Is Finland cucked now?

Is Finland cucked now?

They don't even get enough for rent

Then why are they even giving them money?

Yes, what do you think will happen next year?
>Leftist politician: They don't get enough money
>Ok ok, raise 10%
t. Government
Continue until 100% communism.

I have no idea. It's stupid I know.

let's hope not.

the benefits of basic income is are supposed to be less bureaucracy(having all those people handling unemploymentbux applications etc can be fired), social security for small business owners (you currently cant get any welfare money if you have a business, even if your not making any profit) and to make it logical to accept a 1200e/month wagecuck job (currently the neetbux are like 800e/month and you lose them if you go to work, who the fuck works 40hours a week to get to have just 400e more compared to doing nothing)

Of it's not "universal" isnt it just welfare?

>who the fuck works 40hours a week to get to have just 400e more compared to doing nothing)

This is what it boils down to for me. I get rent paid + 485 € free spending money every month. That means that the government gives me 1100€ every month for merely keeping myself alive. I always end up with ~100-200€ surplus after every month.

I simply don't need more money, although it would be nice of course to be richer. Making full time work more attractive than being on welfare would require at least 2,5k-3k salary after taxes.

This needs some context.

Current system
>You get around 800 to 1200 a month guaranteed from welfare.
>But if you work, you lose your welfare in straight proportion (or at least very close to) to your salary, so doing work = lose money and lose time.

The Universal Basic Income trial
>You get 1200 a month, simple as that
>If you work, all the money is extra, so you are actually incentivized to work, even for low salary.

The current model about welfare has the downside that accepting a job with less than 30k - 40k a year (depending on whenever you live in Helsinki area or not) means that you are wasting your time in order to gain less money.


Where does the money come from?

The same place it always comes.

Out of fucking thin air.

There are two easy ways out of this "welfare trap" which incentivizes working.

Universal Basic Income, or dropping the whole welfare system. Since "Finnish are proud of their welfare system" -meme dictates that you can't destroy the horrible welfare system, you have to make it universal.

My prediction is, that when (and it is _when_ not if) the welfare becomes universal, the living costs are going to increase in proportion. Nothing changes for baseline Finns, but Finland becomes thousand times more interesting for welfare leeches aka refugees and other mince meat materials.

>Just print more money!

And the problem with UBI is that nobody, in any country, anywhere, at any time since the 1800s when it was first proposed in the USA of all places (for the pricey sum of $15 a month) has ever produce the maths to back it up.

The six or so studies have all focused on the unemployed, and shocker, the poorest of the poor flourish and better themselves with a financial safety net, with the unexpected side effect of forcing the divorce rate to skyrocket to 75% in the Canadian and US study.

Nobody has ever tested this on the middle class, to see what effect it has on people earning the median wage for instance (will they keep working? is the big question) .

Nobody has even examine what effect UBI will have on inflation and/or wages for that matter. If UBI is not combined with a universal cut in wages hyperinflation is inevitable and only landlords ultimately profit. So minimum wage jobs will probably pay only £3000 tops on a UBI of £12k, for instance. Where, then, will the tax money for UBI come from?

We all need to see the maths, and absolutely nobody is forthcoming with it. Or forthcoming with how a nation will restrict UBI to only citizens, for that matter.

It smacks of eithe fantasy economics or Communism by the back door when examined with a calculator.

Curious use of the term "citizens." Is this the new word for economic migrants after "refugees" got sullied?

I fear UBI is just yet another globalist experiment, much like Swedish multiculturalism and a feminist cult leading South Korea.

I've a friend in Finland who's ever worked a day in her life and gets a check every month. No, she's no disabled. Wtf?
I hear healthcare sucks tho cause every time she goes to the doctor they say she's very ill, send her to a hospital who says nothing's wrong and sends her home . Wtf?

thats what european central bank is doing right now. they just create more money and give almost zero interest loans to companies and countries to "stimulate the economy".

you cant even get a whole US dollar with one euro soon. its being diluted to nothing

I've been very interested in UBI since it reared its head again about a decade ago in the UK.

I have hit my head against the desk trying to make it work without inducing hyperinflation, or encouraging hoarding. Hell, if someone was going to credit my bank account with £12k a year for doing nothing, I'd pitch a tent out in the wilderness and learn to eat squirrels and fish for trout for a decade, then return to civilization a rich man.

I came to the conclusion that a limited form of UBI could work as a form of Store Credit, sort of like EBT cards in the States, but with the caveat that the amount on the card would reset at midnight to the full amount irrespective of how much credit you'd spent on it during the day. So, no hoarding your food and basic goods UBI.

This still wouldn't address rent/mortgage inflation (and god only knows we don't need more of that over here). Or even hint at the effect on wages or employment in general.

And yes, it would in effect enslave the nation to their government, the wet dream of Globalists waiting in the wings to rule over nations via socialism.

I hope I'm wrong, and that there is a genius who has made it all work out mathematically. I doubt it though, or they'd be proudly displaying the maths for all to see as a persuasive argument.

I think the modern intrest stems in varying degrees from the concerns about automation and the growing welfare classes of western nations. You could also argue that it is a roundabout way for governments to deal with the aging population and unfunded liabilites.