Sarah's Shoah thread

Sarah's Shoah thread


cartoon porn is degenerate
delete this




You mean Sarah "party in Mauthausen" Andersen?


What did she mean by this?

Kek'd. I almost forgot about this


holy smokes, she's fucking braw

I met a girl in one of my classes that looked just like this. She kept going on about "animal abuse" whenever the instructor asked what we would write our papers about.

shes so fucking cute

Thats what the refugees thought too

Are we taking about Sarah 'DACAs to Dachau' Andersen?

Not a shill or white knight or whatever, but what did she actually do to deserve any of this?

Is it worth destroying her career just because she said some lefty things?


She's so talented and redpilled, we ought to help spread her work online.

Would be a shame for such brilliance to go unnoticed.

This social media buzz will generate value mate dont worry.

Eh, she was cuter with long hair.
Medium hair (like pic rel) > long hair >>>>>>>> short hair.
But whatever, I respect your taste.

whatever dude, we're trying to save her

what did ben garrison do?
Sup Forums does things for no reason and it makes it funnier

ya, nothing to grab onto when I'm slamming my pecker in her.

>letting your inner beta take over

>destroying her career
not going to happen dude, no worries.
>Outcome 1- she actually gets Garissoned and gets a much more supportive fanbase
>Outcome 2- she gets an article written about her on buzzfeed about her shit being hijacked and gets a load of artificial support

lol that looks so real



The left will feel bad for her and the publicity will improve the sales of her book. And we get to keep dank Sarah memes. Everyone literally wins.

i cant believe joseph gordon levitt is such a hitler fan

holy fuck shes cute


>letting your inner muslim take over

>wahh this girl is cute so stop editing her comics
>its not funny dont mildly bother my waifu
>forget that we do this to men all the time this time its a cute girl wahhhh

Many such cases!

yeah, pretty much

except a lot of this shit IS funny

Her parents are Danish immigrants iirc

I honestly thought she was a racist comic book author, I'm so disappointed



Moralfags please kill yourselves

dont lie to me pls

>racist comic book author

Based on all of the examples shown in this thread, I don't see how anybody could possibly come to another conclusion. We must stop this hateful woman.

This is to save her to become a tumblrina degenerate.

Yes we have some pervet to is exaggerating, but its better than nothing.


I'm so glad we're redpilling these idiots

She's not jewish or anything...



Only in fire can the soul be saved

Auschwitz Andersen threads are now my favourite part of Sup Forums


she couldnt be more perfect i think

so quirky!! :3


>mfw my local library has the communist manifesto but not mein kampf

Cute girl. It's a shame you people can't just leave her alone.

who knew fags on kikebook can make OC as well

She gave us attention. No reason to back off now. Sup Forums will get bored eventually like we did with Garrison.

>no Kosovo
As it should be mate. Are they considered their own country by others?

Plz be my gf Sarah

they are their own country :^)

>what did she actually do to deserve any of this?
WTF? why does a couple faggots always asks this?
1. lulz
2. easy to edit and enjoy
3. you faggots never asked what did ben garrison do to you?
4.She has a loyal fan base and we are giving her more and more exposure that will increase her popularity. All she has to do is cry victimhood and she will make a killing.


This aint right, must've been made pre
2 0 0 8

We need more hairy pussy Sarahs desu

Plz be my GF Sarah

But they rightfully belong to Serbia.

deepthroat my cock sarah

Not really Diaspora scum

I want Sarah to hold my hand and my[spoiler]other hand[/spoiler][spoiler] with her other hand[/spoiler]

[spoiler]spinning around, holding hands[/spoiler]

Fucking pervert

fuck off ireland
shes mine

>this whole thread

literal tumblr tier

She didn't do or say anything (as far as we know). Her comics just have a simplistic artstyle which makes them fairly easy to edit. We're just having fun.

Stop being such a soft cunt.

She had a meltdown after the election saying random normie things like "Trump is anti LGBT"

Let me fuck you Sarah

plz be my gf sarah

Only because I want a cute socially awkward shortstack GF pretty bad.

sarah andersen pls become rightwing waifu


>behavioural traits are in your DNA

I guess she did the first step.
Its only a matter of time until she learns about the "warrior gene" and american inter-race adoption studies.