Happy new year, everyone.

Everyone is welcome.
Discuss news, ask question, give answers, be kind to one another, and above all assist one another in living the virtuous life. As usual, I will be assisting with answering questions and helping people out. I recommend you do the same.

List of recommended Christian movies, music, and books in the following posts. Feel free to add to the lists.

>Catholic Encyclopedia

Here are your daily readings.

Major topics from last thread:

>If you were a hotdog and you were hungry would it be a mortal sin to eat yourself?
>Why is atheism the easiest religion to troll?
>Can the pope's funny hat shit in the woods as well?

Other urls found in this thread:

Christian music list here. Pic is movies list.

>Marvin Gaye's "God is Love"
>Woven Hand's "My Russia"
>Om's Pilgrimage Album
>Sufjan Steven's "No Shade in the Shadow of the Cross"
>mewithoutyou - Sun and Moon
>Young Oceans - ONLY YOU
>Bobby McFerrin's Joshua
>Psalter's Lord's Prayer
>Janelle Monae's Victory
>Johnny Cash's God's Gonna Cut You Down
>Nick Drake - Pink Moon
>Mary Lou Williams - Anima Christi
>Dr. C.J. Johnson's "You Better Run"
>Judee Sill's Heart Food
>Dave Bixby's "Free Indeed"
>The Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus' "Beauty After the Fall"


>A nice Latin hymn
>Nice Orthodox hymn
>A nice Coptic hymn
>18th century English hymn
>The Lord's Prayer in Swahili, done in song.
>A nice collection of South Pacific Island hymns from the movie The Thin Red Line
>Hail Mary in Latin, done in song.
>Hallelujah Chorus done suddenly in the public
>Quality Icelandic hymn

Reposting my Apostolic Christianity recommended books:


The Bible (Ignatius Study Bible Recommended)
The catechism of your denomination

>accepted English versions of Bible

Douay Rheims



Introduction to Christianity by Joseph Ratzinger
The Last Superstition by Edward Feser
The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton
Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton
Mere Christianity
CATHOLICISM by Robert Barron
The Orthodox Way by Kallistos Ware
Outlines of Moral Theology by Francis J. Connell


Scholastic Metaphysics by Edward Feser
God: His Existence and His Nature by Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange
Natural Theology by Bernard Boedder
The Spirit of Medieval Philosophy by Etienne Gilson
Against Heresies
City of God
Christianity for Modern Pagans
The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church


Apologia Pro Vita Sua
Summa Contra Gentiles
Summa Theologiae
On the Incarnation
The Didache
Divine Names by Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite

Part 1/2

Part 2/2


The Introduction to the Devout Life by St. Francis de Sales
Story of a Soul by St. Therese
The Seven Storey Mountain by Thomas Merton
Orthodoxy and the Religion of the Future by Fr Seraphim Rose
Nihilism - Fr Seraphim Rose


The Interior Castle
Spiritual Exercises by St. Ignatius
Dialogues by St. Catherine of Sienna
True Devotion to Mary
True Devotion to the Holy Spirit


The Cloud of Unknowing
The Dark Night of the Soul by St. John of the Cross
The Desert Fathers
The Philokalia
The Ladder of Divine Ascent
New Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton
The Imitation of Christ by Thomas Kempis


Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World by Rene Girard
I See Satan Fall Like Lightning by Rene Girard


Rome Sweet Home
The Long Loneliness by Dorothy Day
After Virtue
Christendom I: Founding of Christendom
Theology and Social Theory by John Millbank
Ethics and the Limits of Philosophy by Bernard Williams
Life of St.Anthony by Saint Athanasius
Life of St Francis of Assisi by Saint Bonaventure
Silouan the Athonite by Archimandrite Sophrony
The Autobiography of St. Ignatius Loyol


Don Quixote
The Divine Comedy
Paradise Lost
Silence by Shusaku Endo
A Canticle for Leibowitz
Les Miserables
The Canterbury Tales
The Man Who Was Thursday
The Brothers Karamazov
A Man for All Seasons
The Pillars of the Earth
The Lord of the Rings
The Chronicles of Narnia
Lord of the World
Joseph of Arimathea: A Romance of the Grail
The Arthurian Cycle
Quo Vadis


>Catholic priest accused of organising orgies in rectory and pimping out 15 women
>Italian 48-year-old allegedly hid pornographic home videos in covers bearing the names of popes

Why are Catholics so sexually deviant and perverted?




Humanistic atheists are philosophical refuse. Like nuclear waste.

That's horrid, I hope it's a false accusation.
Catholic priests tend to be less involved with this stuff than teachers or their Protestant counterparts so I would say your question begs the question.

How do we undo the heresy that is Vatican II?

I've been wanting to do Apostolic Christianity Generals but I can never get substantial Orthodox input on what to add to the OP posts.

Any ideas, yourself?

The Catholic Chruch made Islam. No thanks.

These are back? Missed those :')

Ignore it. Even if they were heretical statements (which I still faithfully doubt) they cannot nd don't have power ex opere operatoi.


Muhammad was influenced by Arians and grew out of influence by those heretics.

>Blaming Church for retarded child of arab paganism, arianism, judaism and Satan himself
Do u history?


>massacre Catholics in Constantinople

I don't know my history well there.

He is memeing. They'll want to rewrite history.

There was a mad Emperor in Byzantium. He got the rank by strangling the real Emperor and his family.

1. Everything that has a beginning has a cause.
2. The universe has a beginning.
3. Therefore, the universe has a cause.

You can call this cause the creator of the universe, or God. Because of this argument I believe in God, and I think many Catholics including Thomas Aquinas have relied on some variant of this argument.

However, Christians claim that this same God is benevolent and cares about us. Do you have a logical argument for why your creator God isn't indifferent, ambivalent, or malevolent?

How fucking mad need you be to strangle a whole family.

lets be honest here these palaces have little to do with god and everything to do with the vanity of powerful men

the masterful art and architecture I acknowledge but maybe more humility would do all of us well

After his mother and grandfather also died, Muhammad was with his uncle when a Roman Catholic monk learned of his identity and said:
"Take your brother's son back to his country and guard him against the Jews, for by God, if they see him and know of him that which I know, they will construe evil against him. Great things are in store for this brother's son of yours."
The Roman Catholic monk had fanned the flames for future Jewish persecutions at the hands of the followers of Muhammad.

A wealthy Arabian lady who was a faithful follower of the pope played a tremendous part in this drama. She was a widow named Khadijah. She gave her wealth to the church and retired to a convent, but was given an assignment.

Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah, who was also a very faithful Roman Catholic, and the Vatican placed him in a critical role as Muhammad's advisor. He had tremendous influence on Muhammad.

Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he had intensive training. Muhammad studied the works of St. Augustine, which prepared him for his "great calling". The Vatican had Catholic Arabs across North Africa spread the story of a great one who was about to rise up among the people and be the chosen one of their God.

While Muhammad was being prepared, he was told that his enemies were the Jews and that the only true Christians were Roman Catholic. He was taught that others calling themselves Christians were actually wicked impostors and should be destroyed. Many Muslims believe this.

Muhammad began receiving "divine revelations" and his wife's Catholic cousin Waraquah helped interpret them. From this came the Koran. In the fifth year of Muhammad's mission, persecution came against his followers because they refused to worship the idols in the Kaaba.

Muhammad instructed some of them to flee to Abysinnia, where Negus, the Roman Catholic king, accepted them because Muhammad's views on the virgin Mary were so close to Roman Catholic doctrine.

I do history.

And what better way for Satan than to take hold of a religion and make it a state religion.

Do history and do Dark ages

We need to start a more traditionalist movement within the church. Start talking with our peers about it.

Destroying the Vatican = destroying the head of pedophilia

If my government were truely worries about pedophilia, they would drive down the walls of the Vatican with their tanks.

calm down lad

Vatican II and not allowing priests to be married
the highlight on the catholics has been an amazing job done by the (((media))) but really the same thing happens in all professions so it's not fair to single out the church in this

Don't forget. This is Sup Forums. This is freedom of speech.

As long I do not propogate violence, I am safe.

fuck predestination
sola sciptura is shit

lutherans can't calm down
they don't believe in God, just in bashing catholics.

>fuck predestination
Denying predestination is to deny the Christian God. If God is omniscient, omnipotent, and eternal, then God is capable of creating or destroying every atom in existence at every moment. The universe is therefor God's will. There's nothing wrong with that. Take comfort in the fact that you've been given so much agency to begin with. It's your nature that binds you, not some rule book.

The Vatican, not the catholics. They are our lost brethren.

Burn in hell Jozzzzev

Let me assist you with this:

Initially it would be important to say that Aquinas and the majority of cosmological arguments (besides ones such as the Kalam) generally do not deal with temporal causation (a "before the big bang") but rather a constant, sustaining causation within each moment in time. Aquinas, along with pretty much all the classical Christians understood God in a sense called Classical Theism, which would view God as a constant ground of being rather than an individual or anthropomorphic type of thing. This is the standard Apostolic Christian (Catholic/Orthodox/Coptic) view to this day. This is opposed to the view Theistic Personalism, which is God as a kind of individual and anthropomorphic to some degree. This is constantly popular between all laypeople for easy understanding and became popular between Protestant scholars since modernity. How God's attributes (omni-stuff) are understood differs between these two branches.

Next, here is a modern rewriting of Aquinas' classical argument in its full form. Since he makes use of classical language such as the potential/actual distinction I'll still use that.

part 1/3

1. Causation exists.( Empirical Premise)

2. Act and Potency are classic terms we can use to explain causation: When something is in Potency it has the capacity to become something else, but is not it yet. A fertilized egg has the potency to turn into a chick, an unfertilized egg does not. When a potency is realized, it is actual. To actualize a potency is to take a property that something had in potency and make it actually inhere in the thing. The same thing, in this case, for things within an instant. While they are simultaneous they are still essentially ordered.

3. When we find an instance of causation in the world we find some potency being actualized.

4. Something that is only in potency cannot actualize anything.

5. For some potency to be actualized something actual must actualize it.

6. If A is actualized by B, then B must first be actual.

7. Either something must have actualized B from being in potency to be in actuality. Or B is either necessarily actual, having never been in potency before. ( A v B)

8. If the left disjunct “A” is true then premise 7 applies to a new cause C.

9. If disjunct “B” is true there is a “first” uncaused cause that is pure actuality.

10. If disjunct “B” is never the case then there is an infinite series of actualizations. And we can apply 7 to C, then to a new cause D, and so forth. With every being having its actuality derived from another being.

11. If “10” is the case then there can be no actualization, as every being in the series has its actuality derived from another being, but there is no being with actuality on it's own to derive the actuality from.

12. If “10” is the case there is no causation

13. There is causation ( from premise 1)

14. Premise “10” is not the case.

15. If premise 10 is not the case, then at some point in the series “9” is the case.

16. There is a first cause, which is a being of pure actuality.

I can help you if needed
More answer to your question in the next post.

part 2/3

hertic scum

part 3/3

Now you'll notice that the argument ended with "pure actuality" rather than "God", which is what the argument does in its full form. Aquinas' Five Ways are to get five different results from classical arguments for God, examine attributes necessary of such traits, and then, afterwords, defend rationally that all five results must be the same thing to establish a more complete image of God from rational deduction.

You'll notice in this picture that they crudely explain the same points I made but will also go into the attributes assumed by the Pure Actuality result. Benevolence and not part of this explicitly but still much be the case by these results.

If God is a ground of all being and all things are maintained from God then God gives and maintains the good of all things which is benevolent in action and also constant, which reject ambivalence. As God is entirely simple by this argument and is considered perfect then God could not be acting out of need and need/want is at the heart of malevolence so there can be no malevolence.

This is written fairly crudely but I hope it helps.

I think it's reasonable to say that a god wouldn't create a universe he doesn't care about. That doesn't make sense. If that god were malevolent, too, then I think we'd be a hell of a lot more aware of it right now.

The intent was to show the variety and power in God's creation while appreciating the art of it all in the house of the creator of it all.

>mad to the point of irrational

You have no grasp of what you're speaking about.


What I have written, I have written. And I would recognise it as my own.

Hey Wolfsheim, what is the Roman Catholic Church's stance on lust and when it is and when it is not a sin?

it seems aquinas is like william of baskerville, a man of god enamoured with knowledge and reason, maybe because he was too eager. Someone should have told him this is not the way to understand.

>Behold! The ancient pupper!

Hello, catholic.

Do you really believe in popes sinlessness?


>understanding "you has no grasp of what you're speaking out" as "I don't know what you say"


>Lust is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes

Whole section is here

It is not Catholic doctrine to believe the pope is sinless.

If Muhammad had learned so much about Catholicism from Catholics himself how did he get the trinity so wrong in the Quran?

Good stuff.

tfw the nearest latin mass moved 30 miles away from where i live

fucking hicks and their meme town

obviously he wanted to start a new cult

No one has ever thought that was a thing.

There is no agency with calvinism

If God is omnipotent and omniscient then your role will be fulfilled without God's intervention. What more "agency" could you need? Don't try to spitefully diminish God's power just because you resent being His instrument.

Not going to watch all of that. I saw the initial parts where he claimed them to be Catholics. I still say, if you are a "Catholic" and cannot get the trinity right then you are no Catholic. It it Catholicism 101 and the "Catholics" around Muhammad did not know it they might as well have been pagans.

He succeeded.

>Live in a city with one Catholic Church
>no idea where the closest Latin Mass is to me
>priest doesn't either

>there is no agency in Calvinism
>God controls you entirely. What more agency do you need? Don't you like God?

>Lust is disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure. Sexual pleasure is morally disordered when sought for itself, isolated from its procreative and unitive purposes

Can you explain Disordered or Inordinate.

This is just plain false and shows a complete ignorance of the collaboration between man and God that God has established.

You need to distinguish what is God's express will, that which he says he will do, and God's permissive will, under which all manner of evil occurs.

Well the line you quote mentions what the terms mean for the moral lesson you're asking about but in terms of general definitions:

>Inordinate = Excessive
>disordered = dysfunctional

>Do you have a logical argument for why your creator God isn't indifferent, ambivalent, or malevolent?

He said as much on the cross when he died for our sins, that we might live.

That's not how God works. If you don't want to do the task God sets out for you, God will guide another to do it.

God, who can force anything, forces nothing.


That is not the same as God predestining me. In calvinism god predestines the fate of all and when one realizes this, one must also realize that this deity lies to its creatures, for he implanted within them the feeling of agency when they in fact have none

>thread about theist/anti-theist fighting explodes
>Catholic General is as quiet as ever
>invite religious discourse to come over like usual

Well this is disappointing.

Sorry If I'm not expressing myself correctly. But I meant to ask for an example that would border the line of inordinate and disordered. For example would me looking at a beautiful women at the mall border this? Would masturbating to a video? Would talking to multiple women?

Honestly, the link I gave you in provides you with much of your answer.

There are sections entirely focused on your interest. For grasping the situation, see 2332-2356 for sexuality generally.
The topic of marriage begins at 2360.

The link again:

But God doesn't directly control you. He doesn't need to. He created us to begin with and He is omniscient and omnipotent, too. You're alleging that God is flawed if you want to believe that you can escape His will.

Same with you. God is omniscient, omnipotent, and eternal. He is entirely capable of creating reality in such a way as it conforms to His intent naturally. Why would He not?

If God knew that you wouldn't do the task then why would He ask you to begin with? You're assuming a flawed God. He would only do something like that if He were intending to prove something about you to begin with.

Now you, on the other hand, are being irrational. If God is omnipotent, omniscient, immortal, and created our reality as we know it, then how could you NOT be predestined? That's just ridiculous. God does not waste His power, does he? Humanity was created for His glory. Your exact actions are down to your will and you can go to your grave cursing God's name. You have agency. It's just that your exact influence over God's reality has already been allotted. God has never lied. Calm down. Be content with being a stroke of paint on His canvas.

Wolfshiem, how do I build a base of discipline for my faith?

How do I make myself pure, humble and joyous?

I know there's a medical basis for depression, but I feel as though my faith could considerably assist me in lifting me from this pit I find myself in.

The Albigensian massacre will never be forgotten, shill.

One who has studied at least official history knows exactly how vile and evil judeo-"christian" (((churches))) are, especially the "catholic" one.

To say nothing of digging into the actual sources and religious texts.

It would be funny it hadn't been so sad how people keep wotrshipping decay, keep consuming filth, keep promoting suffering and yet think they are in any way different from (((them))) simply because they ignore a handful of OT commandments.

Thank you for Correcting the Christian Record. $0.02 has been deposited into your account.

Anyways, I might be moving out to a rural area soon, never really lived far from a church before. What do on Sundays?

the quran never explicitly states the components of the trinity, it just makes a reference to the people who say that god is 1/3 of 3

As I have no clear idea about the memespeak you used, you most likely have not a slighest idea what I am talking about.

Anyway, enjoy your eclectic cult, and keep your eyes wide shut so as not to commit "heresy".

Time to read the Quran again Achmed

Hi Catholics, protestant interested in Catholicism here.

So should I try FSSP, SSPX, SSPV, or Independent Traditionalist church?

What about Novus Ordo churches? Are there any that are "based" like traditionalist ones?

Also I am uncomfortable with the idea of praying to saints. I've heard that people pray to them to use their holiness to amplify the prayer when sent to God, but since God is all-knowing why does he need this?

Also I'd like a Catholic qt to start a nice, Christian family with one day. Are the girls in traditionalist and novus ordo catholic churches modest, true believers or do many tend to act like secularists because they only go for family reasons? And what're the women like there? Are they puritans where it's awkward dating them or are they kinda like more modest normal girls?

Devout Crypto-Cuckoldry: The General

Such also means that God is a liar. For he creates creatures with the feeling of agency but they have none. He made all creatures do things he dislike and sin. Yet he blames them for it.

Pedro throws a rock and the rock killed Padro. By your logic, it is perfectly righteous to blame the rock rather than Pedro.

It is also odd that a being of infinite power in possession can waste it when it is by definition, infinite. It is also ironic that by your belief, god made me do the very thing that in your eyes is blasphemous. Yet you cannot be consistent and claim me as responsible

give me verses or you have no argument

>But God doesn't directly control you. He doesn't need to.

I'm not speaking about escaping His will but, please, explain to me how this line of yours makes sense is predestination is assumed.
The book The Introduction to the Devout Life was very influential to me in developing discipline. Its steps are difficult but much of written on each one.

We all struggle with irrational desires. Our fight as Catholics is to tame them rationally without repressing them and while still giving dignity to all things. I found St. Therese of Liseux to have a good answer for the manner of entering a spiritual path towards growth. She was a young woman so her writing is pretty easy to pick up but don't let the simplicity fool you:

>“Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love.”

Living by this is difficult, but remember that saints are not perfect. What makes saints great is not their grace or perfection but their willingness to repent and continue to try.
That is the most basic examine of developing a base of discipline I can support for you. This does not mean that the task can be settled quickly or simply but it is a task you are always winning, given you are willing to fight.

To assist you further, it would be good to give you a description of actual devotion, seeing as so many clothe themselves in outward actions of devotion:

Devotion is, bluntly speaking, true love of God. It presupposes God's love of all things and through our love of God we are to love all of creation. Including ourselves. Because of this, devotion is better explained as the agility and vicacity by which charity works in us.
Now the largest thing that draws us away from discipline is ease of comfort and the escape of suffering. But we were not made for comfort, we were made for greatness. What suffering we cannot escape is for our growth as people.

Which is why hard deterministic Calvinism can be discarded as it violates the character of God.

God created the universe the exact way he did in order to give you a fair chance to either love him or reject him.

Yes, and claims that Mary is the third member while calling Christians "polytheists".

Why is that semen demon?

You will be held accountable for your own actions.

Is that not justice?

In your POV that is akin to the rock that Pedro threw at Padro as having a will of its own and accountable for its actions

nowhere in that verse is a reference to her being the third member

Oops, You weren't him. Ignore this

>this day and age

Normal parish with Latin Mass is the standard accepted type. People are mixed over some traditionalists.
A Catholic parish generally would be effective.

>Also I am uncomfortable with the idea of praying to saints. I've heard that people pray to them to use their holiness to amplify the prayer when sent to God, but since God is all-knowing why does he need this?

The proper understanding is prayer to saints is simply asking a saint to pray for you. We know their patronage because they dealt with it in life and so can build a good prayer from it and promote asking them for prayers because of their status as saints. It is called prayer mainly because of the belief that they are with God and so to pray to God we are "heard" by those with God. Prayer is not worship innate to a Catholic.

>Also I'd like a Catholic qt to start a nice, Christian family with one day. Are the girls in traditionalist and novus ordo catholic churches modest, true believers or do many tend to act like secularists because they only go for family reasons?

The general view on Sup Forums is that that gets better the more traditionalist it is.

If you want to get technical, the rock will also be judged and found wanting. God pours out his wrath upon the entire world, not just upon human beings.

I'm not guilty for you throwing a rock and killing someone even if I had the chance to take the rock away from you.

Personal responsibility's a bitch.

In reference to Sura 4:169[171] Wherry wrote:

Say not... three, "Namely, God, Jesus, Mary. For the Eastern writers mention a sect of Christians which held the Trinity to be composed of those three; but it is allowed that this heresy has been long since extinct (Elmacin, p. 227). The passage, however, is equally levelled against the Holy Trinity, according to the doctrine of the orthodox Christians, who, as Al Baidhawi acknowledges, believe the divine nature to consist of three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; by the Father, understanding God's essence; by the Son, his knowledge; and by the Holy Ghost, his life." - Sale.

Side note: Calling God a liar because you feel weird is not acceptable. Anyway...

You have a feeling of agency because you have agency. You have the agency to be a paragon or a scoundrel. You could go either to Heaven or to Hell. You still can't escape God's will. Whether you get a high score or a low score on a pinball machine, you're still abiding by the will of the machine's designer by playing the game in the first place. The designer doesn't care whether you personally succeed or fail, get it? God did not program your individual actions on this earth, but there is no way for you to defy His will. Unlike a pinball machine, you can't just break it open. He is not to blame for your evil, either. You have the agency to avoid sin and God has never forced a man to sin. Your sins, however, do not usurp God's design at all.

>pic related

The commentators Baidhawi, Jalaluddin, and Yahya agree in interpreting the three to mean "God, Jesus, and Mary," in the relation of Father, Mother, and Son. This misrepresentation of the Scripture doctrine again stamps the Qur'an as a fabrication, and furnishes the evidence of its being such on the ground of its own claims. The history of the Church, as well as the Bible, proves the statement of the text, as interpreted by authoritative commentators, to be false; for even granting that some obscure Christian sect did hold such a doctrine of the Trinity (of which statement we have yet to learn the truth), yet the spirit of Muhammad's inspiration represents it as the faith of the Christians generally. In almost every case where the Qur'an refers to the Christian faith, it is to inveigh against the idea that God has a son.

>If God is a ground of all being and all things are maintained from God then God gives and maintains the good of all things which is benevolent in action and also constant, which reject ambivalence. As God is entirely simple by this argument and is considered perfect then God could not be acting out of need and need/want is at the heart of malevolence so there can be no malevolence.
This is a classic example of Catholic casuistry in action. You spent two posts overcomplicating the basic argument about why a creator of the universe must exist, and then almost nothing addressing the more pertinent issue of how Catholics can justify their claim that their God is the same as this creator. At best you equivocate between different understandings of what is "good" and "benevolent". Yes, you can argue that because the creator gives existence to and maintains all things that this is what is meant by the creator being benevolent, but this is not what Catholics mean when they say God is benevolent. For example, violence, murder, rape, racism, tribalism, social inequality, death, disease, and infanticide are all essential aspects of natural Darwinian evolution, yet Catholics will argue that these things instead go against the "natural law" and are "not good".

>The designer doesn't care whether you personally succeed or fail, get it?

Simply not true in the case of God.

It is not God's will that any should perish.

Most perish.

Therefore it is not God's will being done on those who are lost, but their own sovereign agency.

What happened to Cathars was merely one of the many examples of what your cult is like. That is, wolves in sheeps' skins.

God and Creator are synonyms.