kills and causes cancer.

You want to kill yourself? Fine.

Pay $900 a month and die, faggot.

Simple, right? One would think so.... think so..

t. self-hating dirty bulk /fit/ lardass
fat people consume more
your worth to Big Poz Donkey Dick Daddy Gov.™ is primarily how much money you spend
it's good for tax revenue and keeps the petrodollar going
this kind of thing has nothing to do with making people healthier. they know john candy looking motherfuckers are going to spend their paychecks on Mr. Pibb Throwback and scratch tickets, so they're trying to squeeze more money out of them to fill in the deficit gaps.

creating an unhealthy and dependent tax base is the name of the game. neo-geo-pocket-alt-righto-nazi platitudes about eugenics and ubermensch are all fine and dandy on paper but it's not a realistic goal or something those in power are willing to do. your kids are gonna be big fat fucking mulatto cattle and there's nothing you can really do about it.

>Chuck Andrews picked up a $1.77 gallon jug of tea, got home and looked at his receipt.

>"When I read the receipt I'm like, 'Wait a minute. I paid more in tax than I did for the product,'" Andrews said.

>The tax on the $1.77 gallon of tea was $1.92 cents.

>"Which is OK if you had told me," he said.

What a fucking cuck.

haha funny amellica joek
eating fruit is fine but eating fucking bowls of strawberries before your daily nando's probably isn't a great idea

Who exactly did you file a report on? "Someone on the Internet is abusing their gibs"

could you fit more buzzwords into you post

that's how you reach the kids
just ask the trump campaigners

So right off the bat 60% is being pissed away on absolutely nothing.

Pre-K spending lol you hopeless fools. Better off taking all the money you will be taxed, changing them out all into $1 bills and lighting them on fire as a heat source for your house.

>just ask the trump campaigners

Zinger! You really got Trump with that one.

I'm sure he'll retweet your words and fight back.


get a real job

This is the only proper response. Not to mention that 1.77 is mostly passed on taxes through the manufacturing/retail process. You're absolutely fucked in the head if you think this is okay in any way.

>Niggers already raping your white daughters.

At least TRY to protect a future for your white children. Maybe if Tyrone gets an early start on reading he wont end up on gibs and knocking up your precious baby girl

Gotta start some where. If you don't try you're doomed to fail

That's not how you reach kids, just ask podesta

I think the government FDA needs to step in and actually do their job (within our country at least). Unhealthy/unnatural ingredients should be banned or at least severely taxed. Kids should be taught about MACROs, calories, healthy eating within schools, etc.


try going outside for once

It will save us money in the end. If we let our society become more unhealthy the cost of healthcare will go through the roof whether it be private or public. Yes, the government can reduce costs.

Plus the whole "fat shaming is bad" is not going to help either.

Nah black Americans have the highest per capita student spending in the entire fucking world. $0, $100000 per year, doesn't matter. Dumb nigger is dumb nigger.

Since American education is aimed at pulling dimwits up instead of encouraging/progressing bright ones, the cost of a black student is far more on average than the graph shows.

Throwing money at education is dumb as fuck in this country. It's not the problem.

Cigarettes should just be illegal.

philadelphia city planners reaching and trying to squeeze more money out of what they've got isn't going to have a significant impact on national health statistics or reduce the strain on the system

less interference is always better. if you make the life easier for people who make bad life decisions, you're
1) depriving them from necessary learning experiences,
2) cultivating people who make bad decisions!

Intelligence is hereditary, there's no way around it. Evolution is a fact not to be ignored, especially looking at sociology/demographies.

>Make motorcyclists wear helmets
>Tax the fuck out of cigarettes
>Put a tax on soda


Fuckin' faggots.

Nope, doesn't work. Just makes addicts go broke. See: Every Nordic country and the alcohol monopolies. There are countless studies on it. Doesn't even dent average consumption. Just lowers addicts', because they go broke buying what they can.

The Jews start by taxing food first, then the next thing you know, everyone starves to death. Just like first the legalize homosexuality, then they legalize bestiality.

spotted the lungcuck

"shaming" is such a fucking faggy term it drives me crazy

Liberals hate freedom and believe the Government Knows Best.

Land grab related. NO FUN ALLOWED. And the motherfucker wants us all to burn E15.... E20.... E30....